I'm really not a 3D player

Chapter 208 Injuries occur

Chapter 208 Injuries occur
After suffering two consecutive losses, the morale of the Warriors was extremely low, and the players were a little listless during daily training.

Seeing this, Nelson immediately called the players together to criticize and educate them, and then returned to the office with a straight face.

"Steve, go and call the others to the conference room. We have to hold a meeting overnight. The players are in a bad state and must be resolved as soon as possible."

After Nelson finished explaining the matter to Cole, he took the pen on the table to write and draw on the paper, then pushed the door open and walked out to the conference room.

After a while, all members of the coaching staff came to the conference room.

After Old Nelson explained the purpose of the meeting, all the teaching assistants expressed their views and discussed ways to solve the problem.

A few hours later, Old Nelson summed up the methods discussed, and the meeting was considered a perfect completion of the task.

At the tactical meeting the next day, Nelson announced a series of adjustments.

First, by adjusting the lineup and staggering the playing time of Curry and Ellis as much as possible, the Warriors' defense line will not be held back.

Secondly, adjust the offensive proportion and let Sun Yi and David Li play more singles.

Finally, draw big cakes for the players and instill chicken soup for the soul.

Not to mention, the old Nelson still has a few brushes, and he quickly cheered up the players.

In the next two games, the Warriors defeated the Cavaliers and Bobcats respectively, not only ending their losing streak, but also winning two consecutive games.

Successive victories over two weak teams have greatly increased the confidence of fans supporting the Warriors. They firmly believe that the Warriors have bottomed out and are on the right track again.

Of course, that's just what it looks like.

Just as the Warriors were gaining momentum, another misfortune occurred.

In the game against the Eagles, the Warriors took a big lead and basically sealed the victory.

Just when everyone thought the game was over, something unexpected happened.

When the Warriors attacked, David Lee broke through with the ball, accidentally stepped on Zaza Pachulia's foot, and fell to the ground with a painful expression.

Knowing that Pachulia's hands and feet were dirty, Sun Yi rushed up and pushed Pachulia, wanting to seek justice for David Lee.

Seeing this, the referee quickly rushed over, stood between Sun Yi and Pachulia, and tried his best to persuade Sun Yi to calm down.

At the same time, other Warriors players arrived one after another, struggling to hold Sun Yi who was above him.

"Sun, calm down. Violence can't solve the problem, and we can't be sure whether the guy deliberately caused trouble. Let's see David's situation." Curry persuaded.

After being pulled back, Sun Yi gradually calmed down and felt that what Curry said was very reasonable.

At this stage, Pachulia is not the stepping monster in the future. Only he understands how dirty this guy is, and everyone else is deceived by this guy's appearance.

If he took action rashly, Sun Yi felt that he would be involved in the whirlpool of public opinion, and some losses would outweigh the gains.

"Put away your dirty tricks and I will definitely break your legs next time you meet me."

After Sun Yi finished his harsh words, he went to check on David Lee's situation.

On the other side, Pachulia showed an innocent expression and complained to the referee that Sun Yi threatened him.

The referee ignored Pachulia. Seeing that Sun Yi had calmed down, he beckoned the team doctor who was waiting on the sidelines to enter the field.

The Warriors' team doctor quickly entered the court, briefly checked David Lee's injury, confirmed that only the ankle was wrong, and asked Nelson to send a player to help David Lee back to the locker room for further examination.

Nelson breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and sent Biedrins to help David Lee back to the locker room, and then took the time to make substitution adjustments, not wanting this to happen again.

At the same time, three referees came to the technical stage to watch the replay repeatedly and made a penalty after discussion.

Pachulia was given a flagrant second-degree foul and sent out.

At the same time, Sun Yi was given a first-level technical foul as a warning.

After this episode, the game continued, and the head coaches of both sides tacitly dispatched substitute players to finish the remaining game time.

The garbage time passed quickly and the game came to an end before long.

In the end, the Warriors defeated the Eagles 108-92.

After the game, all the Warriors players quickly returned to the locker room. They all wanted to know the condition of David Lee's injury.

After a preliminary diagnosis by the team doctor, David Lee suffered a minor ankle sprain.

At this stage, David Lee has been sent to the hospital for MRI and body examination to confirm the injury.

Although they won the game, the Warriors players were not happy because they were worried about David Lee's injury.

Head coach Nelson comforted the players, then briefly summarized the game and sent the players to wash up and take a shower.

After Sun Yi took a shower, he said hello to his teammates, went to the parking lot with Curry, and drove back to the apartment.


Early the next morning, David Lee's injury report came out. He suffered a grade three sprain and will be absent for about 6 weeks.

For such a result, it can be considered good or bad, which makes the Warriors players completely relieved.

At the same time, the Warriors coaching staff immediately held a meeting to discuss how to make up for the period of David Lee's absence due to injury.

David Lee couldn't play, so he could only replace Ah Lian in the starting position.

Whether the Arab League can make up for David Lee's role can only be known in the following games.

After the coaching staff discussed the results, they immediately summoned the players to the meeting room for a pre-match tactical meeting.

At the meeting, Nelson Sr. announced the decision of the coaching staff.

The Warriors players basically guessed it and had no problem with it.

The old Nelson players did not express their opinions and continued to arrange tactics.

After the tactical meeting, Nelson left Alian alone to explain some things to help him integrate into the starting lineup more quickly.

On the other side, after Sun Yi separated from his teammates, he did not leave the arena directly, but changed into training clothes and came to the training ground for additional practice.

After losing David Lee, the burden on his shoulders became heavier and the pressure became greater.

Sun Yi chose to turn all these into motivation and train hard to make himself stronger.


As time went by, the Warriors soon ushered in their next opponent, the Denver Nuggets.

After losing their main core Anthony during the offseason, the Nuggets' overall strength dropped significantly.

The outside world unanimously believes that the Nuggets will squander the high picks in the new season to rebuild.

But after the start of the new season, the Nuggets slapped many people in the face with practical actions.

By playing team basketball, the Nuggets have achieved a record of 10 wins and 5 losses, ranking sixth in the Western Conference.

Before the game started, the media and experts unanimously predicted that the Nuggets would win an upset.

But after the game started, the media and experts shut themselves up. They did not expect that after losing David Lee, the Warriors' offense became smoother.

Although the overall strength of Ah Lian is not as good as David Lee, he has an extra three-point shot, which can open up space without occupying the ball.

In this game, the Nuggets deliberately let go of A Lian in order to double-team Sun Yi.

Ah Lian seized the opportunity and enjoyed eating cakes.


With such an efficient performance, the United Arab Emirates filled the vacancy left by David Lee due to injury, and completely secured the starting position.

In the end, the Warriors defeated the Nuggets 115 to 100 and achieved 5 consecutive victories.

(End of this chapter)

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