I have a city in another world

Chapter 5512 Departure and Fusion

Chapter 5512 Departure and Fusion

The fishbowl city was broken, which represented the outcome of the confrontation.

This time in the air battle, Tang Zhen was the final winner, defeating the rules of heaven in this world.

Although the way of heaven in this world can only be regarded as the bottom among all the worlds, it is still invincible to ordinary monks.

Tang Zhen's victory was equivalent to transcending himself and entering a new realm.

The main reason for the victory was that Tang Zhen received extraordinary help from the cornerstone platform.

Without the artifact to crack and the original energy to resolve the erasure rules, Tang Zhen would have no chance of winning, no matter how powerful his means were.

Now that he is successful and retired, there is no need to worry about the next thing.

The moment Tang Zhen broke through the Fish Tank City and appeared in the outside world, a massive amount of merit poured in towards him.

At this moment, Tang Zhen couldn't help laughing.

With these merits in hand, building city upgrades and promotions are just around the corner.

There is more than one thing to be happy about. The cracking of the Dreamland Ghost Realm is now just a hair away.

Today’s dream ghost realm can be carried with you and you can enter it at any time.

The crystal that can travel through time and space is now basically under control and can be brought back to Loucheng smoothly.

Maybe after a while, Tang Zhen will leave this world.

In this world that started the extraordinary era with his own hands, Tang Zhen would leave behind a teleportation array and connect it to the city.

When the practitioners meet the requirements, they can pass through the teleportation array and cross the void into the building city.

In the eyes of the indigenous people, this kind of teleportation behavior is not much different from ascending to the fairy world.

After returning to the Dreamland Ghost Realm, Tang Zhen began to concentrate on cracking the code and no longer paid attention to the things outside.

Before I knew it, half a year had passed.

Today, the outside world is already filled with monsters, and more and more extraordinary beings are emerging.

The monster created by heaven eventually destroyed this world.

But at the same time, the energy of heaven and earth has become more and more intense. In another hundred years, it will inevitably be upgraded to a low-energy world.

After the upgrade is completed, the indigenous people of this world will be stronger and will have better development in the future.

Tiandao will also benefit from this, becoming stronger and possessing more authority.

There is also a possibility that a new way of heaven will appear and completely replace the original way of heaven.

This is also the main reason why Tiandao targets Tang Zhen and attacks him crazily. Whenever a new era comes, it will inevitably trample on the bones of those in power in the old era.

This is true for those in power, and so is the way of heaven.

When the world was in chaos, the Dreamland Ghost Realm sent out news that it would be closed in a short time.

It will take at least ten years to reopen again.

When this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar and made many extraordinary people panic.

The extraordinary road in this world starts from the ghost realm of dreams. It is a holy place in the eyes of extraordinary people.

Now that the Dreamland Ghost Realm is closed, it is equivalent to the lake cutting off its water source. How can the extraordinary beings not panic?

But some people also feel that even without the dream ghost realm, the supernatural world can still continue to exist.

Today's extraordinary beings can already refine talisman elixirs, and their craftsmanship is constantly improving.

A contract for exchanging longevity money can be made by every extraordinary person.

You no longer have to use longevity money to exchange it with the Dreamland Ghost Realm like you did in the beginning.

But some top-level materials still need to be obtained from the Dream Ghost Realm.

Many monks have made up their mind to use these ten years to save a large sum of money, which can be used to exchange for a batch of good things when the Dreamland Ghost Realm opens again.

After some time, the Dreamland Ghost Realm was indeed closed.

At the same time, there were also a group of practitioners who disappeared with the closure of the Dreamland Ghost Realm and never appeared again.

Some people say that the missing practitioners were all recruited by the Dream Ghost Realm. As for what they were going to do, no one could tell clearly.


A burst of light circulated, and then a light door appeared.

Tang Zhen walked out of the light door and looked at the city in front of him, feeling as if he was returning home after a long absence.

