Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 1918

Chapter 1918
Overseas fairy mountains?Ye Gufan frowned and asked, "Where is the specific location?"

"Beyond the East China Sea." Shangguan Wan'er pointed to the east and said.

"Beyond the East China Sea, the area is huge. Where exactly is it?" Ye Gufan asked.


"Yingzhou?" Ye Gufan was stunned and said, "One of the three overseas mountains?"

The Three Overseas Mountains are also called the Three Overseas Islands.The ancient book "Ten Continents" records: Yingzhou is located in the East China Sea, with an area of ​​70 miles, roughly opposite Kuaiji, and [-] miles to the west coast.The above-mentioned Shenzhi Xiancao.There are also jade stones, thousands of feet high.The spring is like wine and tastes sweet, so it is called Jade Li Spring. Drinking it will make you drunk for several liters, which makes people live forever.There are many immortal families on the continent, their customs are like those of the Wu people, and their mountains and rivers are like those of China.

It is recorded in the Classic of Mountains and Seas that there are three fairy mountains on the sea, Penglai, Yingzhou, and Fangzhang. The mountains are fairyland, the residence of gods, and the elixir of immortality.

However, later generations have verified that among the three overseas mountains, only one is Penglai Mountain, which is now a tourist destination and is known as a fairyland on earth.As for Yingzhou and the abbot, they are elusive and difficult to find.

"A place four thousand miles away..." It seems from this description that this should be a very large area.If such a large-scale fairyland really existed on Earth, it would have been discovered long ago.

Ye Gufan walked a few steps and said: "Yingzhou, a legendary place, I have only heard of it, but no one has been to it. Shangguan, have you been there?"

"I went there once a thousand years ago." Shangguan nodded and said: "There is indeed such a place, but people nowadays can't find it."

"Then how did you find it? Who took you there?" Ye Gufan asked.

Shangguan smiled and said: "Of course Wu Zetian took me there. But I don't know the route, only the general range."

"If you go to the East China Sea now, can you still find that place?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Shangguan hesitated for a moment and said, "I'm not sure. I don't dare to explain anything I'm not sure about."

"That's fine, tell me what you saw at the time. Say what you want, don't hide it." Ye Gufan said.

Shangguan nodded, thought about it, and said:
"When we went there, it was cloudy and foggy, so we didn't know the path. We just remember that we walked through a whirlpool on the sea, and then emerged from the waves, and Yingzhou Island appeared in front of us. The island is huge, and It’s almost the same in the records. The pavilions and palaces are all made of gold and silver, mixed with white jade. They are as majestic and rich as Wu Zetian’s palace back then. The characters and customs... are similar to those in the ancient Wu Kingdom..."

Ye Gufan listened silently, seeming to analyze whether Shangguan's words were true or false.

After finishing a few simple sentences, Shangguan looked at Ye Gufan.

"Who are there on the island?" Ye Gufan asked again.

"There are no people and no ghosts, they are all demons and immortals. That wolf demon is just a subordinate of one of the demon kings. The demon king is called Zhongshan King. The last time we went there, it was Zhongshan King who entertained us." Shangguan replied.

Ye Qingqing was startled and said: "They are all monsters? Oops, I can only deal with ghosts, but not monsters. What should I do?"

Ye Gufan was also surprised. An unknown island hanging offshore, with a group of demons and fairies, was an unusual situation.

After thinking about it, Ye Gufan looked at Ye Qingqing and said, "Qingqing, why don't you go this time. We have ways to deal with monsters in Maoshan magic. I can go there alone."

"The hatred of your parents is not yours alone." Ye Qingqing shook his head and said: "Although I can't get rid of the demons, I can help Sha Mengzi, Li Jun, and sister Wan'er improve their cultivation to deal with the demons. If If I feel that my strength is not enough, I can find more wandering souls, control all ghosts, and attack Yingzhou Island!"

Hearing this, Sha Mengzi and Li Jun each raised their chests and said, "Yes, yes, yes, we are willing to follow Qing Gu's arrangements, and charge forward into the battle!"

"And me, I will help Qingqing." Huang Tianci said.

"Can you get rid of demons?" Ye Gufan looked at Huang Tianci and said, "If you don't have the means, you will only become a burden on Yingzhou Island."

Huang Tianci looked embarrassed for a moment, then smiled and said, "Brother Fan, if you teach me a few tricks, I can deal with those fairies."

"Maoshan magic is not taught casually. If it could be taught casually, my master could have left some secrets or something." Ye Gufan shook his head.

If I teach you a spell, you will become a disciple. How will you get along with your sister Ye Qingqing in the future?

Huang Tianci looked gloomy and said: "No matter what, I will follow Qingqing wherever she goes. If I don't have the ability, I will risk my life to protect Qingqing."

"Okay, it's not that bad." Ye Gufan waved his hand, looked at his sister and said:
"Qingqing, what you just said reminded me. Since you can control all ghosts, why don't we borrow some Yin soldiers from the underworld? Catching those old ghosts and bringing them to justice is also an urgent task for the underworld. Naturally, it is not good for them to just sit back and watch. To At that time, you and the Yin soldiers of the underworld, and I alone, can show their talents."

Tang Jialin nodded approvingly, and said, "Good idea, that's what I mean too."

Ye Gufan thought for a while and said: "Okay, I will go to the underworld right away and ask Hades to send troops. You guys wait for me here."

Everyone nodded together.

Ye Gufan lay down in the room, and his soul left him, heading straight to the gate of hell.

Going to the underworld again was already a familiar journey for Ye Gufan.There was no obstruction in front of the pass. In a short time, Ye Gufan was already standing in the square in front of the Emperor's Palace.

Judge Cui Yucui came out to welcome him, and from afar he laughed and clasped his fists: "Brother Ye, thank you for your hard work!"

"I have already found out where the old ghosts of Qianling are hiding. This time, I came to meet the king of the underworld and ask the underworld to send troops to wipe out those old ghosts." Ye Gufan said straight to the point.

"It just so happens that His Majesty Pluto is free today. Brother Ye, please come with me and meet His Majesty Pluto." Cui Yu smiled and raised his hand to invite him.

"Thank you Master Cui for the introduction." Ye Gufan smiled and followed Cui Yu up the steps.

After debuting for so long, this is the first time for Ye Gufan to meet Pluto.

The meeting place was not in the Emperor's Palace, but in the study at the back.

King Qin Guang was dressed in casual clothes, with a big belly and a kind face. He was the first to smile and said: "Is this the disciple of Maoshan Ding Ermiao? He is indeed a talented person."

"I have met Yin Tianzi, Ye Gufan, a disciple of Maoshan, and studied under his mentor Ding Ermiao." Ye Gufan bowed his head in salute.

"We are all our own people, you're welcome." King Qin Guang laughed and said, "Sit down and talk while drinking tea."

Ye Gufan thanked him and sat down in the guest seat.Cui Yu also sat down to accompany him, smiling.

A maid served tea, and in an instant, the aroma of tea filled the room.

"After many years of separation, there is no news about your master Ding Ermiao. I miss him very much. I wonder how he is doing recently?" King Qin Guang took a sip of tea and asked slowly.

——Please give me a monthly ticket!Please vote for me, please vote for me!Say important things three times.Now come two chapters, there will be an update at noon!
(End of this chapter)

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