My light shines on Arsenal

Chapter 213 On The Road

Chapter 213 On The Road

November 2013, London.

Charlotte sat in Chen Yao's office. In the past ten months, she had not stepped into this room many times.

As the staff moved the camera equipment out of the room, elsewhere in the Kearney base, Charlotte and her crew were preparing to evacuate.

"Let's call the documentary "On the Road"." The Arsenal coach sat in the office chair that was getting older and suggested to Charlotte with a smile.

"Jack Kerouac. Did you like that book, Mr. Coach?"

"I never understood this book. It is a special work born in a special period. The United States in the 70s and [-]s was absurd, empty, and crazy..."

"That was the 'Beat Generation.'"

"That's right, the Beat Generation. But gradually I began to understand something: sometimes, you need to rebel, you need to be liberated, you need to be deviant and bold."

"You seem to be a disciplined person." Charlotte wrote down the topic. "Your resume is that of a standard academic coach. You have stepped into the Arsenal first team coaching staff step by step. The story after that is It’s crazy.”

"I like this job." Chen Yao patted the chair he was sitting on. "The fact that I can sit here is a challenge to tradition. Few people can imagine that such a young and inexperienced coach will sit in Assen. In Coach Na’s office.”

"We have been challenging. Challenging the disapproval of the outside world, challenging the distrust, challenging one opponent after another, then challenging our own limits, challenging inner demons, until finally, challenging the crown."

"Order, rules, chaos, madness, they seem to be contradictory. But in football, they are harmonious."

"We need tactical order, we need to follow the rules, we need to carefully design every passing route, and pay attention to every movement. We are very demanding about the time when the ball and people are in place."

"We cannot turn football into a formulaic game. Players' aura, talent and imagination will always be the bright pearls of this sport. It requires geniuses to transcend the rules and crazy tactical experimenters to challenge the conventional rules. reason."

"Jack Kerouac would be surprised by this, Mr. Coach. When he was wandering in the wilderness of North America, he had no idea that his book could explain football." Charlotte laughed.

"If Jack were still alive, maybe he would have fallen in love with football."

"I think so. Jack will be sleeping in the bar on finals night."

"We have come a long way. Charlotte, we all live in chains, but we think we are free."

"One day, when you open your eyes, your mind will be filled with daily necessities, the balance in your account, your aging parents, and your declining physical functions... But leave a way for yourself and leave a thought. I want to keep something I love."

"We can't be as free and easy as Dean Moriarty. But in some moments, we can forget ourselves for the things we love. That's what I want to bring to the Arsenal fans, when they serve it in the pub on the weekend Grab a beer and our goal will make the fans forget everything for a short time and be filled with joy."

"You've convinced me, Mr. Coach." Charlotte smiled brightly, "Then let's call it 'On the Road'."


Arsene Wenger returns to Arsenal.

He accepted the position of Honorary President.

However, the French coach firmly stated that he will not interfere in the team's operations at all, nor will he make any comments on the team's performance.

"The only thing I can contribute to Arsenal is my reputation, experience and love." Wenger said.

Arsenal are delighted with Wenger's return.

After all, Wenger has left too deep a mark on Arsenal over the past 16 years.

From the rising Emirates Stadium, to the modern Colney base, to the spirit, temperament and work ethics of this team, they are all marked by Arsene Wenger.

His return in this form not only shows the club's feedback and support for the meritorious coach, but also unites the hearts of club members and fans, improving the support received by the Kroenke family.

Arsenal's shareholders basically approved this resolution, and after winning the Europa League, this idea no longer had any objections among the fan base.

The fans were happy because of the championship, and the coach who led Arsenal to the championship can be said to be part of Wenger's legacy, which made the few doubts about Wenger disappear.

"Congratulations, Mr. Kroenke." In Josh Kroenke's office, Tim Lewis placed the newspaper on Josh's desk. "Excellent work. Everyone is happy."

"Why don't you praise yourself, Tim." Josh looked at his subordinates playfully. "Everyone thinks, 'Oh, the Yankees of the Kroenke family know how to be grateful.' But I know, yours The idea is not that simple.”

"To put it simply, we need to complete the privatization of Arsenal. It is impossible for us to obtain Usmanov's shares. We can only acquire the shares of other small shareholders to achieve more than 50% control, and then force Usmanov to Knopf is selling his shares," Tim Lewis said.