Calculating the time, he did go long enough this time.First, he destroyed the star demon clan, then hunted down the remaining enemies, and accidentally obtained the dream ghost realm and a crystal that could travel through time and space.

During the time he left, Loucheng has been developing steadily, but the hidden dangers have never been eliminated.

The powerful and cunning mythical beasts are like a sharp sword hanging above their heads, and they may be cut down at any time.

With Lou Cheng's current strength, there is no way he can fight against the mythical beast clan.

Fortunately, there are also many factions within the mythical beast clan, so it is impossible to launch a war with all their strength.

The major races hesitated and argued, giving Loucheng enough time to develop.

Tang Zhen was determined to eliminate the mythical beast clan, but he knew that the current Loucheng was simply not capable of doing this.

If you can't fight, you can hide. When you grow up later, it won't be too late to launch a counterattack.

Lou Cheng is in the true spirit world, so it is no problem to move short distances, but it is difficult to travel to other worlds.

But this problem has now been solved.

Once the crystal with the ability to travel through time and space is integrated with the building city, it can be teleported away from the true spirit world.

Fusion requires merit and source energy, and it also takes a certain amount of time to complete.

At the same time, we must do a good job in keeping secrets to avoid being discovered by the spies of the mythical beast clan and taking the opportunity to launch an attack.

Therefore, Tang Zhen's return was not informed to anyone.

After he returned to Loucheng, he quietly came to the corner of the cornerstone platform and started the fusion in a low-key manner.

Ninety percent of the merit gained through all the hard work and hardships was consumed in an instant.

You can find ways to earn the merits of upgrading the building city. It doesn't matter if you upgrade later.

But the move to the city is imminent, and it must continue even if it hurts.

As long as he leaves the true spirit world, Lou Cheng will be able to get enough time to develop and grow slowly.

In addition to merit, the original energy has also completely bottomed out, which is also an important resource that Tang Zhen urgently needs to obtain.

There are many ways to obtain source energy. Tang Zhen still needs to plan carefully how to operate.

The environment of the true spirit world is special, and it is very difficult to obtain the original energy. You can only harvest it in other worlds.

There are also emotional fruits, which also need to be cultivated and serve as food for the mythical beasts in dreams.

Tang Zhen has two powerful trump cards in his hand, one is the mutated tree demon, and the other is the dream beast.

The mutated tree demon has grown rapidly and is now preparing to condense its godhood, which requires not only its original energy, but also a massive amount of spiritual power.

The mutant tree demon is Tang Zhen's clone. Now it is at a critical moment of upgrading and must provide timely assistance.

If one day, the mutated tree demon successfully advances to become a demon god, Tang Zhen's strength will also increase exponentially.

When facing powerful enemies, there is no need to hide in fear.

The potential of the dream beast is no less than that of the mutated tree demon, but the growth process is too difficult.

If the normal model is followed, it will take tens to millions of years for the dream beast to become mature.

Tang Zhen couldn't afford to wait for such a long time.

You must find a place where you can harvest a large amount of emotional fruits to meet the growth needs of the dream beast.

In the future, Tang Zhen will use the abilities of the abyss demons to find a world that meets the requirements.

Time passed slowly, and the transformation was carried out quietly.

At the beginning, Loucheng residents did not notice anything unusual, but in the later stages of the transformation, more and more strange phenomena appeared, and Loucheng residents finally realized that something big was going to happen.

Before the residents of Loucheng figured out what was going on, the last step of the integration and transformation had been completed.

On this day, the residents of Loucheng saw a giant rune mask appearing above their heads.

The light mask enveloped the city, and the surrounding scenery became blurred, and then turned into ink-like darkness.

It seems like eternal night has fallen, but it is isolated from the outside world by a light shield.

When darkness enveloped the city, the light shield was like stars in the sky, emitting bright and dazzling light.

While the residents were confused, Tang Zhen's figure appeared above the building with a bright smile on his face.

"In the days to come, I will lead you to travel across all realms and heavens!"

(End of this chapter)

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