I have a city in another world

Chapter 5814 Gaia the Creator?

The Peeper's crazy attack did not cause much damage to Tang Zhen.

The scene of the attack from the sky was truly astonishing, and its lethality was not weak, enough to wipe out a large town in an instant.

However, this kind of killing attack is very effective against ordinary people, but it will be greatly reduced when facing extraordinary people.

An extraordinary being like Tang Zhen has more than one way to resolve the damage caused by attacks.

For example, when he was attacked, he instantly went deep underground and built a cavity in the soil.

The explosion on the ground was earth-shaking, but the underground space was not greatly affected. As a natural protective barrier, it can withstand most damage.

The method of extraordinary people is not only to drill into the ground.

For ordinary people to use ordinary methods to kill extraordinary beings, the chance of success is quite low.

The more powerful a monk is, the more difficult it is to kill, and powerful ones can even be reborn with blood.

When the outside world paid attention to this battle and made many speculations, Tang Zhen came to a nearby city.

After the fight, he could have returned to the Neon City.

But in order to facilitate peepers and create more opportunities for the other party, Tang Zhen decided to stay outside for a while.

Neon City has encountered changes, and nearby group cities have also been affected. A large number of soldiers can be seen in many places.

All kinds of weapons and equipment that had just come off the production line and had not even been professionally tested were sent directly to where they were needed.

The special historical environment has affected the development and manufacturing of large-scale weapons and equipment, and many projects are started from scratch.

Although it started very late, the starting point is very high.

In order to cope with the war, all the major groups are now going all out. No one wants to be crushed and swallowed up in this competition.

As time goes by, more weapons will appear on the battlefield one after another.

The targets of weapon hunting will not be limited to the lost, but the main targets should be the indigenous people of the New World.

Tang Zhen entered the city, disguised as an ordinary resident, and walked on the streets.

In this city, he once again felt the sense of peeping, coming from all directions in the city.

This high-tech city should be the other party's base camp.

The strange thing is that the other party's methods are not as fierce and fierce as imagined, as if they are subject to some kind of restrictions.

Like a strong man attacking Tang Zhen through a pillow, he couldn't use much strength at all.

It doesn't look like it was done deliberately, there must be some special reason.

Tang Zhen walked to a park where a large number of flowers were cultivated, all of which were the product of genetic modification.

The flowers are so bright and the air is so fragrant.

In the nearby pond, there are many simulated fish and shrimps swimming around in the water.

Sitting on a bench, Tang Zhen looked ahead quietly.

Not long after, a passerby came over and sat next to Tang Zhen.

"I want you to leave."

After the passerby sat down, he suddenly spoke, but the content was somewhat inexplicable.

It seemed that they were driving Tang Zhen away and not letting him sit on this bench.

Tang Zhen knew very well that the other party was not asking him to leave the bench, but to leave this world.


Tang Zhen looked forward, his expression unchanged.

"Because of your arrival, the world is full of disasters. Isn't this reason enough?"

There was uncontrollable anger in the words of passers-by, as if they were facing thieves and robbers.

"If I don't show up, will the world remain peaceful?"

The group's separatist model is itself a source of trouble, and big problems will arise sooner or later.

When the rules of Gaia lose their restraints, these groups take action. In order to become the masters of the world and gain greater wealth and power, major groups and organizations will do whatever it takes.

This is an indisputable fact, and it is the common understanding of every senior group member, including some knowledgeable people at the middle and lower levels, who have also realized this.

The passerby in front of me is not a pure passerby, and he is very clear about this.

The arrival of the Lost One only accelerated this step. If the group organization had discovered the failure of Gaia's rules earlier, then the war would have been in full swing before the Lost Ones arrived.

"This has nothing to do with you."

The passerby spoke stiffly and was unwilling to admit that there was a problem.

"First of all, you have to understand that my coming and going is not restricted by you.

I am not here to be a guest, but to be the host. Your lack of welcome is your attitude and does not affect my actions.

If you have enough ability, expel the lost people from the country. If you can't, just keep your mouth shut. "

There was deep ridicule in Tang Zhen's words, which gradually distorted the expressions of passers-by.

"I'm warning you again, leave this world as soon as possible, otherwise you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

Speaking to this extent is not much different from breaking up.

Tang Zhen always looked indifferent when faced with threats and did not take the other party seriously at all.

The passerby wanted to say something else, but Tang Zhen had already stood up and left, not caring about the other person's twisted expression.

"A guardian who has been betrayed and stepped on the ground still wants to protect the world. Who will accept your love?

If you don't have enough skills, don't do something embarrassing.

If I guess correctly, you were not just testing my strength before, you actually wanted to take the opportunity to kill me.

It's a pity that you no longer have that ability and authority, so you can only use words to threaten and expel me.

As the guardian of the world, it is really a sad shame to be reduced to this level. "

Tang Zhen's words made the passerby tremble all over, with a ferocious expression as if he wanted to eat someone.

His face changed rapidly, and one face after another appeared, including men, women, old and young, and the muscles and bones of his body were also rapidly deforming.

It seemed like a machine had a serious malfunction and was about to collapse.

Sometimes words are like knives and can kill someone.

"What did you say? What on earth are you talking about!"

The transformed and twisted passers-by screamed loudly at Tang Zhen, their voices filled with fear and anger.

It was like being stripped naked and displayed in public. It was so shameful that it made people want to commit suicide.

"Don't you know what I'm talking about and you don't want me to identify you?

In this case, I will grant your wish, Mr. Gaia Creator! "

Hearing Tang Zhen's name, the passerby suddenly screamed, and then exploded.

It turned into parts all over the ground, and smoke was rising at the same time. The scene looked extremely strange.

Obviously, this passerby is not a real life form, but an intelligent machine composed of a bunch of parts.

Passersby were quite surprised when they saw this scene. This was the first time they saw an intelligent robot disintegrate directly.

Although the New World Group Organization has manufactured many intelligent robots, they have various restrictions on their appearance and are as different from normal humans as possible.

There are also many intelligent robots that are not humanoid at all, but have been modified to be more conducive to work.

The intelligent robot in front of you is most likely a special version, a type that is officially prohibited from manufacturing.

Tang Zhen shook his head. He didn't expect Gaia, the Creator, to be so fragile, to collapse and disintegrate just because of a word of truth.

It is simply incredible that something so fragile can act as a guardian.

Tang Zhen didn't know what caused this situation, and he had no interest in investigating in depth.

After the rules expired, the Creator of Gaia, who controlled the rules, could not have much influence on Tang Zhen.

But you also need to be careful, after all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

If this guy is stubborn and insists on pestering him, he can also cause a lot of trouble.

It's ridiculous to think about it. As the holder of the rules, instead of dealing with those groups and organizations that violated the rules, he instead targeted him, an outsider.

Perhaps it was powerlessness, or perhaps it was Tang Zhen's greater threat that prompted the other party to take the initiative.

If the other party humiliates himself, Tang Zhen will definitely not be polite.

Tang Zhen had a hunch that Gaia, the Creator, would never give up and would launch new actions soon.

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