Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 1905 Rocks

Chapter 1905 Rocks
The words were divided into two parts, but Ye Gufan and Huang Tianci were jolting forward on the mountain path.

About half an hour later, the electric car started to climb the hill, but it looked weak and moved slowly.This kind of car, after all, has limited power, and it is no longer sustainable at this point.

"Okay, stop the car." Ye Gufan jumped out of the car and looked around.

There was silence all around, and a crescent moon hung overhead.

"Brother Fan, there is still ten miles to the southwest from here. How about we walk there together?" Huang Tianci said.

"No, you can go back and come here to pick me up tomorrow morning." Ye Gufan shook his head, looked at the direction, and walked towards the small mountain peak in the southwest.

"Brother Fan, this is a place where there is no grass and piles of rocks!" Huang Tianci shouted from behind.

Ye Gufan didn't look back, waved his hand, and strode away.

As a ghost-hunting mage, Ye Gufan would naturally detect ghosts when he arrived at that place.If you don't have this ability, do you still dare to come out and fool around?

Looking at the time, it was only after nine o'clock. Ye Gufan was not in a hurry and walked forward in the moonlight while paying attention to the surrounding environment.

An hour later, the terrain ahead was getting higher and higher, and gradually deserted.The gravel is rolling under your feet, and there is no path.It can be seen that few people usually walk in this place.

In the distance, a ghost fire rose faintly and then went out.Ye Gufan smiled slightly, quickened his pace, and walked towards the place where the will-o'-the-wisp appeared.


The night wind suddenly picked up, making the hem of Ye Gufan's clothes rustle.Ye Gufan sniffed and smiled slightly.

After walking for another ten minutes, there was finally a desolation in front of me.The ground was covered with rubble, and indeed there was no grass growing on it.Moreover, there were not a single mosquito or ants, and within a radius of three to five miles, everything was dead.

It's just that this deathly aura is mixed with a murderous aura.

Surrounded by nothing but continuous piles of rocks.The stone piles vary in size and are irregularly arranged, but you can vaguely see that they all look like tombs.Obviously, these stone piles are not naturally generated, but were built by someone.

There are about a hundred piles of rocks, and the adjacent piles of rocks are more than one foot apart.But there are no trees, no seals, and no tombstones. It looks very strange.

Occasionally, phosphorus fire can be seen flickering in the cracks of the gravel in the tomb.

In a small area, the atmosphere is very chaotic, and it is difficult to catch the east and west.It gives people the feeling that every grave mound is breathing, but the direction of the gas is not consistent.

In the dim moonlight, Ye Gufan walked slowly to check the feng shui here.

"The air will be lost when the wind blows, and it will stop when it encounters the boundary water. The boundary water... is too far away. This land hides the wind and gathers the energy but cannot get water. It is a monster." Ye Gufan walked between the cemeteries and quickly determined He walked into the water mouth of this land and said to himself.

The wind was howling all around, but as soon as Ye Gufan said these words, the wind gradually died down.

Upon noticing this change, Ye Gufan was not surprised. He continued to look around and said: "The rocks are used as tombs. There are no trees or seals, and there are huge numbers. This should not be the tomb of the ancestors of the family."

With that said, Ye Gufan slowly walked to a stone grave in the middle of the cemetery and sat down on the grave.

"Sir, you can't sit here."

Before Ye Gufan's butt touched the grave, a man's voice suddenly came from behind him.

Straightening up and turning around, Ye Gufan looked at the man, only to see that he was tall, skinny, and had wrinkled skin on his face.But his back is straight and his appearance is clean.The sparse hair is combed back into a big back, and not a single beard can be seen on the chin.

He's actually a living person, not a dead ghost?He must have crawled out of a certain grave, but he was in a hurry and didn't see the entrance.

Ye Gufan was slightly surprised, but asked calmly: "Why can't you sit down?"

"Under these stone piles, there are buried... heroic spirits. Please don't blaspheme, sir," said the old man.

"The heroic spirit, as the name suggests, is the soul of the hero." Ye Gufan pointed around and said: "Are the bones of heroes buried in these hundreds of stone tombs?"

The old man looked around, nodded and said, "Yes."

Ye Gufan laughed, walked down the grave, and said: "I admire heroes. I wonder what kind of passionate history the heroes buried here have? The breeze, the bright moon, the beautiful scenery, please tell me about it, old man."

"It's rare that you are in the mood, sir. Please come with me." The old man nodded and smiled, leading Ye Gufan around the grave and to the middle of two piles of rocks not far away.

There is a low stone platform here, like a small coffee table.On both sides of the stone platform, there is a flat stone that serves as a bench.

"Sir, please take a seat." The old man raised his hand and pointed to the stone bench to the east and said.

"You are the host, so you should be on the east side." Ye Gufan glanced around and sat down on the stone bench on the west side.

The old man's eyes lit up, and he said, "Sir, you also think that I am the host here?"

"In this cemetery, let's count you as the host, but after dawn, it will be a different matter. Maybe then, you won't be." Ye Gufan said with a smile.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then sighed, looked around, and said: "What a great country. Being able to be the host here is really a dream come true."

"I can't wish for it, I'm tossing and turning, I don't want to leave even after I die, so I'm here, hehe." Ye Gufan smiled.

The old man's expression was gloomy, he cupped his hands at Ye Gufan, and said, "Sir, it seems that you already know the identities of these heroic spirits?"

"I don't know, I'll wait for you to tell me." Ye Gufan shook his head.

"Okay." The old man sat down and said, "Those buried here are all my comrades..."

It turned out to be airborne troops. Ye Gufan nodded, understanding in his heart.

However, there are hundreds of tombs here, and the plane that crashed that year was probably not just one.

"Have you...learned the Feng Shui knowledge of our Chinese nation?" Ye Gufan looked at the old man and asked.

"Historically, we have always been affiliated with the Huaxia Kingdom. Culturally, we share the same roots, so I also know some common sense about Feng Shui," the old man said.

(End of this chapter)

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