Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2074 Water Depression

Chapter 2074 Water Depression

The distance from the hotel to Huang Gu Master's home is not that far.So Ye Gufan and Tang Jialin walked like this without calling for a taxi.

In this Miaojiang stockade, if you really want to call a car, there are also some.In front of the hotel where Tang Jialin stayed, there was a local unlicensed taxi.

On the way, the two of them talked while walking. When talking about Di Yun, Ye Gufan was inevitably nervous and listless.

Tang Jialin was even more soft-hearted, her eyes were already red, and she said: "Brother Ye, no matter what, you have to get Di Yun back."

"Yes, I believe in Master's great magical power, but I don't know when I will see Di Yun again." Ye Gufan sighed, changed the subject, and said: "By the way, little master, have you heard that there is A golden boy and beautiful girl Gu?"

"Golden Boy and Jade Girl Gu? What a strange name. I've never heard of it." Tang Jialin shook her head and asked, "Is it possible that Brother Ye is here just for this matter?"

"Yes, Master asked me to find out about this matter, and I came here on Master's orders. But I found the Gu Master here, Uncle Gan, and instead of telling me, the old guy poisoned me and tried to force me to leave. I don’t know what he is hiding." Ye Gufan said.

Tang Jialin stopped, looked at Ye Gufan, and said: "Brother Ye, if Bai Yaru's matter is successfully resolved, I can stay and help you and do what I can... Of course, my means are limited and my help is limited. I hope you don't dislike."

"How could it be? The little master is too willing to help me, so I wish for it. Let's deal with the matter of Bai Yaru and the Golden Boy and Jade Girl Gu together." Ye Gufan smiled.

Being with a beautiful woman is much better than being with Dou Biqiang and the old ghost Tang Haolin.For Ye Gufan, he also expected Tang Jialin to stay and help.After all, Tang Jialin is a disciple of Buddhism and has some cultivation skills.

The two chatted and laughed, and settled down happily.

Ten minutes later, the two stood in front of Huang Gu Master's house.

At this time, it was just after dinner, but the doors and windows of the Huang family were closed, and there were no lights.

Ye Gufan stepped forward and knocked on the door, knocking three times.

After knocking for a long time, there was no response at all.

"Maybe there is no one at home, Brother Ye, shall we come back tomorrow?" Tang Jialin said.

Ye Gufan hummed and was about to turn around when he heard someone coming from inside.

The door opened, and a woman poked her head in and asked, "Who is it?"

"We are here to find the Huang Gu Master, Auntie," Tang Jialin said hurriedly.

"He's not at home, he went out to gather medicine." The middle-aged woman said coldly.

"Then... when will Master Huang Gu come back?" Tang Jialin asked again.

"I don't know." The middle-aged woman closed the door with a bang.

Ye Gufan looked at Tang Jialin and shrugged.

Tang Jialin was also helpless and said with a wry smile: "It's really unlucky, alas..."

The two of them walked back and walked a few steps. Ye Gufan suddenly stopped and whispered: "Little Master Tai, I want to monitor the movements of the Huang family. Do you have any objection?"

"Do you suspect that Huang Gu Master is at home?" Tang Jialin was stunned.

Ye Gufan nodded and said, "Well, I want to leave an old ghost behind to keep an eye on this place secretly."

"This...isn't it a bit unkind?" Tang Jialin is a Buddhist believer, and she maintains strict self-discipline.

"The Tao is Tao, very Tao. Miaojiang Gu Masters are avoiding seeing each other, so we can only work secretly." Ye Gufan smiled, released the old ghost Tang Haolin, and said: "Old Tang, you are here to keep an eye on the Huang family. Notify me of the news."

The old ghost nodded and disappeared.

Ye Gufan then took Tang Jialin and returned with peace of mind.

Who would have thought that just after returning to the hotel and before finishing a cup of tea, the old ghost Tang Haolin came back and said anxiously: "Boss, I saw Huang Gu Master wearing night clothes, sneaking out and heading to the mountains to the east!"

Tang Jialin introduced Huang Gu Master's figure and appearance, so the old ghost recognized him.

"Follow me and keep an eye on me. I'll be there right away!" Ye Gufan said.

"Brother Ye, I'm going too!" Tang Jialin said hurriedly.

Ye Gufan nodded, cleaned up briefly, and set off immediately. He and Tang Jialin left the hotel and headed towards the mountains to the east.

The old ghost left first and continued to follow and send letters back and forth.Dou Biqiang stayed in the hotel, taking care of the patient Bai Yaru and taking care of the luggage.In fact, it would be useless for Dou Biqiang to go, staying behind would be the best arrangement.

Ye Gufan and Tang Jialin chased eastward without saying a word.Tang Jialin couldn't keep up, Ye Gufan took her hand and helped her carry the belt.

About an hour later, we had already entered the deep mountains. The moonlight was faint, but the surrounding woods were dense and still looked very eerie.

"Boss, we're not far ahead. Huang Gu Master stopped in a depression." The old ghost Tang Haolin floated over and pointed the direction.

Ye Gufan nodded and asked the old ghost to continue watching, while he slowed down and slowly sneaked over with the little master.

Passing through a patch of woods, the front becomes a little brighter. Under the dim moonlight, you can see a water-filled depression.The area of ​​the depression is not large, less than one mu of land.

And a man in black was sitting cross-legged on the edge of the depression, staring at the incense burner in front of him.There is a lid on the incense burner to let the smoke chatter.

Because the wind was not favorable, Ye Gufan could not smell the incense burning in the incense burner.

The man in black was facing Ye Gufan, and through the moonlight, he could barely see his face. He was about forty, with an average build.

But Ye Gufan came here secretly, deliberately concealing himself along the way, and was not discovered by the man in black.

Ye Gufan lurked down, huddled in the grass with the young master, looked ahead, and whispered: "This depression is strange, it seems to have been specially transformed."

In the mountains, the possibility of small-scale depressions is very small, and there is a layer of water in this depression, but no plants grow.No matter how you look at it, it's a bit weird.

"It's possible." The little master nodded, expressing his approval, and said: "That person is the yellow Gu master. From his appearance, it seems that he is attracting Gu insects..."

"Let's see first." Ye Gufan said in a low voice.

Naturally, Tang Jialin did not dare to move rashly. She stayed next to Ye Gufan and watched Huang Gu Master's movements.

There was silence, a deathly silence.The moon is close to the midheaven and shines brightly.

Ten minutes later, the sound of gurgling water suddenly came from the depression next to Huang Gu Master.

Huang Gu Master trembled and stood up tremblingly. While retreating, he murmured: "It's done, it's done..."

It seemed that the Huang Gu master's technique was successful, Ye Gufan and Tang Jialin looked at each other, and became more energetic.

Gurgling, gurgling...

The sound of the water is louder, and in the depression, you can see the water splashing, just like the fish bubbling in the sultry weather, one after another, one after another.

The Huang Gu Master also retreated dozens of steps away, opening a distance of 20 meters from the incense burner on the ground, and actually shortened the distance from Ye Gufan and Tang Jialin.

(End of this chapter)

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