I have a city in another world

Chapter 5755 Four parties took action upon hearing the news

The concerns of the auction group were indeed fulfilled in a short period of time, and more and more groups received the news.

This world is very big, with many powerful groups, many of which are hidden behemoths.

It is usually silent, but in fact it has huge energy. Once it takes action, it will be earth-shattering.

Group organizations have always paid close attention to various news from the outside world, and few secrets can be hidden from them.

In Nature Reserve No. 7, a fierce battle suddenly broke out, and more than twenty underground mercenary groups were wiped out.

This piece of news did not attract much attention when it came out.

Not many people care about the life and death of a group of mercenaries. In the eyes of the people at the top, they are just a group of dirty rats who only deserve to live in the sewers and sewers.

Someone soon discovered that this incident was not simple.

The auction group's operation was not to poach wild beasts, but for a mysterious stone.

What kind of stone is it that makes the auction group mobilize so many people and send so many underground mercenaries there, only to fail miserably.

Behind this incident, there was extraordinary information hidden, which immediately aroused the interest of major groups.

They used various methods to explore information about this matter, and finally got a shocking news.

The legendary energy stone No. 1 was discovered by a group of poachers and is located in Nature Reserve No. 7.

The auction group discovered this and prepared to take control first, but unexpectedly suffered a disastrous defeat.

The commercial spies lurking in the auction group proved this incident and also gave the specific coordinates of the secret camp.

When this piece of news came out, it was like throwing a stone into an ancient well, and it immediately caused an uproar.

With such huge benefits, few people will sit idly by and ignore it, especially group companies mainly in the energy industry, which attach great importance to this matter.

They dispatched elite personnel to take charge of the matter as soon as possible and did their best to provide all kinds of help.

Being able to control the origin of energy stones and carry out various related research will surely bring endless benefits in the future.

In terms of business competition, the group companies that control energy stones will definitely be able to effectively crush their opponents and even become a monopoly-level existence.

It is a matter of life and death, no matter how much manpower and material resources are invested, it is worth it. For this reason, you can directly ignore the prohibition of Gaia, the Creator.

In this new world, the existence of Gaia, the Creator, is very low. It is not that everyone is afraid of him, but it makes many indigenous people bored.

They feel that those rules restrict their personal freedom and they cannot let go of their hands and feet to do things.

Various loopholes in the regulatory mechanism have caused many rules to exist in name only, and many violations have become commonplace.

Gaia's rules are everywhere, able to restrain timid people at the bottom, and also awe the big shots at the top.

The big guys know very well that Gaia's rules can really ruin a person's reputation and have nothing to do with identity.

No matter how high you climb or how powerful you are, as long as you are within the rules, you may be manipulated.

Intelligent beings that have no desires and desires will not be attracted by the powerful people of the group. Instead, they can maintain enough impartiality and become a being that those powerful people are afraid of.

On the contrary, some ordinary people are full of disdain for Gaia's rules, thinking that they have no impact on them at all.

In order to avoid becoming targets of sanctions, high-ranking big shots often cultivate many agents.

Let the agents do the work, and they will sit back and enjoy the results. It doesn't matter if problems arise. At most, the agents will take care of everything.

Many top executives of corporate groups are bastards who have committed evil deeds, but they have never been affected by the rules.

This time too, the agents took action one after another, and countless news flew around the underground world.

The price of underground mercenaries has skyrocketed in a short period of time, making many local rogues covet it.

They signed up one after another, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to earn a fortune.

There is no airtight wall in the world. The news about the No. 7 Protected Area is becoming known to more and more people, and many people are turning their attention to that almost forgotten place.

When various forces launched operations, officials also noticed this incident and ordered to strengthen defense work around the protected area.

Before the Gaia Creator gives new instructions, the patrol team can only strengthen their vigilance to prevent the destruction of this illegal act.

Even if the Creator of Gaia pays attention to this matter and issues an order, it may not be implemented. Today's official organizations have long become riddled with holes, and have even become collaborators of some group companies.

To expect them to be just and fair is sheer fantasy.

All parties are taking active actions, and the originally quiet nature reserve suddenly becomes lively.

In the outer areas of the reserve, suspicious people often appear and sneak into the reserve.

The patrols strengthened their defenses in an attempt to stop these illegal infiltrators, but to no avail.

A fight broke out and caused a lot of casualties.

The infiltrators are determined and must enter the protected area. If they are stopped by force, a fight will break out.

The members of the protected area patrol team are just a bunch of guys who are just messing around, and there is no way they can fight for this matter.

At this time, they were also complaining secretly, but they did not expect to encounter such an unfortunate thing.

In the past, performing tasks was as easy as traveling, just walking around the perimeter of the protected area.

Nowadays, when carrying out missions, I always go there bravely, for fear of accidentally encountering an infiltrator.

If a violation is found, action must be taken, otherwise it may be judged as dereliction of duty.

When that time comes, it will not only be as simple as losing your job, but you may even go to jail and lose your head.

Fortunately, not long after this situation occurred, the patrol team received the hint, and the chance of encountering the infiltrator quickly decreased.

This situation occurs not because the number of infiltrators has decreased, but because there was a perfect miss between the two sides.

Such a coincidence must be indispensable for mutual cooperation.

This situation is very common, and similar private transactions often occur between patrols and poachers.

The number of traders this time is a bit scary.

The patrol team and the infiltrators cooperated with each other, bypassing the rules and restrictions, and broke into the No. 7 protected area unscrupulously.

However, in a short period of time, tens of thousands of underground mercenaries arrived at the No. 7 Protected Area, and after gathering, headed to the marked location.

This is the first batch of combatants, and more underground mercenaries will arrive in the coming days.

In addition to underground mercenaries, group soldiers belonging to major groups and possessing strong combat effectiveness will also enter the protected area one after another.

There are also some group managers who will also visit the front line in person and be responsible for handling various matters.

Camps participating in the competition are now racing against time, fearing that if they are slower, they will not get the benefits.

The earlier the time passes, the higher the chance of encountering a battle. The underground mercenaries know this and will always find ways to deliberately delay time.

However, their plan is destined to fail.

This group of underground mercenaries is purely a mob, and their quality varies greatly.

In the eyes of the group's senior management, they are just a bunch of cannon fodder, thrown into the battlefield with no intention of taking them back.

Real elite troops cannot enter the battlefield too early, but must play a role at critical moments.

The place where the lost people are now is also preparing for the upcoming crisis.

The Lost all know that if they want to gain a foothold in a place, war is inevitable.

If anyone thinks that everything will be fine if they hand over the spiritual stone, they are just wishful thinking.

Those greedy group forces will never give up, and they will squeeze out the oil from the corpses of the dead.

If you want to compromise with the other party, you will only die more miserably.

Negotiations are not impossible, but certainly not now.

To the people in power of the group, the lost people living in the primeval forest are nothing more than a group of savage beggars holding heavy treasures.

The lost are not qualified to make demands, let alone negotiate on an equal footing. The life and death of the lost people even need to be decided by the mood of the group's powerful people.

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