Wu Family Sword Spirit

Chapter 1032 Red Work Permit

Chapter 1032 Red Work Permit

I really didn't expect that Li Banxian would use the identity of the special team to hide our identities, but the identity of the special team is our best disguise at the moment.

If we say that we are tourists passing by, and we saw Wan Luozong shoot and kill with our own eyes, we might be killed by them.

Anyway, in this barren mountain, there is no mobile phone signal. It is the place where car gangsters and road bullies are rampant. Kill them as they please. Who knows?

Once the identity of this special task force is revealed, it will naturally be different. After all, it is a special and mysterious department of the country. No matter how powerful the Wanluo Sect is, how can it dare to compete with the state agencies? How big must it be? courage.

After hearing us introduce ourselves, the smile on Fatty Jin's face froze, but he still said politely: "You said that you are members of the special team, do you have any evidence?"

Li Banxian snorted coldly and said very displeasedly: "When will it be the turn of the special team to prove their identity to your Wanluo Sect?"

Fatty Jin still looked tepid and said with a smile: "It's best to be careful when walking in the world. You guys say you are members of the special task force. You are just talking without any evidence. , how can it be convincing?"

Li Banxian glanced at Fatty Jin, and immediately took out an ID from his body. It was the identity certificate of the special task force that I asked Li Zhanfeng to get for me before. It was a small notebook, but the small notebook was a little special, it was red. There were three large gilt characters printed on it: "Special Task Force". After opening it, it was filled with steel seals of various departments, more than a dozen of them.

As soon as Li Banxian took out the red book, Fatty Jin reached out to take it, but Li Banxian had no intention of giving it to him. Instead, he opened the red book and took a look at the contents inside. Fatty Jin didn't know. After seeing clearly, he immediately put it away.

However, it is impossible to forge the work certificate of this special team. Ordinary practitioners do not have the courage, and ordinary people have never seen such a thing.

Fatty Jin obviously knew the goods. After seeing the work permit, his face became solemn.

Before Fatty Jin could speak, Li Banxian immediately asked: "What happened to you just now? Where did those guns come from? Ask your sect leader Leshan to come out and give us an explanation."

Fatty Jin was not panicked and said calmly: "All the leaders saw it just now. It's not that we want to cause trouble, but that those bandit car bullies are so hateful that they will commit murder in broad daylight, and it's them. The one who made the first move over there was just to protect ourselves. We also snatched those guns from the bandits. Furthermore, this is all a battle between rivers and lakes. Isn't your special team too strict? Before coming here, we have already said hello to Director Liu of your Northwest Department, how about you contact Director Liu?"

After a pause, Fatty Jin then continued: "I'm sorry, our sect master has not been in good health in the past few days. He is afraid of the wind, so he won't come out to meet you."

Li Banxian turned his head seriously, glanced at me, and said, "Go and contact Director Liu of the Northwest General Administration to see if this is the case?"

I was stunned and realized that Li Banxian was talking to me, so I responded and got back into the off-road vehicle whose glass was smashed.

I have to say that Fatty Jin is really good at handling things. He used Chunqiu's writing skills to make this matter have nothing to do with them. He also used their relationship with the special team to suppress us. One end.

However, we are just pretending here. Our purpose is not to cause any conflict with Wanluo Sect, and we have no intention of trying to manipulate them.

I got into the dilapidated off-road vehicle and pretended to be messing around for a while, cleaning up the stones and broken glass in the car and pretending to be on the phone.

The special team has special communication tools. It is a very advanced satellite phone that has signals everywhere. I often hang out with Li Zhanfeng, and I have also dealt with many people in the special team. This is natural. He knew it, and Fatty Jin must have known it too.

I fiddled with it for a while, then got out of the car, walked to Li Banxian, and said in a hoarse voice: "Team Leader Li, I have already contacted the above, and Wanluo Sect did say hello."

Li Banxian responded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go."

Fatty Jin cupped his hands and left our side with the gun masters without saying a word.

After walking only a few steps, I saw several figures suddenly appear on the mountain. It was the mad sword king Aotian and the masters he brought back before.

The knives in the hands of those people were all stained with blood, and the mad sword king Aotian was even more domineering. He was carrying the big and scary dragon-slaying knife on his back and two things in his hands.

When I got closer, I realized that what this guy was holding were two bloody heads.

One of them is Scarface, the boss of the Ludong Five Tigers. I still don’t know his name.

The other one is the boss of the gang that robbed Taoists, Big Bear.

In just a short time, the two of them were killed by the mad sword king Aotian.

How high is this cultivation level?

I don't know the cultivation level of that big bear, but Scarface is a good player. Monk Hua fought with him equally well, and was killed by the mad sword king Aotian in the blink of an eye.

In ancient times, the emperor warmed wine and killed Hua Xiong. Wang Aotian killed two masters in the blink of an eye, which is enough to show that this man's cultivation is as unpredictable as Li Banxian said.

Wang Aotian carried the two heads and walked to the luxurious Khanju carriage. Fatty Jin immediately greeted him and said something to Wang Aotian very politely.

Wang Aotian nodded and immediately glanced towards us.

That look was so sharp and murderous that I couldn't help but shudder all over.

This person's energy field is very strong, and even his eyes are so terrifying. He is worthy of being the chief minister of Wanluo Sect, and his methods are very good.

After taking a look at our side, Wang Aotian threw the two heads in his hands directly into the canyon on the side of the road, and ducked into the Hanju cart in the middle.

Afterwards, the followers of Wan Luozong threw the corpses of the dead robbers into the canyon one by one, and removed the boulder blocking the way.

Then they all got in the car, started the car, and left here quickly, as if nothing had happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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