I'm really not a 3D player

Chapter 102 Nash’s Guidance

Chapter 102 Nash’s Guidance

"He reached his peak when he debuted! Sun Yi scored a triple-double in his debut, rivaling the ancient beasts!"

"The Davidson twin stars shine in the NBA! They made a perfect debut!"

"Surprise! The post-match press conference turned into a sneaker conference!"


In the early morning of the next day, Sun Yi had breakfast and read the news in newspapers and magazines.

"Hey! What are these media reporters writing? There is nothing new at all. You should enroll in a UC shock class and study hard."

After Sun Yi finished complaining, he continued to eat breakfast.

If he saw the domestic news reports, he would definitely not think anything of it.

News reports here at home are even more exaggerated.

"The first show is a triple-double, and Sun Yi has become the second person in history!"

"No. 1 in the country! Sun Yi will succeed Dayao and become the leader of the new generation of Chinese men's basketball team!"

"Shocked! What kind of magical power does this sneaker have to make Sun Yi do such a crazy thing in public!"


Sun Yi has only played one game, and the domestic media has touted him as the No. 1 player in the country.

If he wins a championship, wouldn't he directly surpass Michael Jordan and become No. 1 in history? !

Therefore, these media reporters have no bottom line for the popularity of traffic.

Sun Yi knew nothing about what happened outside.

After finishing breakfast, he replied to several congratulatory text messages, and then received a call from Sun's mother.

On the phone, Sun's mother praised Sun Yi's sexy behavior at the press conference.

Not only did Venus Sports explode rapidly in China, but it also gained a certain reputation abroad, laying the foundation for seizing overseas markets in the future.

Through chatting with Sun’s mother, Sun Yi learned that Daystar Sports will hold a sneaker launch conference in mid-November and officially enter the sneaker industry.

These are not things he should care about, and his mother will manage them all.

Sun Yi only needs to do one thing, and that is to play well in the NBA.

As long as his fame grows, the sneakers under his feet will also become more and more famous.

Just like Jordan, you can make a small sneaker brand big.

With systematic assistance, Sun Yi is confident that he will become a superstar in the NBA, turn his sneaker company into a Chinese business card, and become a global trend.

After talking on the phone with Sun Ma, Sun Yi cleaned up, then went out to meet Curry, and drove to the training hall.

"Sun, congratulations on your triple-double in your debut. Your performance is simply outstanding."

"Thank you."

When they arrived at the training hall, trainer Procopio congratulated Sun Yi and then arranged today's training plan.

"Training before away games will be less intense."

Sun Yi nodded, not surprised, he had already seen such an arrangement in the training plan.

Immediately, Sun Yi came to the court to practice shooting for an hour, followed by strength training for half an hour, and finally other training.

After completing training, Sun Yi and Curry went to Oracle Arena to join the team.

In the afternoon, all members of the Warriors team took a plane to Phoenix.

Just as the entire Warriors team flew to Phoenix, something big happened again in the league.

The protagonist this time is the Phoenix Suns.

The Suns officially announced that they have bought out Stephen Cole with one year left on his contract and kicked him out.

At the same time, the Warriors announced that they will hire Steve Kerr as an assistant coach in player development.

But with that said, Cole was just out of a job and then seamlessly got a job.

Such a major change in the Suns' management seems to have happened very suddenly, but in fact, there were clues before.

Prior to this, Cole traded All-Star center Shaquille O'Neal for Ben Wallace, but he failed to get the desired effect. In order to save money, he had to cut the big Ben.

This deal can be said to have lost money to grandma's family, basically announcing that Cole's days with the Suns are over.

Moreover, in the previous draft, due to Cole's mistake, he failed to obtain a higher draft pick, so he missed Sun Yi.

Cole has to take the blame for this.

The Suns' owner was just waiting for an opportunity to find a good reason to let Kerr go.

When Sun Yi scored a triple-double in his first show, it became the fuse of this incident.

In the end, Steve Kerr was fired by the Suns but found a job in Oakland.

As the saying goes, if you lose your horse, you will never know it is a blessing.


After the Warriors' plane landed at Phoenix Airport, Sun Yi and his team took a bus to their hotel.

After putting away their luggage, Sun Yi and Curry left the hotel and went to visit Steve Nash at his home in Phoenix.

It was in the morning that Nash sent a text message and made an appointment to have dinner together.

After taking a taxi to the villa area where Nash lived, Curry took Sun Yi to the single-family villa where Nash lived.

Curry is familiar with this place, and it seems that this guy used to be a guest with Dell Curry.

"Hi, Stephen, Sun, you are welcome to be our guests."

Nash, who had been waiting for a long time in front of the gate of the villa, saw Sun Yi and Curry coming and greeted them first.

Sun Yi: "Long time no see, Steve, I am very honored to be invited by you."

Curry: "Uncle Nash, excuse me."

After greetings, Nash welcomed Sun Yi and Curry into the villa.

In the villa, Nash's twin daughters saw their father walking in with a very good-looking brother and immediately ran over.

As for Curry, he was directly ignored by these two little lolita.

Children only like beautiful things in their eyes.

Upon seeing this, Nash introduced his twin daughters to Sun Yi.

"Brother Yi, hello." The two little lolis greeted timidly.

Sun Yi knew that Nash had two twin girls, so he prepared gifts when he came to visit.

Immediately, he gave the gift he brought to the two little girls.

"Thank you, Brother Yi." After thanking each other, the two little lolita took the gift.

Curry on the side also gave his presents to the two little lolitas, but they didn't get the same treatment as Sun Yi.

It's really human, it's maddening!
After chatting for a while, the nanny took away the two little lolita, and Sun Yi and the other three sat down to chat.

"Sun, I watched the live broadcast of your game yesterday and you performed very well. I'm looking forward to your future. Are you interested in coming to the Suns when your contract expires?" Nash said with a smile.

"Uncle Nash, is it really okay to poach someone in front of me?" Curry said jokingly.

"How about Stephen come together to form the Phoenix Twins." Nash also jokingly replied.

"Let's talk about it in the future, Steve can also come to the Warriors." Sun Yi replied in a joking tone.

Nash shook his head. Now he has no intention of leaving the team and basically plans to retire with the Suns.

Afterwards, as the chat deepened, Sun Yi asked Nash for knowledge about passing.

Nash didn't refuse either, took out his tablet, and analyzed Sun Yi patiently with reference to the game video between the Warriors and the Nets.

"Sun, your passing ability is still lacking. Your turnover rate is very low outside the three-point line, but your turnover rate is greatly improved when you enter the three-point line. And some balls are obviously passed in place, but your teammates can't Understanding your intentions to cause mistakes requires you to consider the situation of your teammates and make corresponding changes..."

Sun Yi listened carefully and benefited a lot from the process. He understood many things that he had not understood before and gained some experience.

He feels that he is very lucky. He met the guidance of Dell Curry and Nash at the beginning of his career, which helped him avoid many detours.

(End of this chapter)

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