Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2124 Divine Beast

Chapter 2124 Divine Beast
"Then the dog king in front of you, is it Fu Dou?" Little Master asked.

Wan Shugao laughed loudly, knocked away two wild dogs with one palm, and said: "Huidou is a ****, his body is full of fire, the temperature is extremely high, even fine iron rocks will melt wherever he goes." Cheng Shui. How can the demonic nature be compared to these ordinary wild dogs?"

"The Master is very knowledgeable and impressive." Ye Gufan flattered him and asked, "Is the dog king here very big? Is he as big as an elephant?"

"I won't tell you this. You'll see it later." Wan Shugao pretended again and continued to attack forward.

"So, is this dog king difficult to deal with?" asked the little master.

Wan Shugao laughed and said: "For you, it is difficult to deal with, but for me, it is just a piece of cake."

"The Master is very powerful and mighty." Ye Gufan praised habitually, and suddenly thought of a question.

If this dog king can really be eliminated with a little effort as the master said, then why is this dog king still alive even though the master has been in and out seven times?

Shouldn't it have been eliminated long ago?Could it be that this is also the first time for the Master to come to Wild Dog Ridge?

But that's wrong. If the master came here for the first time, how did he know about this dog king?

Unable to bear it anymore, Ye Gufan raised this question and asked: "Master Master, since it is so easy to deal with, why didn't you kill this dog king last time you came to Wild Dog Ridge?"

"You, what do you know?" Wan Shugao said with an obvious tone of voice: "I have entered the animal path several times. Every time I pass by Wild Dog Ridge, I will kill a dog king."

"But why is there such a dog king here?" asked the little master.

" are all dead-headed, no wonder you haven't been able to attain the Tao yet." Wan Shugao shook his head again and again, and said, "This world of wild dogs is also the same as human society. The dog king was killed by me, and the new The Dog King will come out, do you understand?"

"I understand." Ye Gufan and the little master nodded together.

In fact, they didn't understand it at all and didn't quite believe Wan Shugao's words.

In fact, Wan Shugao was indeed lying.

He entered and exited seven times, and only once got through Wild Dog Ridge by chance.The other six times, he was defeated in front of the Dog King. At the last moment, he escaped back to the human world with the help of Ding Ermiao's Six Paths Escape Talisman.

But no one else saw these things.Therefore, Wan Shugao can brag without worrying about being found out.It can be said that Wan Shugao suffered a lot in front of this dog king.

While talking, Ye Gufan and others moved forward for more than three miles and were about to climb the second mountain.

"Squeak!" The silver fox suddenly jumped into the air, stretched out its front paws, and pointed towards the top of the mountain.

Wan Shugao also pointed with his hand and said: "The Dog King is over there."

Ye Gufan and Little Master looked intently and saw a small black dot squatting on the top of the mountain over there.

"That's the Dog King? It doesn't look big." Ye Gufan said.

From Ye Gufan's point of view, that thing was the size of a Chinese garden dog, just a native dog. What kind of dog king could it be?
"It has to be big to be powerful?" Wan Shugao stood still and said, "Although the weight is small and weighs a thousand catties, although this dog king has an ordinary body, his fighting power exceeds a thousand big dogs."

"So scary? I really can't see it." The young master also said.

"You can't tell, but did you see Silver Fox's reaction?" Wan Shugao pointed at Silver Fox and said, "This beast has been belligerent since he entered the Beast Way, always charging ahead. But you Looking at what it looks like now, do you dare to step forward?"

"Zhizhi!" Silver Fox understood Wan Shugao's words and bared his teeth at Wan Shugao to express his dissatisfaction.

Wan Shugao stared and shouted: "Beast, what are you calling me? Aren't you very capable? Go up and kill the dog king, go!"

You know that this is an animal, but you still behave like an animal?
Ye Gufan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He hurriedly stopped the silver fox and smiled at Wan Shugao: "Master Master, we are still far away now. Let's go up and take a look."

Wan Shugao snorted and raised his feet forward.

Ye Gufan and the young master followed along with Silver Fox.

The dog king is in charge, and the atmosphere is indeed unusual.

The big dogs that were chasing Ye Gufan and others stopped attacking one by one, dragged down their tails, and died down.

As he got closer and closer, he could see clearly the appearance of the dog king.

This thing was covered in black fur, as if it was wearing a black silk gown.In terms of body shape, it is indeed only the size of a pastoral dog, but sitting on the top of the mountain, it has a very calm and regal air.Like a mythical beast, inviolable.

Ye Gufan sneered and said, "This is the first time I've seen these two dogs adopt such a posture."

Wan Shugao looked solemn and said: "Uncle, don't underestimate the enemy. I suggest you let your silver fox out for a look first."

"Master Master, didn't you say that this silver fox is not the rival of the Dog King?" Ye Gufan said.

Previously, Wan Shugao said that he could kill the Dog King with a little effort, but now he asked Silver Fox to take the lead, and Ye Gufan was a little unhappy.

"If you are not an opponent, why can't you go up and try?" Wan Shugao said with a straight face, "Uncle Master, I want you to see that they are all beasts. There is a difference between a silver fox and a dog king!"

"Okay...thank you Master Master." Ye Gufan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.No matter what you say, the headmaster is right.

The little master looked at the silver fox, then at the dog king ten feet away, and said: "I think they are about the same. Even the silver fox is a little more powerful."

Ye Gufan waved to Silver Fox, pointed at the dog king on the top of the mountain, and said, "Silver Fox, do you dare to fight?"

The silver fox understood Ye Gufan's words, but seemed to be very entangled, and seemed to be making preparations. His two front paws scratched on the ground, causing gravel to fly.

"Beast, hurry up!" Wan Shugao pointed to the top of the mountain.

Ye Gufan also squatted down, patted Silver Fox's back with his hand, and said, "Come on, man, don't let us down."

"Zhizhi!" The silver fox suddenly jumped up and rushed towards the dog king on the top of the mountain like an arrow.

The little master's heart was in his throat, and he stared ahead nervously.

However, the dog king was unusually calm and remained motionless in the face of the charging silver fox.

The silver fox is also very cunning, and the swooping attack just now was just a test.

Just as he rushed two feet in front of the Dog King, the silver fox also came to a sudden stop and froze his body suddenly!
The two beasts looked at each other, their four eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Go, go!" Wan Shugao sat on the mountain watching the tigers fight, waved his hands vigorously from behind, and shouted: "Silver Fox, come on, we will watch the battle for you, to ensure your safety!"

(End of this chapter)

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