I have a city in another world

Chapter 5719 Take the initiative to test

This trade fair made the participants very happy and everyone gained a lot.

Using unused spiritual stones in stock, he exchanged for a large number of useful magical items. This kind of transaction is indeed a sure profit.

Many powerful foreigners regret not saving more spiritual stones, otherwise they could buy more good things.

Before the transaction, they couldn't even believe that such a good thing would happen.

Some people even maliciously speculated that there was a problem with these items and Lou Cheng wanted to take the opportunity to launch malicious revenge.

The relationship between the human race and the alien race has always been very unharmonious, and disputes and battles often occur.

Of course, the overall trend is that the human race is at a disadvantage, and gathering places can only be established in remote places.

The Loucheng gathering place is very powerful, and all its members are from the human race, so it is natural for them to be suspected by the prejudiced alien races.

Mere suspicion is not enough, you must provide tangible and effective evidence. Loucheng is not an ordinary gathering place for human beings to be bullied and suppressed by the lost aliens.

If you annoy the other party, it may even trigger a war, and the outcome is unpredictable.

It is precisely because of the strength of Loucheng that those despicable guys with malicious intentions have no chance to throw dirty water.

In response to the malicious slander, the high-level officials of the foreign race even took measures to suppress and warn them, in order to make those restless guys more honest.

If a war breaks out, who will bear the cost?

There are many little people who fail to succeed but fail more than they should. After causing trouble, the top management must step in to resolve it.

By that time, even if the perpetrator is killed to vent his anger, it will not be able to make up for the damage caused.

It is reasonable to issue warnings to nip problems in the bud.

To put it bluntly, it was because of Lou Cheng's strength that the high-ranking foreigners couldn't figure it out and didn't dare to do anything to bully others.

Everything should be prudent, try not to cause trouble, but try to do a lot of good things.

The investigation and research on Loucheng is now being carried out quietly, but any areas that are questionable will be found out by the powerful aliens and studied carefully.

More than one person noticed that Tang Zhen purchased map fragments at a high price.

The senior officials of several alien gathering places secretly met in private and took out several map fragments for study.

If you open countless sky-dropped boxes, you will definitely get some map fragments, but in the past, no one cared about this at all.

Items from high-level boxes must not be left lying around, even if they are worthless.

Most of the map fragments are sealed in the gathering place, and no one pays attention to them on weekdays.

If it hadn't been for Lou Cheng's initiative to acquire the map fragments this time, they would have even forgotten that there was such a thing.

The question arises from this, what is Tang Zhen’s purpose in acquiring the map fragments?

In fact, before this, many powerful aliens had studied the map fragments and made many guesses about it.

There are some strong aliens who believe that once they understand the map fragments, they will have a chance to leave the Lost City.

There are various research conclusions, each of which is just speculation and there is not enough evidence to prove it.

There are even some strong aliens who regard map fragments as martial arts secrets and are very devoted to studying and practicing them.

Some of the powerful foreigners who participated in the meeting were overestimating their abilities.

Such a complex composition, with various runes hidden inside, cannot be cracked in a short time.

Every map fragment is worthy of its origin, making every person who tries to decipher it reluctantly give up.

A group of high-level alien experts were studying the fragments of the map carefully, and everyone stared at them with big eyes and small eyes.

Occasionally, they raised their heads and looked at each other, only to realize that there was confusion in each other's eyes.

Letting them do this kind of thing is simply forcing others to do something difficult and a waste of precious time.

"How about... go to Loucheng and inquire about it?"

Some people didn't want to waste any more energy, so they expressed their thoughts and asked everyone's opinions.

A group of high-ranking aliens thought to themselves after hearing this, wondering whether this thing was feasible.

If you ask Tang Zhen, he will definitely know that the alien gathering place is also studying map fragments.

If you are wary, what should you do?

However, after thinking about it again, I felt that this worry was unnecessary. Lou Cheng took the initiative to acquire the map fragments, so he would not be afraid of being suspected by outsiders.

For the purpose of communication and exchange, it is normal behavior to ask about the purpose of map fragments. After figuring out the matter, they decided to send representatives to Loucheng to discuss the map fragments.

There is a second thing that also interests the foreign race very much.

Where did Lou Cheng get so many sophisticated magic weapons, and their functions and effects are even more unbelievable.

It is impossible for so many good things to come out of thin air. There must be a source.

If you can master it, you will definitely benefit a lot.

Lou Cheng would definitely not tell outsiders such important information easily, and would try every means to keep it secret.

If a gathering of ordinary people mastered such an astonishing secret, they would definitely suffer disaster.

Loucheng is different. With its own powerful strength, it is not afraid of the threat of coveters at all.

Being able to show it publicly is a sign of confidence in itself and is not afraid of any challenges and attacks.

If one is really driven by greed and launches a military action against Loucheng, he may encounter unexpected dangers.

It was precisely this kind of concern that made a group of high-level aliens give up their armed attack, or at least be unable to take action for the time being.

You can investigate first to obtain more intelligence information, and then study the next action plan.

After making up their minds, the aliens gathered at the meeting immediately took action to secretly investigate information related to Loucheng.

There was also a group of high-level aliens who approached the person in charge of the trade fair with more than a dozen inventory map fragments.

They expressed their attitude and hoped to see the leader of Loucheng to discuss important matters.

The fair manager did not refuse such a request, but led them into a RV.

This arrangement was obviously ordered by Tang Zhen.

The curiosity of the alien race is extremely strong, and they will try their best to find out all the information related to Loucheng.

If we don't get the answer, more things will inevitably happen.

Regarding his identity, Tang Zhen did not deliberately hide it, and simply looked for opportunities to satisfy the curiosity of the alien race.

Use the mouths of foreigners to spread some news to help you complete your plan.

A group of strong foreigners entered the RV and were immediately attracted by the gorgeous decoration inside. Their eyes wandered over one item after another.

These vulgar foreign strongmen have lost most of their memories, and their daily living environment is also extremely primitive.

For them, being able to eat well, wear good clothes, and live in a comfortable and clean environment is already very satisfying.

Want something better, but don’t know how.

The most common way is to get some expensive items and put them in the place where you live and work.

In this way, you can show off your wealth and gain spiritual satisfaction.

But in this RV, they saw what decoration is and what style is, and their hearts were filled with shock and envy.

Being in this kind of environment actually gave them a sense of inferiority, making them feel like they were just a pile of garbage and filth.

Being in this kind of environment will pollute the beautiful environment.

At the same time, he made up his mind that when he returned to his gathering place, he would order someone to decorate it according to this standard.

When someone comes as a guest in the future, they will definitely be amazed by the layout of the environment, which will satisfy their vanity.

Soon a waiter came forward and served a steaming drink. The rich aroma made the mouth water.

Some people are wary and dare not taste it easily, for fear that Lou Cheng will poison it.

Someone else chuckled lightly, picked it up and took a sip, looking fearless.

These strong foreigners are eager to find something wrong with their drinks so that they can find an excuse to take action.

However, after tasting it, the foreign expert was able to confirm that there was nothing wrong with this delicious and mellow drink.

Since you can't fault it, just enjoy the taste of the drink with peace of mind.

Amidst the crisp and sweet music, a group of strong foreigners waited for about a few minutes before Tang Zhen slowly walked in.

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