Chapter 209 Clark, transform into Superman!
Lu Yuanzhi waited for the final whistle to sink into the system to see if he could get any rewards for winning the preseason game.


The requirements of this system are really strict, and you can't get anything in the preseason.

However, Lu Yuanzhi had already had psychological expectations, so it was hard to say how disappointed he was at this time.

The opponent scheduled for the second preseason game is the Rockets.

Lu Yuanzhi VS Dayao.

The alliance can be said to have taken great pains!

But it was useless. Dayao had just finished playing in the Busan Asian Games and had not yet reported to Houston.

In the Busan Asian Games, the Chinese team "lost" by 2 points.

After Lu Yuanzhi watched the video for a while, his blood pressure soared!
As expected, we cannot have too high expectations for the Asian Games, which is being held in a country like this.

If last year's G6 game between the Kings and the Lakers made the world know that the NBA has no bottom line, then this year's Busan Asian Games men's basketball finals made everyone review how shameless it is to steal from the Chinese.

Throughout the game, the Chinese team was strong enough to crush its opponents, but the Chinese team just relied on the help of the referee. They acted rudely on the defensive end without being called a foul, and they were treated with body hair whistles on the offensive end. They just beat the Chinese team by 2 points in the end.

People from the country said, isn’t it the Asian Games?
I dared to do those dirty things in last year's World Cup with the whole world watching, let alone an event in Asia!

Many people are saying that stealing Chinese people is aimed at the Chinese team and that Chinese basketball does not have enough influence in the Asian basketball world.


It’s not like 20 years from now.

Before that, the Chinese men's basketball team will always be something that other Asian teams look up to, okay?

Moreover, the Spanish and Italian teams were also cheated by Chinese people in the World Cup. Tell me, in football, is the Spanish team less influential, or is it the Italian team that has no one in FIFA?

The people who steal the country have such virtues, are extremely inferior and extremely arrogant. If they don't engage in these shady things, how can they satisfy the abnormal national sentiment in their country?
The impact of the Busan Asian Games is not just a loss in a basketball game, but also means fundamental adjustments to basketball, football and other major sports at the national level.

After the Busan Asian Games, the higher authorities decided to completely commercialize basketball and football.

That's a nice way of saying it.

A bad way to put it is that if the higher-ups feel that football and basketball are not improving despite so much investment, then it is better to invest the limited investment in other niche projects that can compete for gold.

From our perspective more than 20 years later, is it necessary to be so utilitarian?

In that era, it was necessary!

In the past 20 years, our national strength has continued to develop, and even in the Olympic Games, we were reluctant to win gold medals. Many people felt that it doesn't matter if we don't win. The Olympic spirit is all about participation and showing style in the competition.

But at that time, people generally didn't have that strong self-confidence. Readers and readers were all thinking about the oilcloth bags in the German sewers, the craftsmanship of the small days, and the American air was sweet.

What a mess!
Winning gold medals at the Olympic Games is of great significance to improving national self-confidence.

But the complete commercialization of basketball and football also means that there is no longer a national-level training mechanism for young players.

To put it more clearly, you losers, no matter how much money I invest in you, you will not be able to achieve results, so I will not invest anymore, you can go and have fun on your own!
The biggest impact of this policy on Chinese basketball is that China’s youth basketball training system has completely collapsed and entered complete chaos.

Why can Zhou Qi go to play in the Australian League after having a conflict with the XJ team?

Do you think the way they deal with it is completely different from that of Dazhi and others?
Is it because times have progressed and policies have been relaxed?

Do not!
It's because he doesn't enjoy the country's preferential treatment for physical training. Naturally, the official level will not restrict the players' choices.

The Basketball Association is acting as a mediator at this time, which is completely different from its original role. Naturally, it will not sanction Zhou Qi and will still call him into the national team.

However, after losing this training mechanism, there was a big problem in the training of players.We have produced more talented players, but most of them have been "wasted".

There is even a "height only theory" in youth training in many places. If a player does not reach a certain height standard by a certain age, he or she will be directly eliminated with a single vote.

If Liu Yudong were in this era, he would probably be dismissed from playing power forward because of his height of 198 centimeters.

If your height is not enough, even if you are the "God of War", you still have to get off me?
Lu Yuanzhi did not appear in this preseason game between the Kings and Rockets.

Adelman knew that Lu Yuanzhi was in hot form and was the best player on the team to maintain his condition, so he gave playing time to other players so that they could find their form as soon as possible and wake up their bodies that had been sleeping during the offseason.

It's just that Adelman still hasn't found a way to use Clark.

Clark seems to be separated from the entire Kings team, and he cannot integrate into the team's offensive system.

This is not a question of a player's ability, but his style of play, which does not suit the team at all.

The 98th overall pick in the first round of 13 just finished his rookie contract last season. He averaged 11.3 points, 7.4 rebounds, and 1.5 blocks per game this season. His finishing success rate at the basket was 62.1%, and his shooting percentage from mid- to long-range was 41.6%. Can send out 1.1 assists.

The Kings snatched it from the Raptors and signed a two-year contract worth 2 million, and they had to pay 955 million in the first year.

Last year's salary cap was 4250 million, so a standard mid-level contract this year is 340 million.

If you sign a player who proves to be useless at a price above the mid-level, the Kings will suffer a big loss!

Billups only has 455 million this year!
We can't let Clark rot in our hands.

Adelman has seen that Clark may have a certain role in other teams, but in this Kings team, he has no place at all.

The Kings play the Princeton system and also play pick-and-rolls, but what can Clark do on the court?

As a big man, you can make a few shots, but if you can't pass the ball, can't attack hard, or can't even guard an opponent with a size advantage, then you are useless in the entire system.

In an instant, Adelman made up his mind - let Clark start, create opportunities for Clark, and let Clark shoot more and score more!
Author, are you out of your mind and writing backwards?

of course not!

Those who enjoy Clark's treatment are either the team boss or the players the team is eager to trade away.

Only by improving the player data can you sell it at a good price in the trading market.

Especially those team management who watch the game on EXCEL, they don't care what the players played on the court, they only look at the form they got, oh, 20 points and 10 rebounds, only played in the league for 4 years, a new generation of superstars ah!

Such a player only costs 455 million a year?
Change, you can change!

Whoever you want, we agree to it!
Adelman wants to turn Clark into a superstar and then exchange for the players he wants before the trade deadline.

As for whether the Kings can help Clark, who is of average strength, generate statistics?

Of course!
The Kings are the most powerful team in the league, and anyone on the team can attract a lot of attention and clear obstacles for Clark's offense.

At the same time, the Kings are also one of the fastest teams in the league, with an average of over [-] possessions per game, which means that Clark can be given more shooting opportunities.

And those teams that play slowly have less than 90 offensive possessions in a game!
What's even better is that the Kings are currently thin and can give Clark a lot of playing time.

The time is right, the place is right, and the Kings have it all!
Clark, become Superman!
 Clark must have made a loss and must be sent away.

  Are you worried that Lakers f4 is too strong?

  It's okay, I can also help the Kings!

(End of this chapter)

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