Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2201 Leverage

Chapter 2201 Leverage
The Ghost Taoist Master laughed loudly and said: "Of course I won't make it difficult for you. In three days, I will die and die. At that time, you can call the monks and help me to save you. Isn't that difficult?"

"What the Taoist Master means is... to cheat his death in exchange for a ritual ceremony at Baolian Temple?" Master Kuzhu looked at the Ghost Taoist Master and really didn't understand what he meant.

Could it be that Taoist Ghost, like some boring people in the world, wants to have a rehearsal before death to see what's behind him?

However, Taoist Ghost nodded and admitted, "Yes, what I want is such a ceremony, and I ask Master to agree to it."

"But after the ceremony, you are alive again, how can I explain it!" Master Kuzhu asked depressedly with a big head.

The ghost Taoist priest laughed and said: "Resurrection from the dead is not impossible in this world. When the time comes, I will say that the Dharma of your Baolian Temple is so powerful that it can bring the dead to life, and it will be beneficial and harmless to your temple!"

Master Kuzhu was speechless and remained silent for a long time, then said: "Well, mountains are mountains and water is water. When I see you dead, you are a dead person. It is right for me to give salvation to the dead."

As long as Lin Fengjiao fakes her death and has no flaws in the eyes of others, Master Kuzhu can organize her salvation.As for him coming back alive in three days, let's talk about it.At worst, Master Kuzhu spread his hands and said that he didn’t know what was going on.

In short, when Kidou comes back from the dead, there will definitely be a commotion.

"Thank you, great monk, but I have one more request." Ghost Taoist Master stood up, bowed his head solemnly to express his thanks, and said again.

"As long as it complies with the rules of Buddhism, I can agree." Master Kuzhu said.

The ghost Taoist priest nodded: "After I die, when doing the ritual of salvation, you put your cassock on my body."

"Why is it arranged like this?" Master Kuzhu was puzzled.

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked." The ghost priest smiled slightly.

Master Kuzhu thought for a moment and said, "Okay, although this is against the rules, it's not too much. I promise you."

"Then I have nothing else to do. In three days, I will die in this Star Observation Studio. Great monk, you can be smarter and don't let my stinky skin be eaten by rats." Ghost Taoist Master laughed.

"Since I promised the Taoist Master, I will naturally be careful about it. But this matter must not be leaked." Master Kuzhu clasped his hands and turned around.

Ghost Taoist Master arranged this matter, he was in a good mood and had a good sleep.

In the evening, Taoist Ghost left the Star Gazing Room of Baolian Temple again and went to the beach for a visit.

In the middle of the night, Taoist Ghost returned to Guanxingzhai.

In the following two or three days, the head of the Ghost Dao was like this, sleeping in the Xing Zhai during the day and going out at night to calculate the location of other jars.

On the morning of the fourth day, the little novice from Baolian Temple brought breakfast, opened the door and saw that the ghost priest had died on the bed, not breathing, and his whole body was stiff.

"No, no, no, the Taoist priest is dead!" The little novice monk was so frightened that he dropped his breakfast and yelled to find the abbot.

Master Kuzhu knew what he was doing and immediately brought a group of eminent monks from the temple to Guanxingzhai to check it out.

The monks stepped forward and saw that Taoist Ghost was indeed dead, with a suicide note beside him.

When I opened the suicide note, I found it was addressed to Master Kuzhu and the eminent monks in the temple.

The wording in the letter is very sincere and low-key, and even a little sad. Taoist Ghost said that although he is in a Taoist sect, he also respects Buddhism and hopes that after death, he can be saved by Buddhism. He is very grateful...

These words were of course meant to deceive the monks in the temple. Only Master Kuzhu knew the truth.

Master Kuzhu clasped his hands together and recited several Buddha chants to the corpse of Taoist Ghost Master. Then he looked at his junior disciples and asked: "The Taoist Master passed away in our Baolian Temple, but left a suicide note asking us to use Buddhist deeds to save everyone." Junior brothers, what do you think?"

The monks discussed it and said: "The Taoist priest is in the Taoist sect, but he ascended to immortality from the Buddhist sect. This is also the fate of our Buddhist sect. Moreover, the Taoist priest is a good friend of the abbot, and he also had an influence on the construction of Baolian Temple. It’s such a great help. Why can’t we agree to this small wish? The Buddha’s Dharma is boundless, it can save all sentient beings, and it can save Taoist priests. This is also the blessing and merit of our Baolian Temple.”

Master Kuzhu clasped his hands together and said: "It is precisely because the Taoist Master is my good friend that I dare not act arbitrarily. Since the junior fellow apprentices are all compassionate, let's arrange for the Taoist Master to perform the ritual of salvation."

This trick went smoothly, and it was played brilliantly.None of the monks in the temple knew about the agreement between Master Kuzhu and Taoist Ghost.

The plan has been decided, and everyone at Baolian Temple immediately took action to arrange water and land dojos for the Taoist priest to give him salvation.

Before the ceremony of salvation began, Master Kuzhu took off his cassock, covered it with the ghost Taoist Master's golden body, put his palms together and said: "It's a pity that I can't die happily with the Taoist Master. This cassock has been with the poor monk for 30 years, so I will let it go." Go with the Taoist Master."

The other eminent monks of Baolian Temple were a little puzzled.

The four elements of Buddhism are all empty, how could the abbot master not be able to see through this kind of behavior that hurts parting?
But everyone is just suspicious in their hearts, and no one can say it in person.Thus, Master Kuzhu's cassock was covered on the body of the head ghost in a nondescript manner. 1520
The ritual ceremony officially begins, with the sound of the Buddha's trumpet and the formation of wooden fish.

The ghost priest lay motionless in the Buddhist hall.

Baolian Temple closed its doors to thank guests, and all the monks in the temple took turns to go out to pray for the Taoist priest.

Three days later, the ritual was coming to an end. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they had finally done something good.

Who would have thought that the ghost Taoist priest lying in the crowd suddenly uttered an oops and sat up suddenly!

This time, the monks of Baolian Temple were frightened. Some young novices ran outside, shouting: "The Taoist priest has faked the corpse!"

"Don't panic, don't make a fuss!" Master Kuzhu hurriedly stopped everyone, pretending to be surprised, and asked: "Taoist Master, are you still alive?"

The ghost Taoist priest shook his head and said: "The Buddhist teachings of all the masters are so profound that they actually brought me back from the gate of hell!"

All the monks present were stunned, and then they were overjoyed, saying one after another: "I'm afraid it's the meaning of the Buddha to be able to bring the Taoist priest back to life!"

"Thank you Buddha, thank you all masters." The ghost abbot stood up in his cassock, clasped his hands to thank all the monks, and said: "Although I am not dead, I cannot do without the blessing of Buddhism. This cassock belongs to the abbot master. , I put it on my body and never took it off.”

Master Kuzhu put his palms together and said: "It's just a cassock, not a treasure. The Taoist priest can just take it. I hope the Taoist priest is wearing the cassock and has good thoughts in his heart."

Now Master Kuzhu understands a little bit, Taoist Ghost is trying to borrow power from Buddhism to go to the underworld!

This is the same principle as when Wu Zhanzhan later borrowed the help of Maoshan Daochang to enter the underworld alone and destroy the gate of hell.

(End of this chapter)

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