With the rune array furnace and Tang Zhen's personal operation, ordinary items can be easily refined.

In order to speed up the action, Tang Zhen refined several water guns, which contained continuously heated spiritual stones.

Pour water into it and it will continue to heat, and you can easily shoot it out by pressing the switch.

The water gun tool is very effective and can easily complete the cutting and remove spiritual stones and large and small boxes.

The cars parked below will leave after being filled and run very fast.

Car after car, one after another, kept falling into the warehouse, and the colorful lights were dazzling.

For the lost, this is a huge treasure, enough to make countless people jealous and take risks.

If the lost knew that such a place existed, it would be easy for them to have evil thoughts that they shouldn't have.

In a lost city where supplies are scarce, many lost people do whatever they can to survive.

Information related to the warehouse must not be easily known to outsiders, and confidentiality must be given top priority.

When the gathering place was first established, many rules were not yet complete, otherwise the work of warehousing and storage would inevitably be handled by dedicated personnel.

To avoid being known by more people, you can better hide the secret. This is a necessary process.

Of course, at this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the spirit stones and boxes were like dirt.

The quantity is so numerous that even the warehouse can hardly contain it.

Seeing that the warehouse was almost full, we had to spare our manpower and continue to open up more space underground.

But as a result, manpower became insufficient.

If there are too many people in a gathering place, it will put huge pressure on logistics, but if there are too few people, there will be a feeling of being unable to do the work.

If you are able, you should try to recruit as many people as possible, and you can maintain your troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. This is the principle.

Recruiting people can be studied later. The main task at this moment is mining.

Like a hard-working miner, he is racing against time to excavate, but he has to grit his teeth and endure even though he is tired.

Fortunately, before taking action, Tang Zhen had anticipated this situation and specially prepared some elixirs for rejuvenating the mind and strengthening the body.

After taking it, fatigue will be relieved, toxins will be eliminated from the body, and strength will flow out from the limbs.

Relying on this elixir can extend working hours several times.

However, you can only take one pill of this type in a short period of time, otherwise you will definitely hurt yourself.

If it were another gathering place, in order to achieve its goal, it would definitely not care about the life and death of the lost people.

If the elixir is not limited, it must be fed as much as possible.

But here in Tang Zhen, human life has a higher value, and people will not exchange human lives for money easily.

Besides, this gift from heaven doesn’t just come in one wave, you can just accumulate it slowly in the remaining days.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, we got through the initial rush and the pace gradually slowed down.

It's not that everyone is lazy, it's Tang Zhen's request to do this.

The lost are just flesh and blood, which may remain in a tense state, and must combine work and rest, so that the water can flow smoothly.

This is especially important when staffing is scarce.

At this moment on the ground, countless flying monsters surrounded the clouds, constantly pecking them with their mouths, scratching them with their claws, and spraying urine from time to time.

The monster used this method to slowly disintegrate the huge clouds.

The excited monster didn't know that inside the glowing cloud, some people were constantly digging.

If you don't reveal your existence, you won't be attacked by monsters, and you will be in peace for a long time.

The next work does not require Tang Zhen's participation for the time being, Lao Mao and others can solve it.

Tang Zhen planned to take this opportunity to walk around the streets outside to see if he could gain anything else.

Going out during such a dangerous period is actually a very irrational thing. Crazy flying monsters, lost people participating in the robbery, and various items falling from the sky will pose fatal threats to travelers.

The wisest choice is to wait until the crisis has passed before trying to go out to explore.

Risks and opportunities accompany each other. If you are in a comfortable environment and avoid all kinds of risks and unknowns, limited opportunities will also be excluded.Before Tang Zhen went out, he made simple arrangements and left quietly along the entrance of the secret cave.

The same goes for Tang Zhen's sewer base in Cunning Rabbit's Three Cave, where a secret passage was specially dug.

In the abandoned building in the factory area, a figure appeared quietly, silently looking at the empty space in front of the factory area.

The huge mountain-like clouds originally emitted dazzling colorful light, which could be clearly seen from a long distance away.

But at this moment, it became flickering, like a volcano that was about to go out.

Countless flying monsters cover the surface of the clouds, preventing light from being released.

Countless corpses were piled on the nearby snow, many of which were squirming and struggling.

The bitterly cold polar night will take away their lives until they turn into a cold corpse.

This crazy scramble has also spread to the gathering place, which now looks like a mess.

Fortunately, the damage to the ground will not affect the underground space, at least in a short period of time.

But over time, accidents may still happen.

The more things you do, the more likely you are to make mistakes, so just choose to wait and see.

If there is a real problem, it's not too late to solve it.

Tang Zhen made up his mind and left quietly, heading towards the nearby gathering place.

He was ready to see what his neighbors were doing.

As you walk along the street, you will occasionally encounter flying monsters, screaming and whizzing past overhead.

There were also some monsters parked on top of trees and buildings, also letting out bursts of screams.

At this moment, the flying monster fell into an extremely excited state, and its desire to hunt was greatly reduced.

This special state has resulted in many lost people being protected from attack.

But if you don't cover up your traces and walk on the street without hesitation, you will definitely be attacked by monsters.

Tang Zhen knew this and would definitely avoid it carefully to avoid affecting his actions.

Traveling in dark ruins will bring a lot of trouble to the lost, causing the efficiency of the operation to be greatly reduced.

The polar night has no effect on flying monsters, and they are as easy as a fish in water.

At this moment, Tang Zhen was wearing an evil spirit mask on his face, and his eyes were equipped with something similar to lenses.

In the world in the lens, the darkness has been filtered out, and the scenery looks very clear.

The bodies of monsters and lost people will be marked with clear outlines, which can be clearly distinguished even if they are hidden.

This is a very useful tool for the lost to help them move smoothly in the dark.

Facing hidden monsters, you can also find and avoid them in time.

Relying on the concealment of the magic weapon and his extremely skilled stealth skills, Tang Zhen successfully passed through the streets.

The traces on the street proved that a large number of people had passed by before, and there were also broken monster corpses and blood stains nearby.

Apparently there had been fierce battles here before this.

Tang Zhen continued to move forward, preparing to visit the other party's gathering place. However, just halfway through, he heard a wailing sound.

After careful observation, he discovered that there were dozens of people lying scattered in the ruins of nearby buildings.

These lost people were all injured, some were still breathing and groaning in pain, while others had already been frozen into lumps of ice, with a ferocious look on their faces.

They were all abandoned by their gathering team after being injured, and now they can only wait to die silently in the darkness and cold.

There should be many similar things happening in the Lost City at this moment. Regardless of human race or alien race, the handling methods are very similar.

Abandon low-value targets and ensure a smooth return to the gathering place.

Looking at the dying struggling lost man, Tang Zhen was silent for more than ten breaths and took off the dirty carpet on his back.

As a low spell sounded, a strange-looking vehicle was lifted out of the filthy carpet by a group of spirits.

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