I have a city in another world

Chapter 1144 Flying Sword Slashes the Battleship!

Chapter 1144 Flying Sword Slashes the Battleship!
Looking at the cyborgs who were constantly attacking him like moths to the flame, a trace of disdain flashed in Tang Zhen's eyes.

These cyborgs look like a group of fearless bees. Although they do pose a slight threat to humans, they can also be shot to death by humans!
The attacks of low-level creatures on high-level creatures are often futile, because the strength of each other is not at the same level.

With a slight movement of the mind, the invisible protective barrier blocked the flying bullets, and then the almost materialized mental power turned into a pair of giant hands, throwing the speeding vehicle high into the sky.

The cyborg who flew into the sky with the car fell into despair and could only roar in vain.

Under the support of mental strength, the car flew more than 20 meters into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.


There was a huge impact sound, followed by an even bigger explosion sound, and those cyborgs sitting in the car were almost fainted by the shock!

One of the cyborgs who was lucky enough not to fall unconscious immediately struggled and jumped out of the car, and then watched helplessly as the other unconscious companions were engulfed by the blazing flames!

They are just cyborgs that have undergone a simple transformation. After being wrapped in flames, they will die slower at most, but this will make them more painful!
"Ah...I'm going to kill you!"

The arresting team leader with wounds all over his body was the only survivor just now. He turned around suddenly in front of the raging flames and looked at Tang Zhen with a ferocious expression.

It's just that there is no fear on his face, what's left is only crazy killing intent, and even a hint of sarcasm, as if he is a superior existence, while Tang Zhen is just a backward barbarian.

The cyborgs who became the vassals of the Trobo people had an indescribable pride in their hearts. It seemed that they had broken away from the group of low-level species and became a superior race.

These cyborgs began to disdain their original compatriots, and even thought that even the powerful monks of Loucheng were just poor worms who were hunted down by them.

As for the role played by the Trobo people, they deliberately ignored it, only thinking that it was their own credit.

To put it bluntly, these cyborgs put the power of the Trobo people directly on their heads, and then under self-hypnosis, they developed a strange state of mind.

Under the stimulation of death, the captain of the arresting squad subconsciously revealed this kind of mentality, which also made him feel a little more confidence in his heart for no reason!
Even if he is at the top of the most-wanted list, he is still obediently captured under the hunting net!

"Hehe...you are dead, no matter what you are dead!"

The arresting team leader looked at Tang Zhen coldly, and roared in a ferocious tone, while a smug smile appeared on his face.

"I have already notified the headquarters. They will arrive here in a few minutes. No matter how strong you are, you will eventually be killed by us!"

As if imagining Tang Zhen being chased and beaten, and finally killed by the Trobo people, the arresting team leader couldn't help laughing wildly, looking extremely happy.

Tang Zhen on the side shook his head, looking at the captain of the cyborg who had completely gone mad under the threat of death, his original thoughts of torture disappeared.

He is just a nobody, and how can he know the secrets of the Trobo people? The value of his current existence is only to attract reinforcements from behind.

You must know that there is a positioning system in the body of the cyborg, and the other cyborgs have been turned into coke, so the arrest team leader has become the only coordinate for the Trobo, and can directly lock this area.

Tang Zhen didn't have much time, so he could only adopt this straightforward method. In this way, he could follow the clues and find the place where the Trobo people imprisoned the Loucheng monks.

Tang Zhen ignored the arresting team leader, but the other party seemed to be getting more and more excited, and even continued to mock him recklessly, his tone full of arrogance.


Tang Zhen snorted coldly, knocked the arresting team leader to the ground, and then turned to look at the Te Ruobo light warship galloping in the distance.

The reaction speed of these Trobo people is quite fast, but they have arrived here in just a few minutes. Unfortunately, they don't know that even heavy warships can't do much damage to Tang Zhen.

Right now, this light battleship, which is so many times smaller in size, is even less likely to cause any trouble to Tang Zhen. Even in Tang Zhen's eyes, this light battleship is already in his pocket!

But if you want to take this light battleship back to yourself, you still need some means!

Under the glaring gaze of the arresting team leader on the ground, Tang Zhen casually pointed at the light warship, and then a dozen streamers of light appeared out of nowhere in the sky, catching up with the light warship at an incredible speed.

This is the flying sword summoned by Tang Zhen. It has the ability to be indestructible. Since it was used, it has only missed one time. It should be more than enough to deal with the weakly protected Te Ruobo light warship!
These summoning flying swords are like a group of small piranhas, shaking around the huge shark a few times, piercing into the opponent's body in unison, and then rushing out in unison!
After several repeated attacks, the summoning flying sword seemed to have exhausted all its strength, and finally disappeared.

The light warship, which was galloping towards Tang Zhen, seemed to be drunk at this moment, shaking continuously in the sky, and then fell rapidly towards the ground.


There was a loud noise, and the light warship of the Trobo people fell to the ground, making the ground tremble continuously. From a distance, it looked like a super building with hundreds of floors, which was inserted into the ground obliquely.

Bursts of thick smoke floated from the battleship, and sparks continued to shine in the damaged areas. It seemed that there was no possibility of re-launching.

The arresting team leader looked at this scene with a face full of shock, while muttering "impossible" in his mouth, despair appeared on his face again.

In his opinion, the extremely powerful Teruobo people were destroyed by Tang Zhen at will. This was really beyond his expectation. Fear filled.

He turned his head to look at Tang Zhen tremblingly, his face was full of flattering smiles, his lips moved a few times as if he wanted to beg for mercy, but no sound came out.

"Do you know why I don't run, because I am a hunter and the Trobo are just prey!"

"Since your companions are already dead, there is no need for you to live. Go and accompany them!"

Tang Zhen's voice sounded next to his ears, and the arresting team leader suddenly changed his expression, and then his body was wrapped in flames that sprang out of thin air, and after a few screams, he turned into coke and fell to the ground.

Without even looking at the corpse on the ground, Tang Zhen's figure arrived at the fallen light battleship within a few flashes, and quickly found the hatch.

Although on the surface, there is no difference between this place and other places, but Tang Zhen, who has a certain understanding of the Tropo battleship, knows that he will definitely not go to the wrong place.

When he attacked, he deliberately avoided the location of the power chamber, otherwise the battleship would have turned into a burning fireball long ago!
Although this battleship has been destroyed by Feijian, there are nano-level repair robots inside. As long as there is enough time, the damaged area can be repaired.

Even if the nanorobots can't repair it, he still has this special application for repairing various items, which can completely restore this light battleship to like new.

Then he will drive the light warship to the place where the Loucheng monks are being held, rescue them, and then use the light warship to transport them away together.

The next thing to do is to enter the interior of the battleship to clear up the remnants of the enemy, and by the way, find out the exact location where monk Loucheng is being held, and immediately start a rescue operation.

With Tang Zhen's means, even if these Trobo people are a stubborn rock, they can obediently tell the information they want to know!
(End of this chapter)

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