"So we need to..."

"We need a bridge, we need a matchmaker, we need a middleman that is acceptable to all parties." Tim Lewis twitched his lips, "Who else is more suitable than Arsene Wenger?"

"He told me that he would not interfere in any affairs of the team. This is the condition." Josh spread his hands. "I promised him. I said, just think of this as Arsenal's thanks for your years of dedication."

"Your commitment is worth thousands of dollars. But Wenger is a man with extremely high moral principles, and he will not be complacent to your generosity. What's more, it was Wenger who supported our acquisition and resisted Usmanov's takeover. Intentions." Tim Lewis said, "I know this man, he loves Arsenal, he loves Arsenal deeply. When the situation forces him to make a choice, he will choose the option that is best for this team in his mind. .”

"You are plotting against Wenger, Tim." Josh sighed, "How should I evaluate you, my friend? In your heart, what matters more is your loyalty to your profession and your loyalty to the Kroenke family. Friendship or love for Arsenal?"

"I can't answer that, Mr. Kroenke. But like Wenger, I will also make the option that is best for this team in my mind." Tim Lewis smiled, "Because this team This team belongs to you, Josh."

"Does it really belong to me..." Josh Kroenke picked up the newspaper with a complicated expression. The headline on the sports page was the news of Wenger's return.

"Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains."


"Arsenal is our club, the people's club, and this championship is our shared honor."

Arthur Aswash, speaking in front of Robbie Leal, said: “It’s time for all of us to raise a glass to our clubs, celebrate the success of the season, and return to the Emirates Stadium in two months’ time to continue to celebrate. The boys shouted.”

"As expected of a teacher, Mr. Aswash." The fat black host narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Wonderful comment."

Donna covered her mouth and smiled. Moore, who had had a quarrel with Arthur, hid among the fans with his mouth open and remained silent.

In a rare move, Robbie Leal's AFTV stopped hyping up the contradictions.

Arsenal's last game of the season came to an end, as they defeated a hopeless Newcastle 2012-13 at the Emirates Stadium, ending the [-]-[-] Premier League campaign.

This season's Premier League came to a dramatic end. Manchester United collapsed after losing to Arsenal. Even Ferguson was unable to inspire the last few points of strength from this aging team.

Manchester City came from behind to win two consecutive championships, but media from all walks of life did not believe that this was the birth of a new dynasty.

"The two teams in Manchester seemed to be competing for another season, and the winner was decided in a dramatic way, but they are showing their fatigue and lack of energy. What we should pay more attention to is the new force in the Premier League. Next time This season, we are looking forward to what kind of new impact Arsenal, the new Europa League champions, will bring to the old structure."

"Independent" reporter Lu Ling wrote this in the season summary.

On the eve of the arrival of the new media era, Lu Ling and Robbie Lyle were the first two personal media outlets to suddenly emerge. The former relied on the reporter’s professional writing and his knowledge of Arsenal news to gain popularity, while the latter relied on reporters full of gimmicks. With down-to-earth content, he has become an internet celebrity among fans.

Robbie Lyle also often wonders what kind of person Lu Ling is, and how this female reporter suddenly became an Arsenal reporter certified by the Internet.

But he has no intention of paying attention at the moment. After a season, he has to take a rest. …

Lu Ling and her father were sitting in the apartment manager's small room, and the video of the match between Arsenal and Inter Milan was still playing on the TV.

Lu Changsheng picked up a can of beer and opened it. Bubbles came out of the can's mouth.

The apartment manager quickly put his mouth over and drank a few sips of beer.

"Can't you change this habit?" Lu Ling glanced at her father, "You know it's a bad habit. Otherwise..."

Lu Changsheng's face showed some shame. He threw the can aside and smiled sheepishly.

"Otherwise she wouldn't have left." Lu Ling muttered the next few words quickly and threw the half-can of beer into the trash can. "I'm leaving. Take care of yourself."

"Oh, Xiaoling." Lu Changsheng's voice was a little hoarse and weak, as if it took courage for him to speak. "I heard that you are very popular now, and I am happy for you."

Lu Ling looked at the old man with a stooped body and smelled of alcohol, "You can't go on like this, Lao Lu."

"I will change it."

"I've heard that too many times."

The volume of the TV suddenly turned louder. It was Arsenal's attack in the 70th minute of the game, a gorgeous and wonderful passing attack, and the ball was passed into the goal.

