Chapter 916
I was very satisfied with Li Gang's attitude. He complimented us one by one, which was very helpful to the three of us. Only Lu Xianfeng sat there without saying a word, and his face looked a little calm. It made Li Gang feel that Lu Xianfeng was even more A worldly master.

After we all introduced each other and it was Lu Xianfeng's turn to introduce him, Lu Xianfeng seemed a little nervous. He glanced at the three of us with a slightly pleading look in his eyes. I could understand what he meant. He was afraid of us. He was later sold, saying he was from the Cangdong branch of Guiyong Road. If he fell into the hands of the special team members, he would definitely not end well.

Lu Xianfeng helped us do many things. First, he took us into the Cangdong sub-rudder, and then took us out of the fog circle. Without him, we would never have gone so smoothly. I also do this kind of burning bridges. Not coming out.

So, I directly said that this Lu Xianfeng was a master we invited, and it was inconvenient for me to reveal his last name.

Li Gang is also a sensible person and knows what to ask and what not to ask. Seeing that we were unwilling to say more, he didn't force us anymore.

Lu Xianfeng finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what I said, and his eyes looked at me with gratitude.

Next, Li Gang asked us about what happened in Cangdong Branch. The three of us told Li Gang the whole story. Although what the three of us said was very plain, there was something The danger can be felt between the lines. Li Gang couldn't help but be speechless when he heard it, and the surprise and admiration on his face were beyond words.

There are nearly a thousand people in the entire Cangdong branch, and most of them are practitioners. There are also top experts like Su Xiaotian. The three of us were killed in one day and one night. After saying this, many people are probably They won't believe it, but they can't help it if they don't believe it. The facts are right in front of them.

In fact, while we were sitting on the fishing boat drinking and chatting, Li Gang followed our suggestion and deployed a large number of special teams and fishing personnel around the fog circle. It sank to the bottom of the sea, and there was chaos and disputes in the foggy circle. We definitely couldn't stay in that place any longer. It was impossible to say that not a single person in the Cangdong Branch was dead. It was impossible to survive. , I estimate that there are about 200 people. They cannot return to the island, and they cannot stay in such a terrifying fog circle. They must find a way to escape. As long as the people of the special team ambush around the fog circle, If you just wait and see, you will definitely gain a lot.

At first, Li Gang was also doubtful of our words, but soon news came from the front. There were members of the special team ambushing outside the foggy circle. They had just followed an old fishing boat that escaped from the foggy circle. There was a fight, and most of the opponents were annihilated. However, the special task force also lost two or three people. According to the confessions of the captives, the Cangdong sub-rudder was attacked by unknown forces led by Wu Jiuyin last night. Attacked by many people, almost all the people guarding the island were wiped out, and some of them were attacked by countless ferocious sea beasts in the mist formation. Until noon today, Wu Jiuyin suddenly appeared again and killed many of them. They suddenly disappeared again. They were part of the remaining more than 100 people from the Cangdong branch. They came out to explore the road. Unexpectedly, they were ambushed by the special team as soon as they came out.

The unknown number of people the prisoner mentioned was three of our brothers, plus one Lu Xianfeng.

After hearing the accurate news, Li Gang couldn't help but couldn't believe it, and the look in his eyes changed a lot. From compliment at the beginning, it has turned into reverence now.

They just came here to clean up the mess, but it was also a great achievement for them, and we are even more grateful.

Since Li Gang is the head of the Nanshan special adjustment team and is also responsible for the finishing work, he did not send us all the way to the dock, but sent a few more people to get a A sea fishing boat sent us directly to the shore.

When the three of us arrived at the shore, it was completely dark. The few of us stood on the beach, watching the endless waves, with very complicated emotions. We finally came to an understanding of this matter, and that beast Song Zhe finally died.

The dock we arrived at was still Nanshan Fishing Village. When we walked into the village, we found that the village was in a mess and there were several patrol cars parked around the village. After asking, we found out that the house of the old prostitute and his family had been ransacked.

No one knew the specific reason, but people in the village were talking about it. Some people said that the old prostitute had cheated on someone else's wife outside, and someone came to the door. As a result, the boy accidentally killed someone. Others said that the old prostitute had cheated on someone else's wife. He secretly acted as a smuggler and led people to smuggle into Xiaobeihai and Nanguo. He was quickly discovered after being arrested. In short, he said everything.

But the three of us are probably the ones who understand the whole story best. The fact that the house of the old prostitute was ransacked must have a lot to do with the Nanshan Special Investigation Team.

When I was chatting with Li Gang before, I also talked about the Cangdong Su family. The third master of the Cangdong Su family is related to the cult Guiyong Dao. I asked him if the special team should also deal with the Cangdong Su family.

Li Gang held a very conservative attitude towards this matter, saying that there must be evidence for this matter. Without sufficient evidence, their small Nanshan special investigation team would have no way to deal with the Cangdong Su family. Besides, The person who committed the crime was the third master of their family, and he has nothing to do with the entire Cangdong Su family. As for the underground casinos I mentioned, there is nothing they can do about it. The Cangdong Su family certainly can't. They will admit that those illegal places belong to their family, mainly because there are people in the Cangdong Su family's court, and they, the local officials, can't do anything to their family.

The three of us were helpless about this matter, and we didn't have the guts to go directly to the Cangdong Su family to cause trouble.

That night, we planned to take a bus directly back to Tiannan City. As for Lu Xianfeng, he originally wanted to say goodbye to us in Nanshan Fishing Village. When we asked him where he was going, he said he didn’t know, and he would live anonymously and in confusion from now on. As long as he doesn't get caught by the special task force.

I stopped him and invited him to come back to Tiannan City with us. I said that I would find a way for him, maybe he could clear his identity, and he could go home to see his relatives in the future.

Lu Xianfeng was a little unconvinced. When Xue Xiaoqi told him that my grandfather was the general manager of the Yanbei Department of the Special Task Force, he convinced me and planned to return to Tiannan City with me.

(End of this chapter)

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