I have a city in another world

Chapter 5535 Clean-up operation out of the city

That night, the mutant tree demon gained more than 7000 followers in Nanchuan City.

The main reason for the explosive growth is that they heard rumors related to Tang Zhen. Many citizens were moved by it and wanted to try whether they could become the lucky ones.

Nanchuan City is not too big, and it doesn't take much effort to figure something out.

The lucky protagonist in the rumor happened to be someone they knew and had even had various contacts with.

Hearing is false, seeing is believing, the rumors related to Tang Zhen are definitely true.

Not trying at this time is equivalent to sitting back and ignoring opportunities.

How can people in difficult situations give up hope easily? Even if they take risks, they must give it a try.

In the coming days, more and more people will try.

At the beginning, they all had the attitude of giving it a try, but they did not expect to receive a response that night.

In the illusory space constructed by the dream beasts, those who prayed to the True God of the Holy Tree of the Void saw a majestic and mysterious figure, and felt the powerful power that made people tremble in awe.

They finally believed that gods really existed and that their opportunity had arrived.

They were extremely happy and excited, bursting into tears in the dream, and bowed down to the mysterious figure in the dream.

Soon in their dreams, they learned a scripture, which they only needed to recite devoutly every day to get a response from the gods.

In addition to a scripture, I also received a practice method that everyone can use to practice.

If you have spiritual roots for cultivation, you will soon be able to sense and capture the free energy of heaven and earth.

The prayers were overjoyed after receiving the practice skills.

From this moment on, they have the qualifications to become extraordinary people. Whether they can finally achieve their wish depends on their own efforts and luck.

The excited believers never imagined that the great god in their eyes was just a fake.

Of course, this is not deception, but the object of their worship, and there is no way to respond quickly.

However, there are many believers who have a speculative mentality. If the response speed is slower, they are likely to lose patience immediately.

In order to gain more believers, some special means had to be used.

Fortunately, such an operation will not bring adverse effects, but will achieve better results.

That night, some people also became afraid of Tang Zhen.

Tang Zhen's rapid rise will inevitably affect the status and interests of many people, and even change the structure of Nanchuan City.

Although these people can't do much in a short period of time, some people will definitely take action in the days to come.

No matter when, no matter how critical and dangerous the situation is, internal fighting cannot be avoided.

For Tang Zhen, such a trivial matter was not worth mentioning. If any blind guy dared to cause trouble, he could make him disappear at any time.

Such low-level existences are not worthy of a battle of wits and courage, and there is no need to waste precious time.

For many people in Nanchuan City, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

When the next morning came, citizens continued to gather on the streets near the city gate.

Judging from their attire, it was obvious that they were preparing to leave the city.

Various vehicles, also dragged by people and animals, or pushed by hand, joined the procession.

Such a lively scene attracted many people to watch.

Some onlookers were curious to find out what happened, and soon learned the answer.

Topics related to Tang Zhen were discussed again. Compared with the previous doubts, many people actually directly affirmed the existence of gods.

Judging from their excited expressions and hesitant attitude, it was obvious that they knew something.

After a while, teams of demon exterminators appeared on the streets, also in fully armed postures.

By the time Tang Zhen appeared, the street was already occupied by people and vehicles, and it looked quite lively.Officials had long noticed that there was a large gathering of people here and quickly sent people to maintain order.

They are not looking for trouble, and they don't have the courage. If a conflict accidentally arises, it will probably be difficult to end it easily.

Nowadays, the situation in Nanchuan City is very complicated, and no one dares to offend the monks casually.

When everything was ready, the huge team set off immediately.

After passing through the city gate, we headed all the way forward, heading straight to the place where we killed the demon leader yesterday.

There are a lot of supplies there that can be collected and returned to the city.

Going in this direction, there is another city nearby, which is also guarded by practitioners.

The practitioners in Nanchuan City were besieged by demons and did not know the specific situation in the outside world.

But Tang Zhen knew very well and planned to open up this channel to successfully connect the two cities.

When the time comes to cooperate with each other or integrate with each other, they will have more powerful power.

Regarding the news of this operation, Tang Zhen also informed the residents of Loucheng in that city, asking them to cooperate as much as possible and make various preparations in advance.

The residents of Loucheng are very interested in Tang Zhen's plan and are now actively taking action.

The mighty team left the city, guarded by practitioners at the front, rear and left, and passed through an area occupied by demons and monsters.

There are monsters constantly appearing on the road, but they are easily solved. Compared with the demon leader, a small number of low-level monsters are not very threatening.

Only when they gather in groups and reach a certain number will they cause a huge crisis.

Without the command of the demon leader, the low-level monsters are just a mess, unable to stop the team from moving forward.

After marching for a while, we arrived at the territory of the demon leader we hunted last night. There were large areas of unharvested grain and various supplies in the damaged houses.

Everything that can be used must be collected and loaded on the truck. Even if it is not used temporarily, it must be stored in a warehouse.

The war with demons is likely to be protracted, so you must be prepared.

Sufficient material reserves are the basis for long-term operations.

After the materials were collected, the convoy returned immediately, and every car returned fully loaded.

The vehicles collected on site were returned to Nanchuan City after simple repairs.

The monks will escort you on the return trip to avoid being attacked by monsters, and at the same time, more people will be recruited.

In the coming time, more supplies will be collected, and the existing manpower is simply not enough.

In order to ensure the smooth recruitment of personnel, Tang Zhen gave high remuneration, and one day's income was equivalent to ten days' salary under normal conditions.

With such a generous treatment, many people will definitely be tempted.

During the process of collecting supplies, the team cannot move forward until the collection and cleanup is completed.

Tang Zhen did not waste time, but guided and trained the demon slayers so that they could gain stronger combat effectiveness.

Tang Zhen personally took action, and the results were naturally extraordinary, and everyone who received the guidance gained greatly.

The monks became more and more admiring and awed towards Tang Zhen, and were even more convinced that he was the messenger of the gods.

Otherwise, how could an ordinary person undergo such a huge change overnight.

In order to ensure the smooth operation, Tang Zhen also contacted the residents of Loucheng in Nanchuan City to ask them to cooperate with this clean-up operation.

If someone dares to sabotage, just kill them directly, and Tang Zhen will pay corresponding rewards.

There were also Loucheng residents who were very interested in Tang Zhen's plan and took the initiative to join his team.

At this moment, the residents of Loucheng did not know Tang Zhen's true identity. They did not know that this favored man who was in the limelight in Nanchuan City was actually their dear city lord.

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