Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 179 The Blood Book

Chapter 179 The Blood Book

After writing the blood letter, Ding Ermiao asked Wan Shugao and Li Weinian to retreat first, then placed the blood letter in front of Wu Zhanzhan and began to recite the curse.

"In the vast darkness, there are many diamond mountains. The infinite light of the spiritual treasure shines on the flaming pool. The sinful souls of the Nine Netherworlds are accompanied by fragrant clouds and banners. Three lamps cover the lotus, and the souls return to the world. - Urgent like a law!"

While chanting the mantra, Ding Ermiao also stepped back.After the incantation was finished, his people also came a dozen steps away, squatting in the dense grass, peeking at Wu Zhanzhan's situation.As long as Wu Zhanzhan wakes up safely, he will leave secretly.

Wu Zhanzhan slowly woke up with a soft groan like a dream.After being confused for a long time, she realized that she was in a strange environment.

"Why am I here?" Wu Zhanzhan stood up in surprise.But because he was unconscious for a long time, his limbs were stiff and he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

Wu Zhanzhan stood there for a long time, thinking hard, and gradually remembered what happened in Suolongtan.When I lowered my head, I saw that the black and white bracelet on my wrist was no longer there. I couldn't help but feel cold and my face was ashen!

Wuchangsuo is the most precious treasure of Maoshan and has been passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years.If it is lost in your own hands, then you will be the number one sinner in Maoshan.

"No, I want to go back and kill those water ghosts and find Wuchangsuo!" Wu Zhanzhan was angry and anxious, and turned around and left.

But just as she was about to leave, she saw two pieces of paper on the ground.One of them is a talisman paper, and the other is a cigarette paper with blood written on it.

Picking up the two pieces of paper and looking at them, I saw a line of words written in blood on the cigarette paper: "Zhan Zhan, don't be impulsive. Come here in three days and I'll return your request."

Wu Zhanzhan was stunned again, confused in his mind.

Exhibition?The other party knows his name, knows that Wu Changsuo is missing, and the name he calls himself in the blood letter is very affectionate. Who is he?Could it be that...Master Long Shuanghuo came to the mountain city?

It was wrong to think about it again. There was no need for the master to save himself secretly, let alone leave him alone in this desolate place.

Looking at the yellow talisman paper again, it was clearly used by fellow practitioners.Wu Zhanzhan frowned and thought to himself, could it be that a certain colleague saved him?He asked himself to pick up the Impermanence Suo in three days. So, is the Impermanence Suo currently in Suolongtan, or in the hands of the person who left the letter?
After thinking about it, Wu Zhanzhan became more and more confused.He wanted to find the water ghosts in Suolongtan, but his body had not recovered yet and he was weak.Moreover, it is already mid-afternoon and it is getting late. If we go to Suolongtan again, it will be more difficult for Yadou and his gang of water ghosts.

Go back to the hotel to rest for the night and think of a solution tomorrow.Wu Zhanzhan sighed, walked out of the grass, looked around a few times, took note of the ground signs and environment here, and then walked towards the bustling distance.


Li Weinian drove, while Ding Ermiao and three others rushed back.

Before walking far, Wan Shugao asked, "Brother Ermiao, are you sure you can find Wuchang Suo in three days?"

"It won't take three days." Ding Ermiao asked Li Weinian to drive to Lao Han's coffin shop and said:
"I told Wu Zhanzhan for three days, it was just a tactic. Tomorrow at noon, I can get the Wuchang Suo. I must retrieve the Wuchang Suo first and give it to my junior sister. Otherwise, the little girl is impatient and rushes over If you lock the dragon pond to catch ghosts, you will suffer a loss if you don't do it well."

"Can I get it at noon tomorrow?" Li Weinian was also surprised, as if he didn't believe it.

Ding Ermiao nodded: "Yes, tomorrow at noon. Tomorrow at noon, we will go to Suolongtan and catch all those water ghosts! The mountains of bones under Suolongtan are all the good deeds of these water ghosts. I can't let them stay! "

Wan Shugao jumped for joy: "Brother Ermiao, I must participate in tomorrow's battle. After killing these water ghosts, we will dive to the bottom of the pool to find the gold and silver. By the way, Brother Ermiao, you are underwater , have you found where the gold and silver is hidden?"

Li Weinian is not greedy for money, and he looks down on people who are greedy for money.Seeing the appearance of Wan Shugao's miser, he couldn't help shaking his head with contempt.

"I've seen it. Under the crab shell table in the ghost cave at the bottom of the pool, there is a dazzling light. It should be the place where gold and silver are piled up." Ding Ermiao was uncharacteristically this time. He turned around and patted Wan Wan very affectionately. Book-high shoulders:

"Tomorrow you listen to me. After collecting the ghosts, fish out the gold and silver, find a place to exchange them for banknotes, and then buy you a house in the mountain city. You can marry Xia Bing."

Tears filled Wan Shugao's eyes, and he held Ding Ermiao's hand: "Brother are closer than the Red Army."

"Hehe... But I also have conditions." Ding Ermiao said lightly:
"My destiny is poverty, and I am destined to have no money, as you know. So I need friends, and I need friends everywhere, otherwise I will probably starve to death. I bought a house for you and Xia Bing in the mountain city. Come back later When we are in the mountain city, as long as there is no food to eat, you and your wife have to feed me."

"Do you need to say this, Brother Ermiao? Don't forget each other if you want to be rich! No matter whether you buy me a house or not, as long as I have something to eat, I will never starve you!" Wan Shugao promised, beating his chest. , thumping like a drum.

Li Weinian chuckled and joked: "Brother Wan, this means you and Xia Bing have the same father."

"Fuck you, uncle!" Wan Shugao yelled.

While joking, the sports car drove to Renhe Lane of the North Third Ring Road again.Li Weinian guarded the car, while Ding Ermiao took Wan Shugao into the alley.

It was noon, needless to say, Lao Han was sleeping again.The coffin that Wu Zhanzhan smashed last time has been replaced, and another huge coffin is lying across the shop.

"Old Han, get up!" Ding Ermiao slapped the coffin board and shouted.

Old Han got up from the recliner behind the coffin and rolled his eyes: "Hey, rare visitor. Has the big business of the young master from the capital city been completed?"

"What a piece of shit, we haven't even started yet." Ding Ermiao glared at him angrily and said, "Borrow a few things to use. After a day or two, I will start to solve Wang Haolan's matter. I said Old Han You are too shady, you want to deduct 100 from me for 50 million?"

"These are all rules. It's not like you don't understand. If you have the ability, you can take over the business yourself. I won't charge you a penny." Old Han spread his hands and said innocently, "I still think you have some ability. You are a nice person, so he took care of you. How about you return the money and I will introduce this business to that...Wu Zhanzhan?"

"Okay, okay, don't mention Wu Zhanzhan." Ding Ermiao waved his hands angrily: "She is my junior sister, and she is not good enough. Don't hurt her to death. Hurry up, lend me a few things."


Ding Ermiao touched his chin and said: "Four Yin-Yang heaven and earth bells and five Kongming lanterns."

Old Han froze for a moment, then slowly asked: "Could it be that you are going to deal with some water ghosts in Suolongtan?"

(End of this chapter)

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