I have a city in another world

Chapter 5506 Flesh Fruit Cultivation Plan

Chapter 5506 Flesh Fruit Cultivation Plan

Looking at the items in their hands, Agen and others were filled with emotion.

They racked their brains but couldn't find a solution to the problem, so they had to ask Tang Zhen for help.

As a result, the problem was solved before he even opened his mouth.

Although it is not yet clear how to operate it, my inner admiration arises spontaneously.

At the same time, it became increasingly clear that Tang Zhen's identity was by no means simple.

When someone deals with a problem, they sometimes feel helpless. It's not that they have no brains, but that they lack sufficient strength.

It is useless to have some ideas without the ability to implement them.

From this, it can be determined that Tang Zhen is at a higher level than them and can easily solve the problems that make them helpless.

"Your Excellency has something to do today, so you won't receive guests. Please go back the way you came."

The eldest sister among the three siblings directly said goodbye to the guests.

After hearing this, A Gen and others naturally did not dare to talk nonsense and saluted Tang Zhen one after another to say goodbye.

He is also very polite towards the three siblings and will not behave rudely.

Being able to follow Tang Zhen is worthy of their special attention, not to mention that the three siblings are also practitioners.

Who knows, in the future, the path of spiritual practice will intersect with each other, and may even ask for help from others.

If you want to go further in your spiritual practice, you cannot avoid interacting with other monks, exchanging experiences and various spiritual resources.

A true mentor is also an opportunity, which must be firmly grasped.

In the minds of Agen and others, the three siblings already have this potential, and they must maintain the relationship between them.

Now that the situation is critical and time is the most precious, everyone will not waste it anymore.

They all got up and turned around, heading straight for the survivors' base camp.

After returning to the artificial floating island, several extraordinary people immediately returned to the exclusive area to study the solutions provided by Tang Zhen.

I don’t know, I’m scared.

The method Tang Zhen provided actually required monsters as raw materials to implant seeds into them to cultivate a special flesh-and-blood fruit.

It only takes a day for the fruit to mature and can be cooked in a pot with a little processing.

The broth produced from a ripe flesh-and-blood fruit can be eaten by hundreds of people. It is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients and has a strong feeling of satiety.

Once successfully cultivated, only more than 1000 flesh and blood fruits will be needed to solve the food problem of the survivors.

Although the planting method is incredible, the effect is surprising, and I can’t wait to try it.

Suppress the joy in your heart and look at the specific operation process.

Capture underwater monsters and make them lose their ability to move. Living monsters are best, dead monsters are also acceptable, but it will affect the quality of the flesh and blood fruit.

A hole was made in the monster's head and heart, and the seeds placed in the jar were implanted into them.

There are three types of seeds, and the fruits they produce are different, but they all taste very delicious.

The flesh and blood of a monster can produce three to five fruits. If the monster is strong enough, it can even produce two to three fruits.

Within a fleshy fruit there are one or two seeds, which can be removed before cooking.

With enough seeds, you can cultivate them in large quantities without worrying about running out of seeds.

After understanding the specific operation process, everyone secretly sighed and were in awe of Tang Zhen.

At the same time, I am also very curious, where did Tang Zhen get such incredible means?

Dreamland, ghost land, or somewhere else?

Thinking of the continuous appearance of mutated tree demons and Tang Zhen's incredible performances, Agen and others began to make speculations.

No matter which camp they belong to, they are the ones they need to look up to.

After simple research, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and all the extraordinary people were gathered together.

Some capable survivors also received notifications to participate in this meeting.

Today's survivors are in the same boat, and there is no need to distinguish between extraordinary and mortal.

Of course, the main power is still in the hands of the extraordinary.

If there were no extraordinary beings to deter them, many unruly and greedy survivors would definitely cause many things.They may not obey the management of ordinary people, but they are submissive to extraordinary people. They are out-and-out bullies who are afraid of the weak and afraid of the strong.

The facts are irrefutable. If there were no extraordinary people in the fishbowl city, all the survivors would have died long ago.

All kinds of ugly things will appear one after another.

While everyone secretly speculated on the specific content of this meeting, Agen directly informed them of the method of cultivating the flesh and blood fruit.

After everyone heard it, they were immediately shocked, just like the expressions of Agen and others when they first heard it.

I never thought that this kind of operation could be used to solve the food crisis we are facing.

Although the method is sinister and weird, as long as the food problem can be solved, the survivors will definitely not reject it.

However, there are some people who also have doubts.

"Isn't this the same as indirectly eating... people?"

Most survivors scoffed at such concerns.

“The fruits and vegetables you fucking eat are watered with feces, and who knows what was soaked in the water you drink before processing.

Besides, it was a monster and not a living person, so how could it be considered the same kind?

Out of sight, out of mind, as long as you have something to eat, if you are taboo about these things, then just don’t eat them, and you can save a mouthful of food! "

The survivors who raised questions were turned red in the face by the refutation, and after a few oohs and aahs, they stopped talking.

Obviously he knew in his heart that if he kept talking nonsense, he might get beaten.

If you question this method, provide a solution, otherwise you are not qualified to talk nonsense.

In ancient times, when marching and fighting, when food and grass were in short supply, it often happened that similar animals were used to make military rations.

Nowadays, using monsters as raw materials and not harming other survivors is already a very kind act.

There are some ruthless guys who are actually plotting secretly to attack when food is insufficient.

As long as it is not made public, the survivors will pretend not to see it.

They know it very well, but in order to survive, they can only pretend to be confused.

The means provided by Tang Zhen prevented tragedies from happening and saved many people's lives.

Now that we know the operating methods, we need to study how to act and cultivate the flesh and blood fruit as soon as possible.

Although the cultivation manual provided by Tang Zhen has stated that the raw materials can be dead or alive, they still need to be as refined as possible.

Priority is given to the use of living monsters, and the cultivated flesh and blood fruits are provided to extraordinary people. This is also a benefit for the privileged class.

Collect the corpses of dead monsters and cultivate flesh fruits for the survivors to eat.

The mutated tree demon previously launched an attack and killed countless monsters, while countless corpses were still floating on the water.

The special environment of the fish tank city provides a good preservation function for the corpse, and so far no signs of decay have been seen.

There are also no monsters that devour the corpses of the same kind, only some mutated eels that feed on them.

These monster corpses meet the requirements and can be salvaged and collected to be used as materials for cultivating flesh and blood fruits.

After the plan was agreed upon, the action began immediately. The extraordinary ones captured the living monsters, and the survivors salvaged the floating corpses on the water.

Under the leadership of the extraordinary, the survivors got busy and traveled to all directions in simple ships.

They used barbed sticks to rummage through the water and tied the monster's body up.

After accumulating a certain amount, they immediately turned around and returned.

When approaching the artificial floating island, throw the rope in your hand upwards, and a survivor will immediately catch it.

A group of survivors worked together to pull the rope up to the artificial floating island. After untying the rope, someone immediately used the rope to lift the pole and transport the monster's body to the center of the floating island.

There are survivors working here to make the site as flat as possible to facilitate subsequent cultivation.

The corpses of the monsters were arranged neatly, every thirty in a row, exuding a cold and fishy smell.

It lingers inside the nose and cannot be dissipated.

A Gen, Hua De and other extraordinary beings were currently holding tools to make holes in the monster's corpse.

He took out the seeds from the bottle and carefully put them in with a pious and serious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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