I have a city in another world

Chapter 43 The Black Technology Kitchen in the Building City World!

Chapter 43 The Black Technology Kitchen in the Building City World!

When Tang Zhen saw these white meat worms, he immediately thought of them as larvae of a kind of fly.Tang Zhen couldn't help feeling a little nauseous when he thought of the scene where the larva was wriggling.

However, as far as he knew, the larvae were actually very nutritious. There was a dish called "grain sprouts", which used the larvae of this fly as the main ingredient.

Just when Tang Zhen was distracted, several strong men in leather aprons jumped into the pool. They worked together to put a slowly wriggling big white bug into a large iron basket with a handle.

After lifting the worm out, several people carried it to a stone platform, and then someone brought clean water and poured it on the worm, washing it again.

Immediately afterwards, a man with a face full of flesh was seen holding a sharp knife and stabbing the meat worm's head, then circled around the tail and cut it around, and then pulled it back violently.

A complete set of fleshy worm viscera was pulled out cleanly. After the strong man threw it into the basin, someone stepped forward to carry the basin away and went to the pool to clean the viscera.

The meat worm that had been pulled out of its internal organs twitched slightly, then died motionless.

Next, I saw the strong man moving his knife like flying, and quickly divided the meat worms into tofu-sized meat cubes. Each piece of worm meat was extremely white and tender, trembling like jelly after picking it up. stop.

After decomposing one meat worm, the second one was sent over soon. The strong man repeated the last action until he had dealt with ten meat worms before he stopped working.

In those empty breeding ponds, someone is cleaning them up.

First, the smelly liquid was bucketed away, and after washing it with water, someone put flesh worms about the size of a fist into it.

After these little meat worms were put in, they devoured the feed in big mouthfuls, and then stopped eating after rounding their bodies.

And the kind of feed that is fed to the meat worms is precisely the leftovers and some disgusting things thrown away by the residents of Loucheng.

When the little meat worms stop eating and resting, they excrete a trace of foul-smelling liquid, and this liquid is the best fertilizer for giant potatoes and giant mushrooms.

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhen couldn't help sighing slightly, perhaps only in Loucheng, there is such a wonderful food cycle.

After witnessing the whole process, I don't know how the residents of Loucheng feel, anyway, Tang Zhen would never touch these foods.

After the pieces of meat decomposed by the ten meat worms were loaded into the cart, some residents drove the carriage and left here.Tang Zhen also lost interest in continuing to investigate, quietly followed behind the carriage, and walked slowly towards the ground.

When passing by the mushroom forest and potato fields, the drivers also loaded a lot of baskets of potatoes and mushrooms and pulled them out together.

When the carriage reached the ground, someone unloaded these things, and then started trading in front of the shops by the square.

If the residents of Loucheng want to get these foods, they have to use a coin issued by Black Rock City to buy them.They were queuing up in a long line at this time, buying the bug meat that Tang Zhen thought was unpalatable.

In addition to these foods from the underground space, there are also some edible jerky monster meat, fish and bird meat, and a grain similar to grass seeds.

Among these foods, Tang Zhen also saw some wild vegetables and wild fruits, which were cleaned and bundled up for sale.

Tang Zhen didn't know how many residents there were in the entire Black Rock City, but it was definitely not less than [-]. The food in front of him was not enough for these residents' daily needs.

Tang Zhen estimated that they had other food sources, but he hadn't come into contact with them yet.

Looking up at a higher place in Black Rock City, Tang Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully walked through the crowd in the square, and began to look for the entrance upstairs.

In fact, the entrance upstairs is easy to find, but Tang Zhengang still didn't notice it.

The nearest entrance to him was between the two shops, and there were two Black Rock City monks with swords guarding the entrance, but in Tang Zhen's view, they were just pretending.

Tang Zhen, who was driving the quantum invisibility light curtain, easily sneaked in.

The interior of Black Rock City is huge, and it is impossible for Tang Zhen to wander aimlessly, so he focused on a tall girl with ponytails carrying a vegetable basket, and followed her carefully.

This girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old, wearing a set of coarse clothes, her movements are light and vigorous, and she has a first-level cultivation.

She hummed a song all the way, her slender legs quickly stepped on one step after another, and she arrived at the eleventh floor in a blink of an eye.

After arriving at this floor, there is an extremely long circular corridor. On both sides of the corridor, there are doors next to each other.There are dozens of doors in one side of the passage, which means that there are more than 100 rooms in the four passages on this floor.

From time to time, residents would greet the girl, and the girl responded one by one with a bright smile.

Tang Zhen dodged a few children running wildly all over the corridor, and when the girl opened her door, she quietly entered her home.

This is an extremely simple room with an area of ​​about ten square meters. There is nothing unusual about it, and there is no furniture on the floor, just two wooden beds.

On the contrary, a set of leather armor with swords hanging on the wall made Tang Zhen take a few more glances, because he felt a fighting breath from the repaired leather armor and swords.

But what the girl did next gave him an eye-opening feeling.

I saw the girl came to a one-meter-square stone platform by the wall, stretched out her hand and pressed lightly on a protrusion on the wall, and a stream of water flowed out from the thing like a faucet, but the water flow was very slow. slow.

The girl put the bought food in the basin, washed it with water, and poured the sewage into the sewer entrance on the stone platform.

Next, the girl chopped up the food and put it aside, then took out a pot.

She pressed against a red bump on the wall, and saw that on the cooking stone platform, a raised square stone slab quickly turned red, and a wave of heat slowly radiated out.

After the pot was placed on it, water vapor soon came out of the iron pot, and at the same time, a smell of food wafted out.

Then I saw the girl scraping a white stone on the stone platform with a knife a few times, and poured the hanging powder into the pot.

The food, which was originally thin, suddenly became sticky and thick after the white powder was poured in!

The girl was humming a song while cooking, but she didn't know that in the corner of her house, there was an invisible man who was stunned!

"Damn it, is this still the Loucheng world? The kitchen equipment in the homes of Loucheng residents is comparable to the black technology in the app store!"

Tang Zhen couldn't help being amazed, with a knowledgeable expression on his face.

Before entering Loucheng, he had made a lot of guesses about the things in Loucheng, and his thoughts were wild, but looking at it now, his brain hole is still too small.

After the girl prepared the food, she took out a notebook-sized portrait from under the bed and looked at it silently.

From Tang Zhen's perspective, he could just see the content of the painting.

This is a family portrait, a couple and two children, a man and a woman, are sitting on the square, with the statue of the founder of Black Rock City as the background, and the whole family is smiling happily.

The girl looked at the portrait, but tears suddenly overflowed from her eyes, and then she covered her nose, her thin shoulders trembled slightly, and sobbed silently.

(End of this chapter)

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