Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2214 Poseidon (seeking a monthly ticket)

Chapter 2214 Poseidon (seeking a monthly ticket)

The Ghost Master lit a cigarette, with a kind smile on his face, and asked: "What do you want to ask in your dream?"

"Ask where is the best place to fish," the man said.

"Then don't ask, just follow me from now on, okay?" Ghost Taoist Master said.

The man was overjoyed and immediately said: "Okay, old man, I will try my luck with you tomorrow!"

The Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said, "Okay, what's your name?"

"My name is Zhong Laoliu."

"Okay, come with me tomorrow, I guarantee you will become a household worth ten thousand yuan a month!" Ghost Taoist Master said with a smile.

At that time, a household worth ten thousand yuan was even richer than a millionaire today.Zhong Laoliu was so grateful that he really went to sea with Taoist Ghost the next morning.

When Ghost Daoist goes to sea, he doesn't go too far. He just turns around and closes the net.

Zhong Laoliu followed behind, and sure enough, in a short time, he harvested a warehouse full of big fish!
This scene left Zhong Laoliu dumbfounded and amazed.Not only did Dao Zhang collect a boatload of fish, but Zhong Laoliu also returned home with a full load.

After sending the fish back, it was only noon when we arrived on the shore.

Zhong Laoliu jumped up and down excitedly, encouraged the ghost priest, and said, "Uncle Lin, it's still early, let's go for another boat?"

The ghost priest shook his head and said, "Have you forgotten Journey to the West again? Fishing is also killing, so it can't be too much. Fishing too much means killing too much, it's not good... So, I only catch one boat of fish every day." , too much, and it won’t work anymore.”

Zhong Laoliu thought about it and had to give up.

Back then, a boat of fish could be sold for three to four hundred, which was much higher than a month's salary.For Zhong Laoliu, having so much income in one day is enough.

After selling the fish, Zhong Laoliu acted as host and invited the ghost Taoist priest to drink.

The ghost Taoist leader was also polite, eating and drinking to his heart's content, chatting and bragging.

Asked by Zhong Laoliu, Gui Daochang only claimed to be from western Guangdong, using southern technology to get rich in the north.

How much insight can a fisherman have?The Ghost Daoist easily fooled him.

After drinking and eating, the ghost head went back to the fishing boat to sleep.

But when he woke up, Taoist Ghost found that his fishing boat was surrounded by people!
Most of these people were carrying gifts, cigarettes, alcohol, etc. in their hands.

They were all poor fishermen from Jianshan Island. They heard that the Taoist priest had such ability, so they came together and wanted to follow the Taoist priest to fish together.

Seeing the Taoist priest walking out of the cabin, everyone gathered around, smiling and talking:

"Uncle Lin, take us with you to make a fortune!" This is straightforward.

"That's right, Uncle Lin, the life of a fisherman is hard. From now on, we will follow you all the time, so you can take pity on us, okay?" This was done with emotion and tragedy.

"Uncle Lin, as long as you take me with you, I can treat you like a father! My parents are both dead, and I can recognize you as my godfather!" This is a relative who has lowered his status to be a son.

"Uncle Lin, if you take us with you, we can give you one-tenth of our income every day to honor you! As long as you take ten people, you can get a boat of fish a day, and you don't have to do it yourself. Take twenty boats, Your income will also double, wouldn’t that be better?” This is profitable and very organized.

The ghost Taoist priest smiled, raised his hand and waved it, saying: "Everyone, everyone, please be quiet and listen to me!"

The scene immediately fell silent, a circle of people surrounded the ghost priest, all were silent, and everyone pricked up their ears.

"Drink the water from the Yangtze River, everyone! I, Old Lin, am not a stingy person!" Ghost Dao Chang Qi rushed through his Dantian, and his voice was clear, saying: "Everyone is willing to follow me, Old Lin, because you are giving me face! Therefore, I am willing to make a fortune with you. Let’s get rich together and welcome everyone who comes!”

wow wow...

The applause burst out, like ocean waves, with extraordinary momentum.

All the fishermen cheered loudly, and even some poor people burst into tears with excitement.

After being poor for so many years, I finally have something to look forward to. Can you not be excited?

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me..." Ghost Taoist Master stood on the bow of the boat with a smile on his face and said, "I can bring everyone to make a fortune together, but there are a few conditions. I hope everyone agrees to me."

"Uncle Lin, just say it, we will abide by your conditions, and we will listen to you! If anyone disobeys, we will throw him into the sea and feed him to the fish!" said an impatient person among the fishermen.

"That's right, listen to Uncle Lin!" Others agreed one after another.

The Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said: "Everyone who follows me must obey my arrangements. Especially in fishing operations, you must absolutely obey my arrangements and make no mistakes. This is the first; second, I ask everyone to swear that whoever violates the oath, the boat will be broken and people will die! Third, I will no longer fish, and will only be responsible for the unified dispatch of everyone. I will take 5.00% of everyone’s daily fishing income as my own hard work Fee. Everyone, do you have any comments?"

"No objection, Uncle Lin, you are really kind to us!" The fishermen heard clearly and immediately cheered.

Originally, someone suggested that this Uncle Lin take one-tenth of everyone’s fishing income every day. Now Uncle Lin took the initiative to reduce the price by 5.00%, which is one-twentieth.

In the past, when the good times arrived, everyone could make a little money from fishing. But when the times were not good enough, sometimes they had to pay for diesel fuel.

Now that Uncle Lin has promised everyone, everyone is looking forward to the day when the warehouse is full every day.

As for the 5.00% commission, it’s really nothing.Even if the business was bleak like before and I contributed 5.00% commission every day, it doesn't matter.

"Since everyone has agreed, then tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, everyone will prepare pigs' heads and three animals according to the local rituals, worship the sea god, and swear to the sea god, and then we will reach an agreement." The ghost priest said again.

The fishermen discussed it, nodded together, and said, "Let's do it tomorrow, let's worship the God of the Sea on the beach."

"Okay, then everyone can get ready, don't go out to sea tomorrow, rest for a day!" Ghost Daoist nodded with satisfaction, and said: "As for tomorrow's worship ceremony, and the food and drink after the worship, all expenses will be paid from my future expenses." Deduct from the share!”

There was joy at the scene, and they all said: "Uncle Lin, you are really kind..."

Ghost Taoist Master chuckled, looked at Zhong Laoliu and said: "Lao Liu, from now on, you will be a small captain, help me coordinate the dispatch and manage the fleet. I will share some of the money I earn with you, so I won't treat you badly. that is."

"Okay, Uncle Lin, I will do whatever you say, and I promise to be loyal!" Zhong Laoliu was so happy that he almost forgot his last name.

"Go ahead and organize tomorrow's Poseidon Worship activity." Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said.

——It’s the beginning of the month again, and I’m asking everyone for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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