I have a city in another world

Chapter 941 The highly anticipated real game!

Chapter 941 The highly anticipated real game!
In the days before Loucheng's promotion, all the work in Shenglongcheng was proceeding in an orderly manner.

Although it looks busy, this is also a rare peaceful day, because during these days, there will be no wars and killings.

Although the monks in Loucheng are brave, it does not mean that they are lunatics who like to fight. They will enjoy life as much as possible when encountering this rare peaceful death.

Therefore, around the holy dragon city today, men who have taken off their battle armor can be seen everywhere, taking the whole family to play and shop, a scene of joy and harmony.

At this moment, they couldn't see the decisiveness and fierceness of the iron-blooded slaughter at all, and the gentle and jerky smiles were always on their faces.

This is also a festival for the foreign merchants in the business district, because the holy dragon city warriors who are not short of money will appear here in an endless stream, buying all kinds of goods.

In addition to these residents of Holy Dragon City, those homeless people from various small towns in the outer city, as well as residents of the new residential area, will also appear here to participate in this lively scene.

The surging flow of people also proves the prosperity of the business district. The desolate place that no one cares about in the past has now become a place famous in the entire war zone.

It is really not easy to be able to do this!
Outsiders are fascinated by the beauty and prosperity of Holy Dragon City, while the residents of Loucheng feel proud, especially the envious eyes of those foreigners and homeless people looking at them, which makes them feel very proud.

It was late in the evening, and the broad streets were still full of people. In the taverns on the side of the road, people of different races and identities gathered together to enjoy a leisurely time.

The night in the business district is always so unforgettable!

At the same time, somewhere in the Asian League of the original world, there was also a large group of people gathered together.

Among this group of people, eight people were toasting and drinking. They were the eight game players who chose to stay and fight to the death when they faced the bandit monsters!
Now because the boarding body has been damaged, they have temporarily lost the qualification to continue the game, and they can only continue the game after waiting for the new boarding body to be in place.

This kind of thing is undoubtedly an extremely depressing thing for them.

Fortunately, their original achievements have been exposed, which has won the envy and admiration of many people, and also made a few people a little vain.

So everyone discussed it and decided to hold a party and discuss the next game plan at the same time.

After experiencing an unforgettable life-and-death fight, they have fallen in love with this real game deeply, and they will continue to play no matter what!

They even have a plan, which is to establish an organization, continuously improve their strength, and then find an opportunity to contact the Holy Dragon City to participate in real battlefield fighting!

That life-and-death fight made them realize their own shortcomings, so they will receive real fighting training while waiting for the time allocated by the boarding body.

This time, they are not just playing for fun like before, but they really plan to become masters of fighting!

Because the game cabin is used, it is not a real soul boarding, so game players will not be able to withstand two soul boardings in most cases like a real soul boarding person, but can board and exit without limit!
In this case, the player's strength can never be improved, but the combat experience can be continuously accumulated, and they are not afraid of death.

So they are ready to take advantage of this advantage, constantly improve their combat effectiveness, and then become mercenaries who can set foot on the real battlefield!

In fact, they are not the first group of gamers to do this. In today's original world, there are similar gamer organizations, and they are extremely active in the game valley.

Among these player organizations, there are some real fighting masters. They also hope to attract the attention of Holy Dragon City in this way and participate in real battles!
And their efforts are now bearing fruit.

Holy Dragon City seems to be very interested in these outstanding game players, and has even contacted them in private.

There are even rumors that under appropriate circumstances, Holy Dragon City will sign contracts with outstanding performers and hire them to work for Holy Dragon City!
Although the source of the news cannot be confirmed yet, it is enough to make countless people excited!

In today's original world, Shenglong Group's influence is growing, and going to live in Loucheng World has become the first choice of countless people!
Under normal circumstances, it would be very difficult to achieve this, so the residents of the original world settled for the next best thing, and began to look forward to the real game that can also travel to the Loucheng world.

The high-end game teleportation pods and low-level game teleportation helmets sold by Shenglong Group are currently out of stock, and countless people are rushing to buy them!
However, even with the game equipment, these game players still cannot participate in the game immediately, because the number of boarding bodies is limited and the game venue is obviously insufficient, so they can only wait slowly.

This matter has caused countless complaints. On the website of Shenglong Group, there are countless messages every day, urging Shenglong City to improve the hardware facilities of the real game as soon as possible, so that they can participate in the game as soon as possible!

Some people even threatened the Holy Dragon Group that if they were not allowed to participate in the game as soon as possible, they would take extreme measures to vent their anger.

Sacred Dragon City announced the recycling of game equipment at a high price, but unfortunately no one returned it, even if the price was twice as high.

Regarding this chaotic situation, the real game operation department of Shenglong Group really couldn't tell.

Although the operation of the real game is not entirely for the purpose of profit, but after the operation of this game, it can indeed bring unimaginable profits to the Shenglong Group, so it is necessary to persevere.

According to the original plan, each set of game equipment has a corresponding boarding body. According to the original plan, the number of players in the first batch will add up to 20!

But because of the war in the water world, all these boarding bodies were used. After all, everything must make way for the war.

It is precisely because of this incident that a large number of game players are affected and cannot enter the game according to the scheduled time.

In this case, it is reasonable for the game players to be enraged collectively. According to their expectations, it is already very restrained not to set a fire to burn the Shenglong Group!
As for those guys who got a matching boarding body, they became the envy and envy of others. From time to time, they uploaded pictures and videos taken from the soul memory, attracting countless comments from onlookers!
Fortunately, the cultivation and manufacturing of the boarding body has never stopped, and it is estimated that after a while, this problem will be solved.

But then there is another problem, that is, there is not enough playing field!
(End of this chapter)

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