I have a city in another world

Chapter 5761 The beginning of a new era!

On the edge of Nature Reserve No. 7, there is a building surrounded by green trees. This is the headquarters of the patrol force of Nature Reserve No. 7.

In the center of the old and spacious venue, there are various vehicles parked, as well as large and small aircraft with official logos.

Nature reserves are isolated from society, with a very low sense of presence and minimal contact with the outside world.

The members of the patrol force are passed down from father to son and relatives from generation to generation, and this has been the case for hundreds of years.

It is extremely difficult for outsiders to join.

Even if you join the patrol force in the reserve through other means, it is not easy to get along smoothly.

The seemingly inconspicuous patrol force actually has a lot to gain. These benefits are digested by internal personnel, and new people must take a share when they join.

If you give some of your own benefits to others, the original benefit recipients will definitely not be willing to do so.

In order to prevent such things from happening, the patrol became extremely exclusive and tried every means to ensure its own purity.

However, there are solutions to such problems in the Gaia rules, and even the top brass of the patrol force must abide by them.

Every once in a while, new people will join, and the way to join is to pass a public examination.

The decision to recruit new recruits rests with the Creator of Gaia, and the senior officers of the patrol force have no chance to interfere.

Newcomers who join the patrol force in the protected area will face various tests and trials to determine whether they can be drawn into the same camp.

Even if the benefits are shared, the other party must be one of our own.

If you come in innocently, you will eventually join in the filth and become a catfish in the mire of filth.

In the past, members of the patrol team secretly colluded with poachers, not only to obtain access fees, but also to obtain some rare wild items.

Through sales through special channels, a large amount of wealth can be obtained, making many patrol members extremely rich.

Sometimes when an order is received, the price offered by the employer is attractive enough, and some patrol members will go to work personally.

They take advantage of their status and enter nature reserves to obtain precious prey more easily.

The patrol team of the protected area, which guards against theft, is just a microcosm of the official departments in the new world. Almost all departments look like this.

Officials test the rules far more frequently than private organizations. They take advantage of the loopholes and laxity of the rules to help themselves seek more benefits.

Officials of the patrol force did not expect that an armed organization, as a formal official organization with the right to hold offensive weapons, would become a tool to test the rules.


A mercenary group of unknown origin suddenly appeared on the edge of the protected area and launched an attack on the patrol headquarters.

A series of violent explosions turned the patrol headquarters into a sea of ​​flames, with figures running around in terror.

The piercing sound of the siren echoed over the forest. It was the first time it was officially activated after many years of installation.

The patrol headquarters fell into chaos. A large number of armed men quickly approached, and the intensive attacks made the patrol members unable to raise their heads.

The unprepared attack left them unable to even get their weapons, so they could only run away amid the sound of explosions.

The horrific scene of war frightened a group of patrol members, and they had no fighting spirit in their hearts to fight with the enemy.

When the voice urging surrender came, the members of the patrol responded immediately and surrendered without hesitation.

In just a short time, the patrol force headquarters was captured, and the peripheral defense system of the No. 7 Nature Reserve was completely destroyed.

Attacking the patrol headquarters with force is tantamount to openly challenging Gaia, the Creator, and is bound to be severely punished by it.

However, from the time the alarm was issued to the time the patrol headquarters was occupied, the punishment and assistance that should have come never appeared.

There are many eyes secretly paying attention to this war, wanting to see the reaction of the Creator of Gaia.

Time passed slowly, and what was supposed to come never came, and many people secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What followed was an ecstasy that made them feel extremely excited, with a sense of relief from their shackles.

From now on, the sky is high and the sky is high, you can let go and do whatever you want! The attack on the patrol force headquarters was the result of the cooperation of a large group, and it was also their last test before launching the operation.

This matter is of great significance, even more important than controlling the energy stone, and it is very likely to represent the beginning of a new era.

Perhaps in a few decades, one or several powerful groups will become the supreme ruler of this new world.

No one can resist such a huge temptation.

This trial was enough for many people to make up their minds and make active preparations.

There may be some forces that still have concerns, but they will definitely continue to test.

When they get the answer and make up their mind, they are likely to get even crazier.

Shortly after the patrol force headquarters was captured, various aircraft and vehicles began to enter the nature reserve from all directions one after another.

Without patrols to stop them, the infiltrators had no scruples and made a big splash all the way.

Before attacking the patrol headquarters, it was not difficult to enter the protected area. As long as you paid a toll, you could enter and exit freely without obstruction.

Compared with the previous two batches of infiltrators, this batch has a larger lineup. Not only does it have more combat and logistics personnel, but it also has aircraft and vehicles following them all the way.

Although there are many restrictions on the use of mechanical equipment in the forest, it will also greatly improve combat effectiveness.

The test of Gaia's Creator makes the outcome of this competition even more important. If you have the energy stone in your hands, you can have an advantage in future competitions.

The senior executives of the groups participating in the competition each showed their trump cards, and many heavy vehicles were also transported.

These heavy-duty vehicles look like a six-story building. When traveling in the forest, they can effortlessly clear the trees blocking the road.

It is a real weapon for logistics support to open roads in the mountains and build bridges in the water.

Dense trees cannot block the view of this kind of vehicle. Standing on the roof, you can easily look into the distance.

This huge vehicle can not only travel unimpeded in the forest, but also has powerful fire attack capabilities.

It can easily launch strikes against targets in the forest, with a combat radius of seven to eight hundred kilometers.

The land giant-level vehicle also has another function, which is to integrate with other vehicles of the same type.

The combined vehicle is a real behemoth and has various auxiliary functions.

It can be a mobile base or a special processing and maintenance center.

In Nature Reserve No. 7, heavy vehicles like this keep appearing, approaching the territory controlled by the Lost.

A large number of armed troops followed around the heavy vehicles, and their equipment was obviously more sophisticated than the previous mob.

The army controlled by the group has the security department as the core, serving as instructors and middle-level commanders.

Group employees who are hired serve as grassroots commanders and are responsible for some key positions.

The remaining members are underground mercenaries recruited from society from three religions and nine streams.

They are only responsible for fighting and will not hold important positions. They are basically intended cannon fodder.

Although their combat effectiveness is average, as long as they obey orders, the commander will not deliberately let them die.

The poisonous insects and ferocious beasts in the forest cannot play much role in the face of such a group of troops armed to the teeth.

After suffering a large number of casualties, these animal legions, driven by the Creator of Gaia to act as forest guardians, finally gave up their resistance.

The group's logistics army marched forward, and the harsh terrain could not stop it. At this speed, it would take at most a month to open up an unobstructed road.

While roads are being opened, aircraft are also responsible for transporting soldiers and dropping combatants near areas controlled by the Lost.

One spaceship after another brought a large number of armed personnel, and the assembly scene looked spectacular.

This kind of troop deployment and assembly was carried out simultaneously in many places in the reserve. They came from different groups, and the total number exceeded 100,000.

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