I'm really not a 3D player

Chapter 87 Pre-season training camp begins

Chapter 87 Pre-season training camp begins

Early the next morning, Sun Yi and Curry drove to Oracle Arena together.

When they walked into the locker room, there were already several people inside, and the arrogant little Gongju was among them.

Sun Yi and Curry stepped forward to greet each other in a friendly manner.

"Sun, Stephen, welcome to join our team, let's fight together in the new season."

As the boss of the team, Ellis welcomed the arrival of Sun Yi and Curry.

Upon seeing this, other Warriors players greeted Sun Yi and Curry in response.

Not long after, some players came one after another.

So far, all the players of the Warriors for the new season are here.

After everyone changed their jerseys, they left the locker room together under the leadership of Ellis and walked to the training ground.

On the training ground, head coach Nelson and assistant coach Ski Smart have been waiting for a long time.

Old Nelson clapped his hands and said, "Quiet!"

The Warriors players immediately fell silent.

Old Nelson's majesty in the Warriors is not in vain, and no player dares to confront him.

"Let me introduce first. I am Don Nelson, your head coach for the new season. All the old players know me. The main reason is to let the newcomers who have just joined the team know me. After that, we will spend a lot of time dealing with each other. You will know what kind of person I am. At the same time, I welcome you to join the Warriors family."

After Nelson introduced himself, he continued: "Our goal this season will be to return to the playoffs. I hope everyone will work hard and work towards this goal together!"

The players of the Warriors applauded one after another, giving old Nelson enough face.

Sun Yi also clapped his hands along with his teammates, but expressed doubts about what Nelson said.

With the broken lineup of the Warriors, it is simply whimsical to want to make the playoffs in the mighty West!

After the old Nelson finished speaking, let each player make a brief self-introduction to enhance the cohesion of the team.

The first is for the new players who joined the team to introduce themselves.

In addition to Sun Yi and Curry, the two rookies, the Warriors acquired Raja Bell through a trade in the summer, which can be regarded as a new member of the team.

After Sun Yi and Curry introduced themselves in a satisfactory manner, it was the turn of the veterans of the Warriors to introduce themselves.

Some old players were very perfunctory, and just said their names and it was over.

Sun Yi didn't think there was anything wrong. These guys were just messing around and would be kicked out of the Warriors in less than a season, so there was no need to have any interactions with them.

After the players finished introducing themselves, the first training day of the Warriors' preseason training camp officially began.

The week before the training camp, basically do some recovery training to help the players returning from vacation to restore their state and shape.

The players of the Warriors are not like Sun Yi and Curry who spend every day in the training hall. These guys basically let themselves go during the holidays.

After a summer vacation, most players are basically out of shape.

For example, the current second-in-command of the Warriors, Corey Maggette, has gained a lot of weight, and he can't see the original muscle lines at all.

The veterans who played as substitutes last season were also out of shape. They all entered the end of their careers.

This is also a common problem of weak teams. The players don't care about the honor of the team at all, and they go their own way and let themselves go unscrupulously.

Seeing the players in such a state, Old Nelson was furious.

"Get out and do the physical test. If you fail, you will bear my wrath."

When the Warriors players heard this, most of them panicked. With their condition, they would definitely not be able to pass the physical test.

Sun Yi, Curry, Ellis and a few others did not panic. They are all very self-disciplined players, and their competitive state is maintained very well.

After the physical test was over, Old Nelson took the report and said, "Sky, pull out the players who failed the physical test and let them try devil training. They can't practice together with the team until they pass the standard."

As a result, except for a few people such as Sun Yi, Curry, and Ellis who stayed, the other players were pulled out.

The devil training formulated by the old Nelson is to let the players run back and forth non-stop until they are exhausted.

Sun Yi and others, who avoided the devil's training, came to another field for shooting training.

Not long after, Sun Yi, who was practicing shooting, heard pitiful screams coming from next door, which frightened him into shooting one after another.

"Damn it! There are also off-site interference!"

Sun Yi stopped immediately, turned his head to look at the group of teammates who were wailing, and couldn't help shaking his head.

These guys' physical strength is so bad, my daily training intensity is much stronger than this.

Sun Yi turned his head and continued shooting practice, adapting to this kind of off-court interference.

After all, he has even played in the NCAA finals, so he naturally adapted to this small scene quickly.

The training lasted until noon, and everyone sat in the training hall to rest, waiting for the meal.

Players who are familiar with each other sit together in groups of three or four, some discuss interesting things about the holiday, and some discuss where to go tonight to have fun.

At the same time, Maggette stood up and walked in the direction of Sun Yi and Curry.

He had been tortured all morning and wanted to tease the rookie to lighten his mood.

It is a well-established rule in the NBA that rookie players are teased by veterans when they first join the team.

Most players are teased during their rookie season.

The veterans of the Warriors became excited when they saw this, showing gloating looks, waiting to watch the excitement.

At this moment, Ellis said: "Cory, don't go too far. These two rookies are my people."

After hearing this, Maggette froze in place, unable to advance or retreat. He was in a dilemma and extremely embarrassed.

At this time, Sun Yi got up to break the embarrassment.

"Cory saw that everyone was so tired from training, and guessed that they might be thirsty. He wanted Stephen and me to buy water for everyone and give us a chance to perform."

When Maggette saw a step down, he nodded immediately.

"Sun, you're right, that's exactly what I mean."

"It's an honor for me and Stephen to contribute to the team."

After Sun Yi finished speaking, he nodded towards Xiao Gongju.

Seeing this, Alice ignored the matter.

Immediately, Sun Yi took Curry out of the training hall and bought some drinks at a nearby convenience store.

After returning to the training hall, they distributed the drinks they bought to each player.

The attitude of the Warriors players towards them has changed, and they have shown goodwill.

"Sun, I'm committed to your friend, and I promise you that nothing like this will happen again."

Maggette took the drink and expressed kindness to Sun Yi.

"Cory, it's a pleasure to be friends with you." Sun Yi replied equally friendly.

He knows that after today, the old birds of the Warriors will no longer make fun of himself and Curry.

After this little episode, Sun Yi and Curry followed Ellis and others, chatting and laughing, and went to the cafeteria for dinner. They quickly integrated into the Warriors team.

(End of this chapter)

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