I have a city in another world

Chapter 5447 Intercept the extraordinary!

With a rumble, a passenger train slowly entered the station.

At this moment, the platform was filled with fully armed official personnel, assuming a tense state before a battle.

The passengers on the bus suddenly felt very nervous when they saw the scene on the platform.

I don’t understand what happened and why there was such a big fight?

Soon the train came to a stop and the passengers got off the train. Immediately afterwards there were people holding loudspeakers to maintain order on the platform.

"Everyone keep quiet and follow my instructions..."

Officials told the passengers to get off the bus to line up for inspection and to cooperate throughout the process. No confrontation is allowed, otherwise they will be severely punished.

When some passengers heard the request, they immediately showed dissatisfaction and subconsciously complained.

As a result, as soon as he said a few words, an official person rushed forward and slapped him several times.

This is killing chickens and monkeys to achieve a deterrent effect.

Such a violent reaction shocked a group of passengers and finally made them realize the seriousness of the matter.

The passengers who were slapped could only keep their mouths shut obediently facing the black muzzle of the gun.

They dared not speak for fear of being beaten again.

Under the gaze of cold eyes, the passengers obediently lined up for inspection, and were asked about their identities and backgrounds, as well as various questions.

If you cannot answer, you will be taken aside alone for further investigation.

If there is no problem, you can leave with a salute. If you are sure that there is a problem, you will be locked in the empty room next to it.

These official inspectors didn't know how to operate, so they simply used the methods of arresting ordinary prisoners, combined with some methods they had devised themselves.

Whether or not a transcendent can be found depends on luck, after all, there is no official technical guidance.

Everyone can see an extraordinary person in an extraordinary state, but they really have no idea what a non-combat state is like.

There is no device that can detect it.

All the passengers who were inspected were angry but did not dare to speak out. They could only pray secretly, hoping to pass the inspection quickly.

As a result, at this moment, there was a sudden quarrel.

During the inspection, a strong man suddenly became panicked, which immediately attracted the attention of the inspector.

When he was about to conduct further interrogation, the strong man suddenly took out a gun and fired a bullet at the official in front of him.

With a gunshot, the entire station was in chaos.

There were panicked screams everywhere, panicked people running around, and the originally orderly inspection site had now become chaotic.

The officials holding guns shouted to stop the running passengers and asked them to squat on the ground immediately and stop running around.

Seeing that the passengers didn't listen, someone fired a warning shot.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of gunshots, many passengers squatted on the ground in fear, afraid to continue running around.

But there were still some people who took advantage of the chaos and fled outwards, ignoring the obstruction of those officials.

There is clearly something wrong with these people, and they wouldn't behave as they do otherwise.

Seeing this, the official personnel shot without hesitation, knocking down all the figures who were trying to escape.

They have been authorized by their superiors and do not need to bear any responsibility even if they shoot the wrong person.

One after another, figures continued to fall with the sound of gunshots. No matter how fast ordinary people were, they could not be faster than the flying bullets.

However, there was a figure that kept avoiding bullets and running towards the outside of the station at extremely fast speeds.

During this period, several bullets had hit his body, but were ejected to the side in strange ways.

Such a bizarre scene immediately aroused everyone's vigilance, and then their hearts trembled.

There is an answer, ready to come out in my heart.

"Damn it, that's a transcendent, stop him quickly!"

Someone finally reacted, shouted at the top of his lungs, and then raised their guns and started shooting wildly.

The sudden encounter with a transcendent made the officials feel both surprised and delighted, followed by a strong sense of excitement.

When fully prepared, officials should have an absolute advantage when suddenly encountering an extraordinary being.

When they thought about being able to make meritorious service and receive awards, they became excited and even took the initiative to approach the target and intercept it.

The figure who escaped was a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion, an ordinary appearance, and a yellow cowhide bag on his back.

His body is not considered strong, but his movements are extremely flexible, he looks like a goat.

Among the crowd and obstacles, easily shuttle and jump, avoiding obstacles one after another.

The effect of using obstacles and crowds to avoid bullets can be said to be quite obvious.

Although bullets are fast, the weapons they shoot must be controlled by people. As long as they move faster than the enemy's reaction, they can guarantee their own safety.

When he was about to escape from the station, a large group of people suddenly came in, each of them heavily armed, blocking the exit.

On the walls and at the top of the building, there were also some figures, obviously armed men arranged in line of sight.

When the fleeing figure saw this, he roared and then raised his hand violently.

A handful of egg-shaped balls of sheep dung were sprinkled on the ground in all directions.

Streams of choking black smoke emerged from different places. It was obviously just a small thing, but the black smoke that came out was like a factory chimney.

But in an instant, the platform was shrouded in black smoke, seriously hindering the shooting vision.

Passengers on the platform were choked by the black smoke and shed tears and screamed in terror.

The fleeing figure took the opportunity to hide in the smoke and quickly disappeared without a trace.

Upon seeing this, the officer in charge immediately ordered a tight blockade and never gave the other party any chance to escape.

Once the black smoke dissipated, the opponent's figure would definitely appear, and then he could launch an attack.

The sharpshooter is already in place, and as long as the opponent shows up, he can shoot at the same time.

The extraordinary person at this moment is already a turtle in the urn. If nothing happens, he will eventually be captured and shot.

The Transcendent hiding in the crowd is also aware of this, knowing that the longer the delay, the worse it will be for him.

He glanced around and quickly chose a direction, using the cover of the crowd to move quickly.

But in a blink of an eye, he had come near a wall.

Under this wall, there are more than a dozen figures standing, looking around with guns at the moment.

The extraordinary person suddenly rushed forward, as fast as lightning, and at the same time, a silver light appeared in his hand.

With his arms waving, thin bloodstains suddenly appeared on the bodies of the two official officials in the front.

The weapons in their hands fell to the ground in unison, followed by a mournful howl.

It turned out that in the blink of an eye, the bodies of the two officials were cut open and suffered fatal injuries.

When other officials saw this, they were shocked and quickly aimed their guns and tried to shoot.

But the movements of the Transcendent are far more flexible than they imagined, especially when approaching, the speed is so fast that they can't react at all.

The power of firearms was severely compromised at this moment, while the power of cold weapons was doubled.

I don’t know what kind of weapon this extraordinary person holds in his hands, only that it is unusually thin and sharp.

When it touched the body of an official, there was a trace of blood, and the clothes and flesh were easily cut open.

After being attacked, it often takes a few seconds before you feel the pain and see your blood flying out.

Within a few breaths, more than a dozen official personnel were brought down, and that extraordinary person ran up the wall and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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