I have a city in another world

Chapter 5687 Become famous!

Come whatever you are afraid of.

In the center of the gathering place, strong lights suddenly flashed and shot rapidly towards the dark areas in all directions.

The light beam was as thick as a bucket, illuminating things in the darkness clearly, and it was like two lightsabers cutting into pieces the polar night.

Those flying monsters hiding in the darkness, with their heads and tails exposed, all appeared at this moment.

Wherever the light beam passed, the monster screamed as it was being burned, and it flapped its wings desperately to try to dodge.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, another stream of light flew towards him, exploding wherever the light shined.

Strong light, loud noise, and flames are all the enemies of flying monsters.

Amidst the loud sounds of metal and iron, flying monsters fell to the ground in pieces, their bodies riddled with metal fragments.

It fell to the ground and wailed, looking miserable.

Previously, there had been a large number of flying monsters trying to ambush the outside and intercept the escaping lost humans.

If you are lucky enough and can eliminate the light beam, they can march straight in.

However, the probability of this happening is not high.

The alien race is also very interested in the cause of the formation of light, and wants to understand it and take it for themselves.

Such a powerful method can be used in many places, especially flying monsters, which are extremely wary of strong light.

Although there is cooperation with the alien lost people, it is impossible to truly trust them.

They only cooperate temporarily because of interests, and there is a possibility of breaking up at any time.

Various foreign lost people are also in the flying monster's diet, but they only refrained from attacking because of the commander's orders.

It would be a great thing if the alien race seizes the opportunity and obtains a means to restrain flying monsters.

Unfortunately, after all the planning, no one was able to do what they wanted, and instead they suffered heavy casualties.

These flying monsters that fell into the trap and were counterattacked began to fly around uncontrollably.

The monster leader who was in charge of the command had no intention of restraining his men at this moment, but let them run around.

After avoiding danger, it is not too late to regroup.

The unrestricted free space allows flying monsters to escape quickly, thus effectively reducing casualties.

The number of casualties is not important. The key is that the crisis has been resolved and the invading enemy has paid its due price.

Although the enemy launched the attack because they fell into the trap designed by Tang Zhen, if they didn't have such thoughts, how could they seize the opportunity deliberately given.

Since he had malicious intentions, it was natural to kill him without any injustice.

Tang Zhen already knew the enemy's despicable intentions, so he deliberately planned to lure the enemy to attack.

The greedy enemy was indeed fooled and couldn't wait to come to the door and sacrifice his life and flesh.

Within a few minutes, the fierce battle was over, leaving only corpses scattered on the ground and the smell of blood floating in the air.

The logistics force cleans the battlefield, collects enemy corpses for processing, and sorts other items into storage.

Compared with the weapons and equipment of the soldiers in the gathering place, the weapons and equipment of the alien race can only be regarded as average and cannot be as envied as in the past. They are eager to own one.

Only through comparison can we see the difference in everything.

Tang Zhen's gathering place was far ahead in many aspects, and was definitely not comparable to ordinary forces.

Everyone took action at the same time, and the battlefield was cleaned up in two hours, even the blood stains were removed.

"The celebration continues!"

Then they played music, then danced, and after killing the enemy, they drank the celebratory wine, which was even more hearty.

Those members of the gathering who had swallowed the anti-alcohol pill before this, once again raised their glasses in celebration.

Previously, in order to put on a show and trick their enemies into taking the bait, the drinks they drank were all tasteless.

When the effect of the hangover pill wears off and I taste the wine again, I feel dizzy and drunk.

"The lord is really powerful. He actually designed such a powerful trap to let the enemies come to him and die!"

A drunken lost man sighed in an adoring tone, attracting everyone's chorus of agreement.

They also felt that this battle was hearty and satisfying, and they felt extremely happy when killing the enemy.

Seeing those arrogant, fierce, ugly and ferocious aliens being beheaded, the lost people of the human race felt indescribable joy. The accumulated depression in my heart has now disappeared.

"Our gathering place has been established for so long, why doesn't it have a name yet?"

Someone else took this opportunity to raise a question on their mind.

Everyone heard this and realized that the secret passage was indeed the case. Until now, they had never known the true name of the gathering place.

In fact, from the beginning of its establishment, the gathering place had no specific name, but no one cared about it.

If you don't interact with outsiders, your name will rarely be mentioned, so it will be automatically ignored.

But today's gathering place has become larger and larger, and its strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The sense of belonging among the lost is now increasing.

Being curious about the name of the gathering place and taking the initiative to ask about it stemmed from this thought.

Lao Mao and others also felt that today’s gathering place really needed to have a resounding name.

When you encounter a suitable opportunity, you can proudly tell outsiders which gathering place you belong to.

A person's name, a tree's shadow, belongs to a powerful gathering place, and other lost people will take a high look.

"The name of the gathering place is Lou City."

Tang Zhen held the wine glass and said in a light tone.

He reached out and grabbed it gently, and a wooden sign fell into his hand, and then it burned out of thin air.

When the smoke cleared, two symbols appeared on the wooden sign. They looked solemn, but they didn't know what they meant.

“That has been the emblem of the gathering place ever since.”

Everyone looked at the symbol and nodded in agreement.

Thinking of the name Tang Zhen mentioned, everyone guessed that these two characters should represent Loucheng.

No one knew what Lou Cheng meant, but it was not important.

When the gathering place has a name, the lost people have a real place to belong, which is a great thing worth celebrating.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank together, cheering loudly.




The lost people shouted loudly, their voices echoing in the air endlessly, and their high momentum was shocking.

The enemies who were peeping in secret were shocked when they heard the sounds one after another.

At this moment, they all felt an aura, as heavy as a mountain, as solid as a rock, and as powerful as a tiger or wolf.

When fighting against such an enemy, one can't help but feel guilty and feel a sense of fear.

In the past, the human race was just a piece of loose sand, bullied and suppressed by foreign races at will.

But in the Loucheng gathering place, the lost people of the human race really united together, killing aliens like pigs and dogs, and killing flying monsters until rivers of blood flowed.

Before the establishment of the Loucheng gathering place, such a thing had never happened, but starting from today, the Lost City may change.

This is not a good thing for competitors, and is a source of concern for probing enemies.

Looking at the lost people cheering and celebrating, Tang Zhen also smiled and drank the mushroom wine in his cup.

Don't say too much when someone is talking too little, as that will be meaningless and may even bring humiliation to yourself.

Tang Zhen knew this, so he didn't expose Lou Cheng's name before and tried to find it in the Lost City.

Even if they shouted at the top of their lungs, not many people would pay attention.

But when you become famous and have enough power, the situation becomes completely different.

If you say anything casually, someone will attach great importance to it, and the assigned tasks will be completed with all your strength.

It won't take long for Lou Cheng's name to gradually spread and be known to countless lost people.

If there are residents of Loucheng who still have memories, they will definitely come to look for them when the time comes.

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