I have a city in another world

Chapter 5284 Internal chaos and ambush!

Chapter 5284 Internal chaos and ambush!
This night, the strange experience in the dream world changed the mentality of a large group of extraordinary people.

They were surprised to find that being in the dream world could bring them many benefits.

Although it is said that every night, the souls will be harvested by the dream beasts, which makes them feel very painful and angry.

But after being harvested, when he tried to practice again, he became free of distracting thoughts and became more efficient.

This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise, a true embodiment of pain and happiness.

In fact, many practitioners have discovered the benefits of entering the dream world, but they just don't want to announce it.

Many superhumans believe that such additional benefits are negligible compared to the harvested soul.

It is bound to make people feel annoyed that the income from one day's practice is less than one-third of what was harvested.

This is a misunderstanding caused by shallow knowledge.

The transcendent being pulled into the dream world is more like a castrated pig. Although it is forcibly castrated, it can grow better and stronger.

Tang Zhen did not simply harvest, but gave a stick to a sweet date, so that the practitioners in the sea and mountain world would gradually accept this behavior of being harvested.

The harvesting of the souls of the dream beasts may not last for too long. When it is time to leave, Tang Zhen will definitely return freedom to these extraordinary people in the sea and mountain world.

But on this night, a group of indigenous extraordinary people became excited because of the generous reward given by Tang Zhen.

They entered the dream world and things couldn't be reversed, so they might as well take advantage of the opportunity to gain some benefits.

Only by improving your own strength can you better fight against the dream beasts.

What happened in the dream world was witnessed by many extraordinary people, and it is absolutely impossible to conceal it easily.

It won't be long before practitioners in the sea and mountain world will know the promised rewards from the dream beasts.

In order to obtain top-level exercises and powerful magic weapons and spiritual weapons, there will inevitably be extraordinary people who will act openly and secretly.

As for the principles of morality, as well as the future and destiny, how many practitioners care about it?
After dawn, the dream world dissipated, and the superhumans returned to their bodies.

After opening their eyes, they immediately shared information with those around them without any hesitation.

The time in a day is limited, and the number of opportunities is not many, so you must hurry up to get them.

All means must be used to find the emperor as quickly as possible, and deliver their letter of commitment to Tang Zhen.

If you take one step at night, the benefits will be obtained by others.

A fierce battle between dragons and tigers will inevitably erupt quickly, and the sea and mountain world will also become turbulent.

There are also practitioners, who felt the whistleblower reward they got yesterday, and their hearts were full of deep surprises.

After they answered the questions secretly and got the pass, the rewards were also issued immediately.

The rewards they get are not real objects, but related to the soul. When they solve the problems in practice, they see a bright future at the same time.

This is the case with practice, once you realize it, you can achieve a thousand miles in a day.

Such rewards are priceless.

The dream beast kept its promise and gave an excessive reward that far exceeded expectations, giving a group of extraordinary people more expectations.

The rewards that I hope to see can be obtained by myself.

They also took action to find the emperor in hiding, and even prepared to attack the royal family.

If they were captured and given directly to the dream beasts, they might get even more rewards.

It is really unbelievable that the victims at this moment actually take the initiative to think about the perpetrators.

What happened last night also proved that Tang Zhen was indeed the real culprit behind the scenes, and the dream beast was directly related to him.

Knowing this exact news, countless transcendents gritted their teeth in hatred, wishing to tear him to pieces.

Because of the dream world, everyone in the cultivation world is in danger, for fear of being pulled into that terrible place.

If you want to completely solve the hidden danger, you must start from the root cause, and killing Tang Zhen may be the best choice.

More and more monks decided to take action to kill Tang Zhen, the devil.

They inquired about Tang Zhen's whereabouts and traveled day and night, fearing that if they went slower, more changes would occur.

Those royal priests who were named by the dream beasts and publicly announced that they would be punished were very depressed after hearing the news.

In order to cope with and resolve the crisis, they chose to hide the emperor so that he could not be easily found.

But he didn't want to incur the hatred of the dream beasts because of this incident, not only collecting their information, but also publicly expressing that they would be severely punished.

All kinds of rumors about the dream beast made a group of royal priests worry. They felt that they could not resist the blow of the dream beast on their own.

What can be done now is to seek help from other monks, hoping to get their help.

Today's royal worship does not lack allies, but it may not be able to guarantee sincerity.

Including themselves, as well as the hidden emperor, all represent huge interests.

If there are extraordinary people approaching with a malicious disguise, the situation will be very dangerous.

Including those friends from the same school, now we must be more vigilant, lest they betray themselves for benefits.

A large group of royal priests, now everyone is in danger, and they don't know how to deal with it.

They are in the real world and can hide around to avoid attacks from enemies.

The ability of dream beasts is hard to guard against, no matter where they hide, they will be forcibly drawn into the dream world.

Seeing the passage of time, the sun gradually moved towards the west, and the fear in his heart became more and more intense.

When the practice world was in chaos and people were panicking, Tang Zhen's team had just set off.

Standing on the riverside and making a move, he saw the muddy water rolling in the river, and a giant sunken ship appeared in front of everyone.

Although it is a sunken ship, its surface is very intact and it stays firmly in the river.

Even though the river was tumbling and impacting, this sunken ship did not shake in any way, just like an island in the river.

This large ship has been sunk for hundreds of years and was deliberately scuttled. There are only huge holes in the bottom of the ship.

The pattern decoration on the ship can be regarded as resplendent and resplendent, obviously not used by ordinary people.

The surface of the wreck is clean without any silt and can easily accommodate hundreds of people.

The followers had seen Tang Zhen's ability before, but they were still shocked at this moment.

This group of followers is mixed, many of them are pirates and sailors, as well as soldiers from the navy.

They have an inexplicable intimacy with sailing and ships, and they can see the extraordinaryness of the sunken ship at a glance.

When Tang Zhen boarded the sunken ship, a group of followers followed closely and looked around carefully.

The giant ship can sail freely in the river without oars or sails.

Such a marvelous scene stunned passers-by by the river, who stood on the bank and raised their eyes to look at it.

There were other ships in the river, and when they saw a large luxury ship approaching from a distance, they also looked at it curiously.

The huge ship with strange shape and the strange passengers on board are destined to impress people.

This strange scene will inevitably spread widely and become the subject of daily conversations between the people and sailors on both sides of the strait.

There are also extraordinary people who are eyeing this sunken ship and studying the means of attack.

If the shipwreck could be destroyed and Tang Zhen and his followers could be killed, it would be the best thing.

They quietly collected information, formulated action plans, and everything was going on in secret.

During the execution of the plan, extraordinary people joined one after another, and many others secretly stayed on the sidelines.

In the end, the ambush site was selected as a steep canyon, which the locals called Guichou Jian.

The water in this place is deep and turbulent, and the cliffs on both sides are so steep that even agile apes cannot climb it.

When the boat reaches this place, one must be extremely careful, otherwise the boat will be destroyed and people will die.

Using this place as an ambush location is definitely the best choice.

Things that ordinary people cannot do are not particularly difficult for extraordinary people.

After the plan was formulated, many extraordinary people went there quickly, ready to provide a modest contribution.

In the dark, there are extraordinary people who secretly monitor the sunken ship and report the information to the commander at any time.

The big ship was driving in the river, getting closer and closer to the ambush site.

The practitioners in the Haishan Realm are a little excited at this moment, because they are participating in a war to kill the invaders.

Once the action is successful, it will be enough to become famous all over the world.

(End of this chapter)

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