Chapter 202 Shrimp and pig heart?

Of course, it is impossible for Lu Yuanzhi to tell the old gangster that you should take care of yourself and don't be fooled by the Wizards' major shareholders.

If something hasn't happened yet, you can tell me something.

However, when Lu Yuanzhi saw Jordan, he felt a little more thoughtful.

After Boss Joe failed in Washington, he made a comeback in Charlotte. Counting the time, it has only been a few years.

Although the league has many restrictions on the new Bobcats and only wants them to use the draft to strengthen, but if you think about it carefully, you may not be unable to go to Charlotte.

"Michael, you know, I still have a one-year contract with the Kings. I personally am very willing to come to Washington. If you can get the Kings management, I will come."

Jordan nodded. This was something he knew before. He had already found someone to contact the Kings, but the Kings didn't want to let him go. They just wanted to maintain the lineup and win another championship.

"I really like the way you get to the basket and score. It's very superstar-like."

"But you have to change your bad habit of shooting outside the three-point line."

"No one can become a superstar with three-pointers!"

"Not even Larry!"

Jordan was referring to Larry Bird.

"Don't be deceived by the impression flow! Larry loves to play B outside the three-point line, but in his career, he averaged less than 2 shots per game in the regular season and only 1 and a half shots per game in the playoffs."

"He only has a [-]-point shooting percentage in the [-]s."

"So, whether you can come to the Wizards or not, I'll give you a piece of advice: reduce your damn three-point shots so that you can become a superstar."

It's coming, it's coming, the old gangster's stubbornness is probably like a middle-aged man's understanding of technological development.

Any technology that existed when I was born was part of the original order of the sparse and ordinary world.

Any technology born between the ages of 15 and 35 is a revolutionary product that will change the world.

Any technology born after I am 35 years old will violate the laws of nature and will be punished by God.

The old gangster has the right to be stubborn, because his experience has allowed him to achieve success again and again.

But the stubbornness of the old gangster was not what Lu Yuanzhi wanted to see.

This is a disease, it must be cured!

First try to see if you can PUA the old gangster. If you can, then there will really be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

"Michael, the world is changing and basketball is developing. Many of your views are outdated? Many of the 'truths' you are convinced of have gradually fallen behind the times."

What do you mean?
Didn’t I just choose a parallel import number one pick?

Why can't we keep up with the times?
What are you, a rookie, saying here?
Seeing that the old gangster's expression turned obviously bad, Lu Yuanzhi didn't want to continue arguing with him about basketball concepts. He pointed to the poker room next to him and said, "Michael, poker, like basketball, is also progressing and changing. How about we work together?" Go play cards and let me prove it to you?"

Jordan was about to laugh out loud. He had been playing "American Landlords" since he was a child, and it hasn't changed much in the past few decades. You, a little kid, are talking nonsense.

He was just about to go to the card table to teach this rookie a lesson when he suddenly thought of something and asked, "This is a 1K/2K level game. Are you sure you have the financial resources to participate?"

Lu Yuanzhi really wanted to laugh after hearing this. He finally knew what level the old gangster who claimed to be able to lose hundreds of thousands or millions in one night was really at.

A 1K/2K level card game is of course nosebleed-level, but 100 BB, commonly known as 1 buy-in, is only 20. According to the report, the old gangster who lost more than 100 or 200 in one night had to lose several times. Even close to a dozen buy-ins?

It's really delicious and fun!
"No problem Michael, my commercial endorsement income is more than ten times my salary, and I will leave if I lose 5 buy-ins."

The old gangster looked up at Lu Yuanzhi in surprise. He did not expect that this boy had such great commercial value, nor did he expect that this boy seemed to really know how to play cards.

The big sharks at the poker table know that a new NBA player has been added, and of course they are very welcome.

Although every time Jordan comes, the table where he sits has to queue up, and professional poker players rush to catch Jordan, the "fat fish". But after hearing that Lu Yuanzhi is also an NBA player, no one minded letting him jump in the queue.

Is there anything better than a big fat fish on the field?
Of course there are two big fat fish!
Three hours later, the old gangster and Lu Yuanzhi returned to the lounge.

"I don't understand why you keep playing blindly, but in the end you win money!"

"Is your luck really that good?" "Also, what happened to your last trick?"

"Why do you dare call my river full bet with the smallest pair?"

"Do you know anything about poker?"

The old gangster lost 4 buy-ins worth 80 US dollars in three hours. This was certainly nothing to the wealthy Jordan, but as a competitive person, he couldn't accept the fact that he lost again.

Especially Lu Yuanzhi, who was on the opposite side, actually won 5 buy-ins, worth 100 million US dollars!
In the last hand, he won a super big pot of 300BB from his own hand, using the smallest pair.

Lu Yuanzhi shrugged, "Michael, I told you that times have changed and technology is also advancing!"

"Your trump card seems to be transparent in my eyes."

"More importantly, the math tells me to call your bluff on the river."

"Mathematics?" Jordan's mind was full of questions. "We were discussing cards. What math did you tell me?"

"No, that's math!"

"Let me ask you, there was 100BB in the pot, and you bet 100BB. If I want to follow 100BB, I only need a 33% winning rate."

"Two bluffs, one value combination, and I won't lose!"

"That card, we have already hit 4BET before the flop. In your 4BET range, there are only aa, kk, qq, jj, ak, aq, aj, kq and a small amount of tt, right?"

Jordan raised his head in surprise. This young man had only been playing cards with him for three hours. Did he discover all these things?

Lu Yuanzhi continued, "Did you know? Aa has 6 combinations, and the same goes for kk, qq, and jj. Then you have 24 combinations that are bigger than me."

"But do you know how many combinations there are for ak, aq, aj, and kq? Each has 16 combinations, and there are 64 combinations in total."

"I've seen you fire aj three times as a bluff before, so I know you have the ability to turn it into a bluff."

"So, the flop was 479, the turn was 6, the river was 4, and I didn't buy any tricks. Is there any difference between a 9 in my hand and a 22 in my hand?"

"I win all your two-high-card MISS, and lose all your over-pairs."

“If you bluff with half the two-high card MISS bet, that’s 32 combinations and your value combinations are only 24.”

"So, mathematically speaking, no matter what you have in your hand, every time I call you, I will beat you in the long run!"

Jordan was stunned. What kind of thinking is this?

He had been playing cards for decades, and it was the first time he heard someone explain the problems encountered with river cards from a mathematical perspective.

No need to guess, no need to think, just do the right thing!

"But what if I don't bluff at all?" Jordan wanted to ask this question, but the next moment he realized that if he could make adjustments, the other party would also adjust.

He still remembered what Lu Yuanzhi said, "I have observed you and you can bluff by firing three shots in a row."

Yes, it’s still that damn math!
As long as Lu Yuanzhi adjusts his calling frequency according to his bluffing frequency, he will never lose!

"So, Michael, the same goes for basketball. After so many years of development, new technologies and concepts will emerge, and they will change the entire basketball landscape!"

The old gangster didn't expect that Lu Yuanzhi would turn back to basketball.

Has the basketball you are familiar with changed?

Is Lu Yuanzhi’s way of playing, averaging 5 or 6 three-pointers per game, correct?

Shrimp and pork heart?

 Do you think I started to seek death in this chapter?

  Do not!
  The next chapter is the real seeking death!

  I don’t know if that period of history can be written, but I’ll give it a try.

(End of this chapter)

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