I have a city in another world

Chapter 5466 Situation and hunting down traitors

Agen originally thought that he would soon face an extraordinary battle, so he was fully prepared.

The combat experience accumulated before and the various magical weapons and equipment he possesses are the main sources of Agen's self-confidence.

When fighting enemies of the same level, he is confident enough to defeat or kill them.

Today's Agen is no longer the ignorant boy he was before, but a mature extraordinary person who has killed hundreds of enemies.

When it was time to strike, he would not hesitate at all, and even gradually fell in love with the exciting feeling of life and death fighting.

After acquiring the storage equipment, Agen felt as if he had replaced a shotgun with a cannon, and was sure that his combat effectiveness had more than doubled.

Although the path of spiritual practice is dangerous and many times it is like walking on thin ice, there are also times when it is necessary to make a high-profile statement in order to gain a clear idea.

This approach is comparable to elixir and medicine, and is of great help to the spiritual sublimation of practitioners.

Relaxation is the right way to practice. If your nerves are tense all the time, like a spring, problems will arise sooner or later.

Agen's current approach is actually to adjust his mental state.

He needs a fight to prove and improve himself.

Through the insights gained during battle, you can enter a new realm and improve your strength.

However, such a plan could not be realized.

This country that has declared war on the Dreamland Ghost Realm has previously vowed to fight against the extraordinary beings to the end.

Many dignitaries once issued wild words to hang or expel all extraordinary beings, and then raze the dreamland to the ground.

As a result, fires broke out everywhere overnight, and many cities were out of control.

The dignitaries fled in all directions, like lost dogs. Those who moved slowly or had a sense of luck would end up in a miserable state.

In a chaotic environment, the most untestable thing is human nature. There are many thugs who take advantage of the fire to loot and do things that make people hate.

Unfortunately, many such bastards can escape punishment.

Fortunately, in this chaotic moment, the extraordinary beings from the Dream Ghost Realm received an order together.

We will adopt a zero-tolerance attitude towards thugs who take advantage of the situation and commit crimes.

Once such a presence is discovered, it must be killed on the spot, and no accommodation is allowed.

If it is discovered through investigation that the matter is related to an extraordinary person, he will definitely be held jointly and severally liable.

After this order was issued, the chaotic situation instantly eased. In the face of the extraordinary person's ban, not many people dared to resist.

These armed organizations, large and small, occupying different cities are also supervised by extraordinary beings.

If someone acts recklessly, the extraordinary person must correct it, otherwise he will also need to bear the punishment.

Tang Zhen wants to accumulate merit, not to create a chaotic world, otherwise it will only have the opposite effect.

The extraordinary beings sent by him are gradually changing the world and moving towards an ideal situation.

However, during this process, various problems will inevitably arise, which need to be dealt with and corrected in a timely manner.

Responsibilities like this should be borne by Dreamland Ghost Domain.

When dark clouds cover the sky and the whole world becomes dark, the extraordinary ones will drive away the dark clouds and let the sunshine shine on the whole world.

When the world falls into chaos, extraordinary people must maintain order and keep everything under control.

You can bear some pain, but the wound must heal, not let the pain worsen until it eventually takes your life.

If it really comes to that, Tang Zhen will definitely bear a huge amount of sin, and he doesn't know how much merit he has to do to offset it.

Agen felt depressed because of this. He originally wanted to fight the enemy, but nothing happened.

After interrogating the captives, it was learned that the traitor who betrayed himself fled to a nearby city in the chaos.

If it is really impossible, Agen can let the traitor go. After all, there is no loss, but a lot of gain.

But if you can do it, you must not give up revenge, lest your mental thoughts be affected.

It is said that many practitioners will take revenge on their former enemies after embarking on the path to transcendence.

He even dug graves and turned his bones into ashes in order to vent his hatred.What seems to be abnormal and outrageous behavior is actually a cleansing of the spiritual world, which is equivalent to sweeping away all the dirt and dust, leaving no trace of haze and filth.

Otherwise, once the mind is lost, it will turn into an invasion of inner demons, causing endless trouble to the extraordinary.

It can range from being mentally traumatized to being possessed.

Practitioners will definitely not be polite to this kind of hidden dangers, and they will not hesitate to clean up and retaliate.

After waiting for three days, Agen decided to leave the city.

A plain and comfortable environment is not suitable for practitioners to stay, especially low-level practitioners, who need to hone and grow in a special environment.

It must be hammered and sharpened to create a sharp and fast sword, otherwise it may become a piece of rusty scrap metal.

In nearby cities, there are also official extraordinary beings sent by the imperial court. They are responsible for guarding the city and participating in the war to recapture the out-of-control city.

The extraordinary people broke out collectively, disrupting the enemy's original plan and switching from offensive to defensive state.

The situation has begun to reverse, and the rule of the imperial power is in danger. If you are unable to change the status quo, you will be eliminated sooner or later due to failure.

The official extraordinary beings are also aware of this and are now very worried.

They don't know whether they are considered traitors now or whether they will be accepted by the Dreamland Ghost Realm in the future.

But if he leaves the officialdom, it means he has lost his last support and will really become a homeless stray dog.

They can only persevere at this moment, hoping to make a comeback against the wind, so that they can get more benefits.

Moreover, behind them, there are many camp allies who do not want the Dreamland Ghost Realm to control the world.

Now we are uniting and working together to fight against the Dreamland Ghost Realm.

Help cannot arrive immediately, it will take a certain amount of time, and you must wait until then.

When Agen left, he didn't tell anyone.

He didn't like the scene of parting. He always came quietly and left quietly, just like a passer-by in the world of mortals, not letting any passers-by or the passing scenery care about him.

The fungus Gu released previously has been resolved by him, so there will no longer be any worries.

Agen came outside the city and found that a large number of soldiers had gathered and were building lines of defense.

This is to prepare for war. Once the enemy invades, you can immediately launch a counterattack.

Vehicles coming and going must be checked to see if they are carrying prohibited items.

Such a scene has appeared before, but it was for extraordinary people.

Agen held the pass, passed the inspection easily, and quickly headed to another city.

When he was about to arrive at his destination, he saw troops blocking the way, and he was also conducting a close inspection.

Although the enemy knows that there are hidden dangers in doing so, he cannot really cut off the road.

Such a large city requires the input of various materials to maintain basic operations.

Cutting off transportation and not allowing the import of foreign materials is tantamount to choking one's own throat.

If you persist in this suicidal behavior, you will be in chaos within yourself before the enemy attacks.

Agen found that among the inspection team, there were extraordinary people in charge. There were only three people who could be seen, and there were probably more who could not be seen.

The official extraordinary beings were forced to retreat to the same place and were no longer as scattered as before, so their strength naturally increased exponentially.

It must be quite difficult to hunt down the traitors who betrayed themselves in this city.

Once discovered by the enemy, it will inevitably be besieged by official extraordinary beings.

But at this moment, A Gen felt an urge and couldn't wait to get into it.

At the same time, he also knew that once he evacuated due to fear, it would inevitably affect his practice and let dust fall into his mind again.

When Agen thought of this, he no longer hesitated and quietly sneaked into the city from the weak defense.

(End of this chapter)

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