"Is there anything that can heal you?" Lu Ling looked at the TV screen thoughtfully.


Juan Lillo said goodbye to his colleagues and pushed open the door of the head coach's office with his bag on his back.

"Chen, you haven't left yet." Lillo dropped his bag, "Dennis, you are here too."

Bergkamp admired the large photo of the unbeaten team on the wall, "I still recall my heroic appearance in my dreams occasionally."

"Are you ready to go on vacation, Juan?" Chen Yao looked at his partner. A season had passed, and the Spanish old man had gone from being a strange assistant to becoming a close and familiar comrade.

"Yes." Lillo's speaking style is still as concise and concise as before. His expression is not rich, and he always has a straight face on the training ground. Sometimes Arsenal is leading by a big score in the game, but he still looks at it. Frowning.

Probably because he has been hanging out with Spain's underdogs for too long, Lillo thought. When he takes the lead, he always thinks it is a gift from the goddess of luck, so a lead of one or two goals makes him feel insecure.

"Frankly speaking, I didn't expect to achieve such results this season." Lillo lamented, "You are the youngest coach with zero experience in the top leagues in Europe. I am a guy who has never proven his strength. .And him..."

"Don't look at me, Juan." Bergkamp turned and passed. "I have already left my name in the history of world football."

"...This narcissistic guy. But Dennis, your skills are indeed very good. From a coach's perspective, I also like you very much."

"Oh, come on, Juan, we're colleagues now."

Juan Lillo turned back to Chen Yao, "I was wondering how long it would take for me to lose my job at first. One month? Three months? Half a year? I can't even believe that we can finish the whole season."

He laughed at himself: "You know what? Last year, I would anxiously wonder who my next employer would be. Occasionally, I would also wonder, if you were fired, could I be the acting coach..."

"Looks a little disappointed, Juan."

"I still want to be the head coach of a team. I understand Andrea Stramaccioni, I heard that Moratti offered him other jobs, but he is determined to be the head coach. We are a team Humanoid, you are too, but unlike us, in addition to your love for this job, you have even more amazing talents."

Lillo frowned, "I don't know why, the players you have pointed out always meet your tactical needs, and they improve rapidly, faster than any genius I have ever seen. You haven't seen it wrong, Vardy, Gerard Rizmann, Cazorla... they are all great players. And Kevin - he doesn't have many playing opportunities, but I have a feeling that he will shine next season."

"So, Juan, what are your thoughts?" Chen Yao said seriously, "I understand your wish. If you have the opportunity to be the head coach, I will not stop you."

"No." The little old Spanish man shook his head, "I will not give up my ideals, but... I must admit that I enjoy my time here and working with you. I can put my ideas into practice, and then Watch it show its value in a matchup between big teams."

"And your ideas complete my ideas, and together we may be able to create a new era of football."

"What a high praise, Juan." Bergkamp pretended to look sad. "It seems you won't be able to leave next season."

"That's right, Dennis." Juan Lillo rolled his eyes at Ice Prince, "We will still be colleagues next season."

Lillo picked up his bag and left.

"He might go back to some beach on the Mediterranean to bask in the sun." Bergkamp said, "I guess."

"how about you?"

"I'm going back to the Netherlands for a while." Bergkamp scratched his head. "It really gives me a headache. I have to sit in the car for a long time."

"Thank you for your efforts, Dennis, and I'll see you in July."

"Thank you too, Chen. I have no regrets about coming here." Bergkamp smiled. "I also want to say that although I am responsible for the individual training of the players, really, the players you have coached are all The progress is rapid. It's a miracle."

"Next season, we continue to move forward. We will never stop until we reach our destination."


The Kearney base was empty and quiet again.

Chen Yao looked up and saw that the sky in Islington was blue. It was a good weather.

A few birds flew across the sky, and the breeze blew, making the blue sky ripples.

Chen Yao was a little dizzy.

He looked to the sky countless times and summoned that strange system... but that system had not appeared for a while.

Is it because of the system that I have come this far?Does it still exist?


Chen Yao calmed down. The distant system ringtone seemed to come from deep in the sky. He couldn't tell the direction or whether it was an auditory hallucination.

"Stop looking around."

Chen Yao heard a familiar voice. He followed the sound and saw a person walking under the shade of a tree.

That is himself.

(End of this volume)

(End of this chapter)

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