I have a city in another world

Chapter 5527: Eye-catching meat

Chapter 5527: Eye-catching meat

Wherever the business is open, as long as the money is in place, all reasonable requirements can be met.

Although food is in short supply now, it is only limited to ordinary people. Businessmen with connections always have ways to obtain food to ensure that the operation of daily operations is not affected.

Because the ingredients are rich enough, it attracts more customers, many of whom are the upper class people of Nanchuan City.

These people may not come to the store, but someone will be responsible for delivering the prepared dishes to avoid unnecessary impact.

In special times like this, ordinary people are very sensitive and especially hate someone exercising their privileges.

However, if such a thing were to happen to a monk, many people would choose to turn a blind eye.

In today's environment, practitioners have a special status and are the backbone of the fight against demons.

If there were no practitioners, demons would have destroyed the entire world.

The other guests were just curious about Tang Zhen's behavior, but they all remained silent in a tacit agreement.

I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for myself because of some words.

After all, there are some practitioners who have quite hot tempers, which can be said to be ignited easily.

The waiters in the restaurant got busy and quickly filled the table with food, all of which were hunger-fighting and nutritious dishes.

Tang Zhen sat at the table and started eating.

While eating, his stomach kept making growling sounds. Plate after plate of food went into his stomach, but there was no sign of bulging.

Such a strange scene made everyone marvel.

There were also practitioners in the hotel, who showed admiration and envy when they saw this.

They guessed that Tang Zhen was practicing a special technique that could digest food very quickly.

For flesh and blood creatures, food is the source of power, and food supplements are one of the most direct and effective ways.

Swallowing elixirs and consuming medicated meals can actually be classified as dietary supplements.

Similarly, there are practitioners who become particularly good at eating because of their practice.

The practitioners were not surprised by Tang Zhen's state, and after a few glances, they ignored him.

What they were more interested in was that Tang Zhen's mutilated limbs did not affect his movements at all.

At the same time, he made up his mind to inquire about Tang Zhen's origin later.

There are also some people who think that Tang Zhen will not live long. After all, he lives in a haunted house and is disabled.

On the battlefield in this state, the chance of death is obviously higher.

The hotel owner looked at Tang Zhen and really hoped that such a generous guest would live longer and come to take care of his business more often.

A large table of food was eaten cleanly by Tang Zhen.

The piece of raw meat he brought back had been processed by the chef and exuded a strange fishy smell.

When this piece of meat was brought to the table, it immediately attracted the attention of the practitioners.

They could tell at a glance that this piece of meat was quite extraordinary and probably came from the demon leader.

Compared with ordinary monsters, demon leaders are more ferocious and are real invaders from other worlds.

As long as the demon leader is killed, the low-level monsters will be leaderless and quickly enter a scattered state.

The demon leader comes from another world and has many magic weapons and materials on his body, which are all things that practitioners want to obtain.

The flesh and blood of the demon leader is also a rare thing, and it is an extraordinary material in itself.

In the circle of practitioners, it also has a high value and is a scarce resource with a price but no market.

Practitioners feel that it is natural to eat the flesh and blood of the demon leader. After all, they are not the same kind, and there is no psychological burden when eating.

Besides, this demon leader also feeds on humans. Devouring the opponent's flesh and blood is equivalent to revenge.

There is a deep and irresolvable hatred between the aborigines and the demons, and they want to eat their flesh and drink their blood.

Unfortunately, not everyone can realize this idea. Demon slayers who want to kill the demon leader are often killed by the opponent and become a delicacy in the opponent's mouth.

This piece of flesh and blood of the demon leader is therefore very valuable, and many people even see it for the first time.

Someone hesitated for a moment and then took the initiative to ask.

"Brother, let me ask, are you the flesh and blood of the demon leader?"

The demon slayer who asked was looking forward to it, staring intently at the large piece of cooked meat. "That's right."

Tang Zhen nodded and did not hide anything.

As long as you have enough experience, you can see the origin of flesh and blood, and you can't hide it at all.

Moreover, this incident was done deliberately by Tang Zhen, hoping to attract more people's attention.

After receiving the affirmative answer, the demon slayer looked happy. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "I want to buy a piece of demon flesh and blood from you. I don't know if it's okay or not?"

When the people next to him heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, and their eyes became equally eager.

The flesh and blood of the demon leader can certainly be traded, but it is simply not available on ordinary days.

If Tang Zhen was willing to sell this piece of demon flesh and blood, someone would be eager to pay for it.

The crux of the matter is whether Tang Zhen will sell or not.

Tang Zhen raised his head and looked at the demon slayer in front of him, and found that his eyes were full of sincerity.

"Someone in my family is sick, and now it is very serious. The doctor said that the flesh and blood of the demon leader can be used to remove the root."

Seeing Tang Zhen staring at him, he hesitated and continued: "I also tried to find a way to hunt down the demon leader before, but unfortunately I didn't succeed.

Although there are times when the leader monster can be hunted in the city, it’s a pity that I can’t get it at all…”

The demon slayer said this with a hint of shame on his face.

Even if you become a practitioner, you cannot do whatever you want. Classes still exist, and a very small number of people still control most of the resources.

They can spend money wantonly but ignore the needs of the people at the bottom. Even if it is left to rot in a warehouse, it will never be enjoyed by the general public.

Enjoying resources, controlling resources, and limiting the distribution of resources are the most effective ways to maintain and stabilize your own class.

No matter when, even if it is a disaster, similar situations will still exist.

Compared with ordinary people, the situation of practitioners is much better, and at least there is a glimmer of hope.

There are many ordinary people who really can only wait for death in silence.

Under everyone's gaze, Tang Zhen nodded gently.

"I can sell it to you."

Hearing this, the demon slayer immediately beamed with joy and quickly opened his own package.

He took out a money bag and poured out a lot of gold coins, which were very dazzling.

"How much does it cost? Just ask, Your Excellency."

The gold coins on this table made many people's eyes light up, and they felt extremely envious.

If this piece of demon flesh and blood belonged to them, they would surely become rich overnight.

But this kind of thing is just a thought.

Without enough ability, you can't get the flesh and blood of the demon at all, let alone protect this wealth.

If it falls into your own hands, not only will it bring no benefits, but it will lead to fatal disasters.

"I don't know the price, just give it as you see."

Tang Zhen didn't particularly care about the money, but what he wanted more was the merit that came with it.

Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. It is impossible to miss this kind of merit encountered on the road.

Whenever there is merit to be obtained, Tang Zhen can always sense it and make a judgment based on the actual situation.

After hearing this, the demon slayer quickly thanked Tang Zhen, left all the gold coins, and left happily with a piece of demon flesh and blood.

Seeing this, the other demon slayers also wanted to try to buy, but they saw Tang Zhen wave his hand.

"If you want to buy flesh and blood, wait until tomorrow."

After Tang Zhen finished speaking, he started eating heavily, as if he hadn't eaten enough just now.

After eating the demon flesh and blood, he soon felt his whole body heat up and his blood was rushing at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, Tang Zhen got up and left the hotel, returning to his house.

After closing the door, he immediately used the ancient witch clan's secret body-building method to exercise over and over again.

(End of this chapter)

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