I have a city in another world

Chapter 5715 Arriving at the red soil gathering place

seeing is believing.

After seeing Lou Cheng's methods with their own eyes, the attitudes of a group of strong foreigners changed and they no longer had the arrogant attitude they had before.

When facing a weak person, maintaining a arrogant attitude is a very normal behavior.

The strong stand in the clouds, while the weak are trampled into the dust. It is natural.

This is especially true when you are in a lost place, otherwise you will easily be looked down upon and looked down upon.

But when facing a being of equal strength, or even a stronger one, it would be very foolish to remain arrogant.

If others don't say anything, I will be ashamed and blush.

The Loucheng gathering place was resting on the spot, but more methods were displayed, which made a group of foreign receptionists watch intently.

Cooking utensils, boiling water utensils, heating utensils, etc.

A wide variety of life-assisting instruments are skillfully used by Loucheng residents. Compared with weapons and equipment, these life-assisting instruments can better demonstrate their own strength.

Many lords in the gathering place are noble and powerful, but they may not be able to use these auxiliary magic weapons.

At this moment, the powerful foreigners felt more shocked and became more and more certain that the gathering place in Loucheng was extraordinary.

I even began to feel lucky that Lou Cheng was not an enemy, otherwise it would have been a disaster.

Under normal circumstances, when such a large-scale force transits the border, no gathering place will ignore it.

Once friction occurs between the two sides, it may lead to the outbreak of war, and no one can predict the final outcome.

Lou Cheng's true strength has yet to be understood, but his own methods are very clear.

If they were to fight Lou Cheng, not to mention whether they could win the final victory, they would definitely suffer serious losses.

The weapons and equipment in Loucheng are indeed extremely sharp, enough to give ordinary soldiers the strength to challenge the strong.

An army composed of tens of thousands of strong men is terrifying to think about. Even their own gathering place cannot assemble such a lineup.

If you encounter such a terrifying enemy on the battlefield, it will definitely be the beginning of a nightmare.

Fortunately, Loucheng is not a dragon crossing the river, and there is not much conflict of interest between the two parties. If you want to do business, you can deal with it, otherwise you can turn a blind eye to it.

It won't take long for Lou Cheng to leave on his own initiative, and the trouble will disappear.

If Loucheng hangs on and refuses to leave, it will not be too late to take action. Being a landlord still has an advantage after all.

Detailed information about Loucheng has been sent back to the gathering place by all parties, and replies have been received.

Continue to wait and see and don't take the initiative to provoke.

The leader of the red soil gathering place asked for more in-depth information and allowed active contact to lead the way.

According to the route of Loucheng, they will inevitably enter the red soil gathering place next, and there will inevitably be an intersection between the two sides.

Rather than letting Lou Cheng wander around, it is better to guide him and enter a designated area to stay.

It will be easier to handle when needed.

Besides, as a landlord, it is quite normal to guide and direct outsiders.

If outsiders enter your territory and there is no reaction, then there is a real problem.

After receiving the order from the lord, the strong aliens from the Red Earth Gathering Area no longer hesitated and took the initiative to identify themselves to the Loucheng Gathering Area.

If someone takes the initiative to visit, Lou Cheng must not continue to ignore them, but must arrange for someone to receive them.

The sales manager came after hearing the news and communicated with the strong foreigners in the red soil gathering place. They had a good conversation with each other.

In the end, the two sides agreed that the strong men from the red soil gathering place would lead the way and stationed in the area designated by the other party.

When entering other people's territory, it is natural to obey orders, otherwise disputes will ensue.

It should be noted that designated garrison locations are inherently a precautionary measure.

On the surface, Lou Cheng is doing business, but in fact, he uses this identity to walk freely in the Lost City.

Having chosen this identity, you can't help but do some things on your own. When you go to someone else's home, you have to do as you please.

Many foreign experts who were watching secretly regretted this moment and felt that they should have been more proactive.

If you really have a follow-up plan, it will definitely be easier to operate if you put it at your doorstep.

Others were the first to get there, and it was too late to take action, so they could only acquiesce to this situation for the time being. Just observe it from a distance. If something goes wrong, it won't do much harm to you.

After eating and drinking, and resting for a while, the huge team continued to move forward.

The strong foreigner who was responsible for guiding the way sat on the battlefield and guided the way forward with an excited look on his face.

The feeling of watching outside is definitely not as good as riding and admiring it in person, and I immediately felt extremely comfortable.

If it weren't for the special circumstances and avoid causing unnecessary misunderstandings, they would really want to stand in the wind and shout a few times.

At the same time, I made up my mind that no matter what happened next, I would find a way to get a car.

In this ice and snow, traveling in a car is really a comfortable thing.

If you imagine yourself driving a car and speeding by, it must be quite majestic.

When the foreigners in other gathering places saw this, they felt even more envious, and they only regretted that it was too late for them to take action.

An excellent opportunity has now been taken away by others, and the opportunity to obtain more information has been lost.

In the coming time, this kind of thing will never be allowed to happen, and we must strive to be the first.

For example, those cars are sold in limited quantities and must be first come, first served.

If you are slower and others take the lead, you will definitely regret it.

The vehicles for sale have been snatched up, and if you want to get them again, you have to grab them, but Lou Cheng will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

When that time comes, a fight between the two sides will only make things more troublesome.

The strong foreigners from other gathering places took the initiative to step forward and identify themselves to the Loucheng gathering place.

They also come from medium-sized gatherings, ranging in distances, and all control an area of ​​dozens of square kilometers.

He also sent out an invitation, hoping that Lou Cheng could change his route and hold a trade fair on his own territory.

In response to such a request, the sales manager smiled and declined, saying that the set route would not change.

If you want to trade, just go to the red soil gathering place. During the trading fair hours, Loucheng will not refuse any guest with a spiritual stone.

The sales director's answer made a group of strong foreigners feel deeply depressed and even more jealous of the red soil gathering place.

Who made the other party's gathering place just in front of the traveling route and was the first to send an invitation.

Because of their hesitation, they missed the best time, and they didn't know how many good things they would miss because of this.

With a depressed mood, I continued to move forward, and finally came to the control of the red soil gathering area.

At this time, groups of lost people appeared on both sides of the road, lining up to welcome them.

They were fully armed and had a high-spirited attitude. They were all obviously elite level.

Arranging such a formation is not only to welcome the Loucheng gathering place, but also to demonstrate one's own strength.

Let Loucheng from afar take a look at the powerful strength possessed by the red soil gathering place, so that they will not be unruly when they are guests.

However, looking at the actual effect, it can only be regarded as average.

The teams of lost people on the roadside who were heavily armed and intimidated outsiders were all deeply attracted by the vehicles in Loucheng.

They watched intently, their eyes full of curiosity, and many of them looked eager to try.

These lost people actually don't know the true origin and purpose of Loucheng. They only know that the human team in front of them is quite special and looks majestic.

Those fast-moving houses are even more wonderful. If you can own one yourself, your life will definitely be more comfortable.

At this moment, they also had thoughts of snatching, but they did not take any action.

Obviously, he knows very well what kind of things he cannot do to avoid getting himself into trouble.

The Loucheng team moved forward and came to a section of road that had been cleared of snow and looked quite spacious.

The same is true in the nearby area. There is not much garbage visible on the ground. It is obvious that someone cleans it frequently.

The occurrence of this situation proves that this is the absolute control area of ​​the gathering place, and basically no monsters will approach.

Although I had heard descriptions of medium-sized gathering places before, when I saw it now, I still felt that it was not simple.

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