I have a city in another world

Chapter 5488 Three lucky siblings

For nearly 10 minutes, the three siblings kept running and couldn't stop even if they wanted to.

There seemed to be an invisible force controlling the legs and feet of the three of them, and they were completely involuntarily.

The three tried to fall down, but found that it was impossible to do it.

Running quickly like this will cause a huge drain on physical strength. Even an adult can't sustain it for long, let alone three minors who are weak and weak.

It didn't take long for the youngest brother to start crying and running with tears streaming down his face.

When the two sisters saw this, they felt extremely distressed and also shed tears.

"Sorry, we were wrong..."

They begged Tang Zhen, hoping to be forgiven, and said they would never do such a thing again.

Not getting a response from Tang Zhen, the three siblings became even more panicked.

"We are willing to work for you without any compensation in exchange for your forgiveness!"

The oldest sister said in a pleading tone again.

She had no choice but to use physical labor to get forgiveness from Tang Zhen, an extraordinary person.

They miss the past even more in their hearts. If the disaster had never happened, how could they be in such a miserable state?
All your problems can be solved by spending a sum of money, and you can taste all kinds of delicacies from all over the world.

The disaster destroyed everything, causing the three siblings to lose their homes and relatives. Now even filling their stomachs has become a luxury.

When I was feeling sad, my feet suddenly slipped and I fell to the ground.


The three siblings who slipped at the same time were piled on top of each other in an awkward manner, groaning in pain.

But their mood instantly became much more relaxed.

They were really worried that they would keep running until they were exhausted and died of exhaustion.

But thankfully, that tragedy didn't happen.

"As you said, work for me from now on, and remember not to be lazy."

When Tang Zhen was talking, he threw a few things casually and landed in front of the three siblings.

"Next, go fishing, chop firewood, and salvage useful materials from the water. I don't need you to do it quickly, but you must do it carefully for me."

As Tang Zhen spoke, he turned back to the chair, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"You can eat the fruit, but don't waste the food."

After Tang Zhen finished speaking, he turned to look at the invisible barrier and fell into a daze again.

The three siblings looked at each other and quickly stood up. While enduring the pain in their legs, they picked up the fruit and started to chew on it.

They were indeed very hungry, otherwise they would not have risked landing on the island to steal the fruit.

Now that the crisis is over, we must fill our stomachs quickly before doing what Tang Zhen arranged.

The elite education they received since childhood made the three siblings very calm when doing things. Perhaps this is also the reason why they can survive.

The fruit is full of water, filling your stomach and quenching your thirst at the same time. The sweet taste brings a deep sense of satisfaction.

After the three siblings had eaten their fill, they began to work as required.

The eldest sister is responsible for chopping firewood, while the second sister and her younger brother are responsible for fishing and picking up a wooden stick with a hook to catch items from the water.

Before the disaster, the three siblings had never done this kind of work, so their movements seemed very clumsy.

But they also know what consequences they will suffer if they don't do their job well.

So grit your teeth and do your best to do the things at hand.

Fortunately, Tang Zhen did not supervise or reprimand the work from beginning to end, which made the three siblings feel much more relaxed.

The youngest brother, taking the fishing rod and bait assigned by Tang Zhen, quickly caught a khaki eel.

This fish was about half a meter long and had considerable strength. It almost pulled the little boy into the water.

The three siblings worked together and finally dragged the eel up, and then chopped it to death with an axe.

The eel's blood flowed out, and the fishy smell hit the face, making people feel nauseous.

"Ah, this fish is so ugly. What's all that stuff on it?" The younger brother pointed at the eel's body with a look of disgust on his little face.

At this time, the three siblings discovered that the eel had strange red lines on its body, as if there were a swarm of insects attached to it.

As the eel squirms, the red stripes flash brightly.

Thinking of last night's experience, the three siblings were a little scared. They didn't know whether this kind of fish could be eaten.

"Drain the blood, soak it in boiling water for three hours, and then you can eat it normally."

When Tang Zhen's voice came, the three siblings breathed a sigh of relief and realized the benefits of following the extraordinary.

When they came across this kind of food, they didn’t know whether they could eat it or how to handle it.

Either you will be hungry because you dare not eat, or you will be poisoned by eating randomly, instead of getting the most correct treatment method like now.

The second and third children continued fishing, and the boss followed Tang Zhen's prompts and began to process the eels.

During the process, she also studied the tool in her hand and found that it looked very similar to wood, but was as hard and sharp as metal.

When handling the smooth and tough eel, you can cut through the skin effortlessly, as if you were cutting a crispy tofu.

Next to it are a strange-shaped pot, ladles and buckets used to hold water, and various daily tools.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered that they were all made of the same material as wood, but equally hard.

Looking at the log next to it, there are missing pits one after another, as if they were scratched with hands.

When the boss saw these traces, he couldn't help but think, could these tools be made of wood?

Thinking of Tang Zhen's special status, he felt that it was natural. Since he was an extraordinary person, he could naturally do some incredible things.

But like grabbing mud, turning wood into steel is beyond imagination.

Putting the chopped wood under the stove, the eldest sister took the burning kindling from the log next to it.

It was only when she was cooking that she discovered that there was a burning wood hole on the log next to her.

I don't know how long it has been burning, but it is full of red-hot coals. As long as you put a stick in it and take it out, it will burn brightly.

Compared with those technological methods of making fire, it is indeed a bit primitive, but it is particularly easy to use.

The boss has a feeling that even if there is a violent storm, the fire burning in the tree hole will not go out.

With the existence of a burning fire source, there is no need to be afraid of the cold invasion, and there is no need to gather together shivering in the middle of the night.

Thinking of the scene of the three siblings gathering around the fire when night came, a smile appeared on the eldest sister's face.

According to Tang Zhen's request, the seemingly clear rainwater was boiled, and after the water cooled down, the fish meat was soaked in it.

Knowing that the water was not drinkable directly, the boss boiled several pots of water and filled them in salvaged containers.

The second and third boys were very lucky and caught several big fish in a row, all of which were soaked in the water after being handled.

Affected by the mutation of the rules, coupled with the extremely abundant food, the size of fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs grew rapidly.

The survivors all knew that the reason why these aquatic creatures were so fat was actually because they devoured the bodies of the drowned.

But even so, it does not affect its use as food.

Survival is a problem, and who cares about the source of food. If the situation is really desperate, the survivors may eat the same thing.

The people watching from a distance felt a little weird when they saw the performance of the three siblings.

They originally thought that the fate of the three siblings would be miserable, but they didn't expect that they would be left behind by Tang Zhen.

Although they are driven to work, the labor intensity is extremely low, and even young children can do it.

The benefits obtained are enough to make many people envious.

By staying with Tang Zhen, safety is guaranteed, which is the most important point.

No matter whether it was a supernatural person, a survivor, or a monster in the water, no one could harm the safety of the three siblings without Tang Zhen's permission.

Many survivors were secretly envious and wondered if they could imitate Tang Zhen and be taken in by Tang Zhen.

(End of this chapter)

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