I have a city in another world

Chapter 5771 The chaotic world

The establishment of the Apocalypse Organization represents the beginning of a new era.

Ambitious guys have finally reached the best era they have ever dreamed of. They look forward to a chaotic world and will thrive in this world.

Without constraints, you can do whatever you want.

The day after the news spread, crime incidents everywhere exploded, seemingly appearing out of nowhere overnight.

Many places were in chaos, and the sound of gunfire and thick smoke kept stirring the nerves, making local residents panic.

This situation occurs only because the official department exists in name only.

Those with evil intentions and extremely keen sense of smell would miss such an opportunity.

After confirming that Gaia's rules were invalid, they took action without hesitation.

There are also some thugs who are instigated by someone behind the scenes, just to test them again.

As expected, the response from the official departments was almost non-existent, and the greedy figures who usually maintained order disappeared collectively.

Their home was also empty, and all the valuable items had been taken away.

Without the protection of the Creator of Gaia, if officials from the official department showed up, they would most likely be killed by thugs on the spot.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, it was the group's security department who took action in time and launched a powerful suppression of the thugs who caused chaos.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the group took over the original official department and became the only legal armed violent organization in the territory.

From this moment on, the territories of each major group entered a semi-closed state, which was not much different from becoming a self-proclaimed king.

There are also some group companies that have conflicts due to various reasons.

As time went by, not only could it not be resolved, but the contradictions became deeper and deeper.

If this situation develops, a war may even break out.

The things that people are most worried about are happening one after another, and the situation seems to be getting worse and worse.

In fact, some people have realized a long time ago that the future world will inevitably fall into chaos.

From the moment the group was allowed to purchase land and grow and develop as it pleased, the seeds of chaos were already sown.

As each beast continues to grow stronger and becomes more ferocious, it will find ways to obtain more food.

Competition and war are inevitable, just like raising worms, requiring tragic sacrifices.

The current chaotic situation is actually caused by multiple reasons. The Lost One appeared out of thin air, just ignited the powder keg, and exploded the entire world into chaos.

There is no official department supervision, no threat from Gaia the Creator, each group can do whatever they want in their own territory.

However, for long-term considerations, the group is far more powerful than the original official department in maintaining order.

The residents applauded the responsible behavior of major groups and felt they had gained more security.

Local residents sincerely hope that this situation can be maintained forever, rather than returning to the original state after a period of time.

The world outside is in chaos, but it gives the lost some respite.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, the Lost Camp spread out again, occupying a larger territory.

Nature Reserve No. 7 is a public area and does not belong to any corporate group, so there is no competitive relationship.

As long as the lost ones are willing, they can occupy as much territory as they want.

However, the situation at this moment is not suitable for large-scale expansion. Otherwise, once attacked by the enemy, there may not even be a chance to escape.

It is impossible for the Lost Alliance to expand its defense line again in the short term. This would not only consume manpower and material resources, but also increase the defensive pressure and give the enemy more opportunities to take advantage of the situation.

However, there are still some lost people who have obtained the qualification to go out and establish a gathering place. The size cannot exceed a hundred people, and they are not allowed to carry a large number of spiritual stones.

The excess spiritual stones must be deposited in the Alliance Bank and exchanged for a special currency.

By holding this alliance currency, you can conduct normal transactions and purchase various goods sold in the store.

Controlling the outflow of spirit stones is now the top priority.

Children holding gold in the busy city are simply asking for trouble. The underground mercenary group will definitely target these lost people in order to snatch the spiritual stones. Naturally, some lost people strongly demand that this kind of arrangement will appear in the alliance, so there is no need to be overly dissuasive.

It can also reduce logistical pressure and slowly occupy Nature Reserve No. 7, which will be beneficial in the long run.

Of course, in this process, the lost need to bear the risk alone, and the Alliance can only provide some material assistance.

As groups of lost people set out on a journey to find a new home, another piece of news came from the outside world.

The Apocalypse organization publicly announced that the Lost would cause harm to the world and must be completely eliminated.

They will send an army to Nature Reserve No. 7 again to attack the Alliance of the Lost.

With the experience of the last defeat, we will definitely be more careful this time, and the weapons and equipment invested will be more advanced.

In order to win this war, all major groups dispatched elite personnel to participate in the command and training of the army.

The recruitment of mercenaries has once again begun in the group's territory.

Recruitment is conducted openly. Recruitment stations are set up directly on the streets and contracts can be signed on the spot.

The generous and attractive recruitment conditions attracted a large number of people to join, and the required manpower was gathered within a few days.

After the applicants are selected, they will soon begin training.

In order to win this war, the Apocalypse organization used many advanced technologies. They simulated it in a huge space and created an environment exactly like the original forest.

Both the temperature and the feel are similar to the actual environment.

Such a high-tech training ground can allow soldiers to familiarize themselves with the environment in advance, so that they will not be confused after landing.

Some rebellious lost people became special instructors and joined this targeted training.

Although the traitors knew very well that the training was aimed at their former companions, they were still very serious and strict.

The lost are like this, blocked from the memory of the past, and become greedy and selfish in order to survive.

These traitors know very well that they can only live a better life if their master wins.

If it falls into the hands of the Lost, the traitor's fate will be worse than death.

If you don't want to die yourself, then you can only let the enemy die.

It can be said that from the moment of the rebellion, these traitors and the Lost Alliance have become unrelenting enemies.

In this war, some traitors will also participate, serving as advisors and combatants.

Looking at the attitudes of major groups, you can feel the determination of the top management and they will not give up until they win.

While training combatants, the research and development and transformation of combat equipment are also underway, mainly for the virgin forest environment.

Ordinary lost people are not afraid at all, and they are no match for the group army.

Monks who have mastered extraordinary abilities and can use magic weapons are the most feared by enemies.

Among the lost people who rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, there were also some extraordinary people. They demonstrated their abilities to the group's senior leaders, thus attracting great attention.

After watching the performance, the senior management of the group became more and more thirsty for extraordinary power, which was one of the reasons why they urgently launched a war.

After defeating the Lost One, you can hold the time and space channel in your hands and become the controller of the Lost Land.

Controlling the source of spiritual stone production, obtaining a box dropped from the sky, gaining extraordinary power through practice, and finally possessing the capital to control the entire world.

There are really not many people who can resist such a huge temptation.

I believe it won’t take long for more groups to know the benefits and be eager to participate.

The earlier you act, the more advantages you will have. With the strength of the Apocalypse organization, they will never be robbed of the fruits of victory casually.

The Apocalypse Organization's declaration of war once again attracted the attention of the world, and they all turned their attention to this matter.

More and more people are realizing that the appearance of lost people out of thin air is the source of turmoil in the entire world.

In the future, the entire world will still be affected by the Lost and play an extremely important role.

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