Chapter 984

Maybe it's because I've been too tired recently, or maybe it's because of the incense Xue Mantang placed in the house. I didn't notice it at all when he was setting my bones. I just discovered this.

I guess it was Xiaoqi's grandfather who personally grafted my bones.

At this moment, my hands already had sensation, a burning sensation, which was a sign that the wound was healing quickly.

The two old men said that they would reconnect my broken tendons tonight, and I was still a little excited. Such injuries to the tendons are definitely a devastating blow to practitioners. Foreign doctors probably don't even know what the meridians are, so there must be no way to cure them, and ordinary Chinese medicine can't cure them either. Even Xue Xiaoqi's grandfather looks helpless, thanks to these two immortal doctors , otherwise I would really become a useless person.

All in all, the two old men have saved me twice, but I have nothing to repay them. Even Xue Xiaoqi was in this situation because of me. When I think of what the two old men said just now, Xue Xiaoqi... Xiaoqi's legs may become permanently disabled, which makes me feel even worse.

I owe the Xue family so much. Even if my ancestor was very kind to them at the beginning, this kind of kindness can be considered repaid here.

When I woke up, it was already noon. The fasting meal was prepared here. Grandpa had no intention of leaving, but would wait until my meridians were healed before leaving.

Except for me, who ate Shiquan Dabu Soup, the others ate very light side dishes and porridge.

It’s been a long time since I’ve eaten this Shiquan Dabu Tang, which doesn’t look very good. I feel a little nostalgic about it. Since my hands are not very good, my grandpa fed it to me with his own hands, which made me feel flattered. , because since I can remember, my grandfather has never fed me like this.

After finishing the meal, I was taken to the house where the two old men of the Xue family practiced medicine. During this period, I saw Xue Xiaoqi and Monk Hua. The gauze on their bodies had been removed, and they were placed in a black In the large tank, their bodies seemed to be fixed in the tank, with only one head exposed. There were various herbs floating around them, the smell was very strong, and there were white drops constantly coming from the top of their foreheads. The mist comes out and looks very magical.

After I was brought here, the two old men ordered my grandfather to strip me naked and put me into a medicine jar like them. When I went deep into it, I discovered that the jar was It's quite scary. In addition to the medicinal materials, there seem to be many living things in it. Although my body can't move, it is still conscious. I can clearly feel that as soon as I enter this big tank, there are many small insects inside me. Swimming around, I can be absolutely sure that these living creatures are definitely not, because after they became familiar with my breath, they actually started to open their mouths to ask for me, biting my skin directly, and began to burrow inside.

This feeling is very scary. Although it is not painful, it makes my nerves tense and I feel like I want to escape from here.

If I could move my body, I would probably jump out already.

"Grandpa...there is something in this tank that bites me..." I said in horror.

"Don't worry, these little bugs are specially raised by me. They are called iron-leaf green filarial worms. When they burrow into your body, they can help you clear your meridians and connect the damaged areas. After clearing them, we can use Guimen 72 needles to treat them. You completely connected the meridians..." Mr. Xue Xuanhu said calmly.

"Then they come out after crawling in?" I asked curiously.

"Once this little bug enters a person's body, it will definitely not be able to get out. But don't worry, this little bug is very thin, very small, and adheres to the meridians. It is not so much a bug as a A kind of medicinal material that is very nourishing and can only do you good and no harm..." Xue Jishi also said at the side.

Having said that, I still can't accept it. My scalp feels numb just thinking about it. I don't know where these two old men learned these weird medical skills. It's really amazing.

I can feel these bugs. They should be about the same size as fish bugs and no thicker than fishing line. They burrow in through my pores. Some of them are a little bigger. If they can't get in, they will bite them. It's so sour. It's so cool that most people can't experience it.

After soaking in the tank for several hours, my grandfather took me out of the tank and put me on a bed. Then, two old people walked up to me, one behind the other, without saying anything. They stretched out their palms and slapped me. Their technique was quite special, and they made a crackling sound when they slapped me. But sometimes, they would constantly change their fingers and poke the acupuncture points on my body. These methods were all done with the spirit of spirit. It was so powerful that every time he slapped or poked an acupuncture point on my body, I would feel a sudden enlightenment, and the two old men also had sweat on their foreheads. Obviously, this was not an easy job.

After beating me for more than an hour, I was placed on a bed. The next thing I knew, I knew that they were going to use the 72-needle technique on me.

As far as I know, the only people in this world who know about the 72 Needles of Ghost Gate are people from the Xue Family Pharmacy, and only a few people know about it. Xue Xiaoqi once told me that there are many people in their family, but The 72 Needles of the Ghost Sect is only passed down to one person from generation to generation. It must be a particularly talented person to practice this unique skill. Among his grandparents, only his second grandfather Xue Qiankun knows this skill. He is now an errand in the university; among his uncles, , it’s his father Xue Yasong, and Xue Xiaoqi is the successor of the latest generation of Ghost Gate 72 Needles.

There are a total of 720 acupuncture points in the human body, of which 52 are single acupoints, 72 are double acupoints, and 36 are extrameridian odd acupoints.Among them, there are [-] key points, [-] of which are considered not to be fatal, but there are still [-] points that are fatal, commonly known as death points.

Guimen 72 needles need to be applied to 720 acupuncture points all over the body. There is no room for sloppiness. One wrong needle may cause death on the spot. When performing acupuncture, you must concentrate on it and pour your spiritual power into it. On top of the silver needle.

When moving needles like chess, if you make a wrong move, you should pay attention to starting and closing the needle. Moreover, you cannot do it over again, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Therefore, when I was moving the needle, no one else could stay in the room. Only two old men and I were present, which made the atmosphere quite tense.

(End of this chapter)

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