I have a city in another world

Chapter 5261 Conquering the Pirates

Chapter 5261 Conquering the Pirates

A group of pirates on board called the tall man the chief.

Before that, he practiced exercises earnestly in the cabin, and handed over the command to the second leader.

After receiving the notice from his subordinates, he immediately came to check, with a gloomy expression on his face.

When it comes to extraordinary beings, it is the most troublesome thing.

If things like this are not handled properly, there may even be a risk of group destruction.

Thinking of the past experience, the chieftain's heart shuddered, and his expression became more dignified.

Standing on the deck and observing, the big leader became more and more convinced that the pirate group had provoked someone they could not afford to offend.

Pirates are rampant and do everything they can to kill people and steal goods, but that doesn't mean they don't have people to fear.

If it is strong enough to threaten the lives of pirates, they will be afraid.

Facing a powerful target that they can't fight against with their strength, they will maintain enough respect.

After all, violence and killing are the biggest reliance of the pirates, and if they fail, they will be at a loss and panic.

"Tell me carefully, what exactly happened?"

The big leader asked in a low voice, with a hint of anger in his voice.

He was just practicing in closed doors, and it didn't take long, but something like this happened.

Bunch of trash!
The big leader was annoyed, but on the surface he remained calm, thinking about ways to solve the problem.

Things have happened, and they must be resolved as much as possible, instead of deliberately delaying and avoiding.

He is the pirate leader and the main person in charge of the pirate group. Once he is held accountable, there will be no way to escape.

After asking about the specific process, the chieftain sighed inwardly, confirming his previous judgment more and more.

A group of his subordinates were so unlucky that they actually provoked extraordinary beings in the ocean.

Unlike his pirates, the big leader has actually met the extraordinary person and followed him for a period of time.

He was convinced that Tang Zhen on the cargo ship was a similar extraordinary being who could not be provoked by ordinary people.

Extraordinary beings like this mostly have magical abilities and very weird temperaments.

To get their forgiveness, one must pay a certain price and accomplish some incredible things.

If you choose to refuse, the end may be very miserable.

Being able to become a pirate leader naturally does not lack courage and strategy. Knowing that you have no choice, you can only bite the bullet and deal with it.

He ordered people to return to the cabin, brought several exquisite wine jars, and carefully delivered them to the cargo ship.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped off the pirate ship, came to the deck of the cargo ship, and saluted Tang Zhen respectfully.

This is a kind of meeting etiquette he learned when he followed the extraordinary, and it can also prove that he is "one of his own".

When extraordinary people face mortals, they have a mentality towards ants, but when they face the same kind, they have a different attitude.

"Your Excellency, this is the aged wine from Shiwan Country. Please have a taste."

The chief said respectfully, with a flattering expression.

His ferocious face, coupled with such a flattering expression, made people feel very awkward.

But the group of pirates around them didn't feel ashamed, but thought that their leader could bend and stretch.

They could all see that Tang Zhen was definitely not easy to mess with, so they pinned all their hopes on the chief.

After Tang Zhen heard this, he stretched out his hand and made a gentle move.

One of the wine jars flew up out of thin air and hovered in front of Tang Zhen.

Seeing this, a group of pirates were stunned.

The big leader's eyelids twitched, and he was finally sure that Tang Zhen was an extraordinary existence.

I was secretly glad that I didn't act rashly just now, otherwise I would regret it later.

It seemed that an invisible big hand dragged the wine jar up, and then opened the wine jar again.

Like a snake, a wisp of red wine floated out of the wine jar and flew directly into Tang Zhen's mouth.

After tasting it, Tang Zhen nodded.

"The taste is not bad."

Tang Zhen's blurred eyes finally fell on the big leader, and he said in a slightly drunken tone: "You guys, you must accept punishment for disturbing my drinking pleasure."

Hearing this, the big leader's heart trembled slightly, and he forced himself to smile and asked: "Your Excellency, please tell me, we will accept the punishment."

At this time, you cannot plead for mercy, but must show a submissive attitude, otherwise it will only make the punishment worse.

A group of pirates gathered nearby, not daring to take a breath. They all listened quietly to Tang Zhen's words.

I was also on edge, fearing that Tang Zhen would make harsh demands.

Tang Zhen tilted his head, thought seriously, and finally shook his head.

"Write it down for now, and I'll tell you when I think of it."

When a group of pirates heard this, they immediately felt extremely uncomfortable, as if there was a guillotine hanging above their heads, and they didn't know when it would fall.

No matter how severe the punishment is, as long as you speak out, there will be a solution.

Now he is on tenterhooks, not knowing when the punishment will come and what price he will have to pay.

But such thoughts can only be hidden in the heart, and they dare not speak out at all.

The most powerful big bosses are all submissive, how dare they say a word of nonsense.

The big leader was the same way. He felt awkward and uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Standing by Tang Zhen's side, he continued to accompany him with a smiling face, not daring to show any dissatisfaction.

The pirates whose heads were held by the wine jar now calmed down and were no longer as frightened as before.

Seeing this, a group of pirates next to them laughed secretly, but they couldn't show it.

After all, their companions were in distress, and the crisis had not yet been lifted, so it was really hard for them to open their mouths to laugh.

But this strange appearance is indeed extremely ridiculous.

The leader hesitated for a moment, then carefully asked Tang Zhen if he could take down the wine jar.

"Two choices, either take off the wine jar, the price is 20 years of life.

Either keep the wine jar and take it off after 20 years. "

At this point, Tang Zhen pointed to the wine jars and said, "It may not be useless to carry this thing, at least it can be used as a helmet.

If you want to eat and breathe more easily, it is not difficult to dig three holes in the top of the wine jar. "

Hearing this, the chieftain knew that Tang Zhen was going to punish a group of pirates, and he didn't dare to make further demands.

He quickly commanded a group of pirates to help dig holes in the wine jar, and it was done easily.

When I hit other parts of the wine jar, it was as solid as fine steel, and not even a scratch could be seen.

Even if it is bombarded, it is estimated that there will be no damage.

The pirate, whose head was covered by the wine jar, breathed a sigh of relief, and then, at the request of the chief, stood in front of Tang Zhen and apologized.

No matter what he was thinking, his behavior at this moment was extremely respectful, for fear that if he offended Tang Zhen, the wine jar would be stuck on his head for the rest of his life.

Little did these pirates know that in the days to come, the wine jar would save them many times and gradually become a status symbol.

In this ocean, it gradually became an interesting legend.

Tang Zhen ordered the chief to drink and chat with him, and let the other pirates continue sailing.

Go straight in the direction of the land until it touches the shore.

The pirates did not dare to refuse, so they obediently set sail and headed straight for the land.

Through chatting with the pirate leader, Tang Zhen learned about the specific situation of this world. The technology was not developed and there were extraordinary people and extraordinary creatures.

Wars broke out frequently on land, and the common people suffered greatly from them. Extraordinary people often appeared and participated in the wars between mortals.

There are many evildoers in troubled times, both at sea and on land.

The life of pirates is also difficult, not only to be wanted by the government, but also to beware of sneak attacks and looting by other pirates.

From time to time, you encounter sea monsters and various strange things, and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

When the pirate leader said this, he was still secretly glad in his heart. After communicating with Tang Zhen, he was sure that he was not a vicious person.

If he had encountered a cruel person, let alone drinking and chatting with Tang Zhen, he might have lost his life long ago.

It seems that he offended Tang Zhen and put the pirate group in danger, but thinking about it from another angle, it might be a chance.

If he performs well enough and pleases Tang Zhen, he might even have some adventures.

(End of this chapter)

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