Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2216

Chapter 2216
Everyone was ordered to turn the rudder and return home.

Although there are still a very small number of fishing boats that have not reaped a full warehouse, but compared with the past, they are all shotguns, which is not what it used to be.

Therefore, even if the warehouse is not full, everyone is very satisfied and goes home happily, sells the fish early, and reunites with his family.

Some generous fishermen organized themselves and pooled their money to treat the Ghost Taoist Master to a drink.

The Ghost Taoist Master was also not polite, and he ate, drank and chatted with everyone.

As for the 5.00% commission, the ghost priest didn't care.

On the other hand, Mr. Zhong was very fussy. He took a notebook and kept accounts on the beach every day. He collected everyone's commission and sent it to the Ghost Taoist Master.

The days passed lively like this.

Ghost Taoist Master takes everyone to go fishing every day, and every day they come back with a full load, and then drink and eat meat.

Apart from this, Kidō doesn't do anything.

The old ghost Song Youfu was a little puzzled and asked privately: "Taoist Priest, we have been here for a while, why is there no movement? Does Taoist Priest really want to be a fisherman here until the end of his life?"

"The time hasn't come yet, don't be in a hurry." Ghost Taoist Master chuckled.

The Spring Festival is approaching in a blink of an eye, and the fishermen are worried that Uncle Lin will return to his hometown for the New Year, and he will never return after that, so they let Zhong Laoliu come to test Uncle Lin's tone.

If Uncle Lin leaves like this, then the God of Wealth is gone!

Zhong Laoliu was ordered to come and asked: "Uncle Lin, the New Year is coming soon. Do you plan to go back to your hometown to celebrate the New Year? Everyone is reluctant to let you go and wants to keep you here to celebrate the New Year."

The Ghost Taoist Master laughed loudly and said: "I originally planned to go back, but since everyone is reluctant to leave, I will stay."

Zhong Laoliu was overjoyed and said: "Uncle Lin, don't worry, you stay here to celebrate the New Year, we will take care of you and make you live happily!!"

After getting the exact words from Uncle Lin, Zhong Laoliu immediately fed back the good news to everyone.

The fishermen were even more happy and immediately arranged everything for Uncle Lin during the Spring Festival. From New Year's Eve to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they had detailed arrangements for where to celebrate, who to accompany them, and what to eat and drink.

This Spring Festival, Ghost Master is having a great time.

After spending a long time with the fishermen, Taoist Ghost also felt the straightforwardness and hospitality of Qilu.Comparing the indifference between people in the Hong Kong government, Taoist Ghost could not help but feel emotional.

After the Spring Festival, there will be a temple fair to worship the sea on the eighth day of the first lunar month, and go to sea to work and continue fishing on the ninth day of the first lunar month.

The ghost leader tried his best to lead everyone through the wind and waves.

The fishermen followed the Taoist priest and returned home with a full load almost every day, and their lives became rich.

In a blink of an eye, February [-] came, the day when the dragon raises its head. Everyone had a day of rest and then held activities to worship the Dragon King Temple.

After the worship service, there was a dinner party as usual.

After three drinks and five dishes, Taoist Ghost stood up slowly, raised his hand, and said loudly: "Everyone, please be quiet and listen to what I have to say."

"Uncle Lin, please tell me, everyone is listening!" everyone said one after another.

The scene instantly quieted down.

"Thank you for your praise and trust in me. I have lived up to your expectations. In the past two months, I have made a little money with you and solved the basic problems of life." Ghost Taoist Master smiled. Changing the subject, he said, "However, I regret to tell you that the good times are over. From now on, fishing will not be so easy!"

The whole audience was shocked. The drunken men were so frightened that they woke up and looked at the Ghost Master with sweat on their faces.

Taoist Ghost didn't say anything, looked around the audience, frowned and sighed.

After a long time, everyone woke up and shouted:

"Uncle Lin, why can't we fish like this again in the future? Are you always leaving?"

"Uncle Lin, please stay, we will provide for you until the end of your life!"

"Uncle Lin, have we fished too much and angered the Dragon King?"

"Uncle Lin..."

Uncle Lin waved his hand and said: "None of them..."

"Then why? Uncle Lin, you should tell us all!" Zhong Laoliu was the most anxious, stepped forward and begged, and said, "Uncle Lin, just tell us the reason. As long as there is a solution, all of us can solve the problem." Listen to you!"

Zhong Laoliu has made a fortune. He earns more than 1000 yuan every day. He has already made a lot of money.But he doesn't mind the money and is absolutely unwilling to give up.

The ghost priest waved his hand again to calm everyone down, and said, "Everyone, to tell the truth, I dreamed last night that a god gave advice, saying that all the fish in the nearby shallow waters had been wiped out. Good harvest."

"Uncle Lin, maybe this dream is not accurate?" Zhong Laoliu said with a glimmer of hope.

"Nonsense, every time the gods entrust me with dreams, they are always accurate, but this time they are not allowed?" The ghost Taoist stared, and said: "If you don't believe me, go out and try it tomorrow, and you will know!"

After finishing speaking, the Ghost Daoist left with a flick of his sleeves, went directly to the beach, boarded his own fishing boat, and fell asleep.

Zhong Laoliu and the others followed and waited patiently beside the fishing boat without daring to disturb Mr. Lin.

The next morning, everyone gathered around the Taoist priest again and asked, "Uncle Lin, did you dream of a god last night? Did you say anything?"

The Ghost Taoist shook his head and frowned.

Everyone begged: "Uncle Lin, why don't you take us out to sea and try our luck? Even if we can't catch a fish, we won't blame you."

"Yes, Uncle Lin, let's try going to sea?" Zhong Laoliu said pitifully.

The other fishermen all begged one after another, and everyone's face was full of sadness.

"Well, since everyone insists, let's go to sea and give it a try to make you give up." Ghost Daochang sighed and waved: "Pack up the guys and get ready to go to sea!"

Everyone dispersed in a hurry, sailed their own boats, and lined up to go to sea.

But this time, it was different from the previous excitement. Everyone felt uneasy and looked heavy.

We went out to sea at seven o'clock and entered the fishing area after nine o'clock.

The ghost Taoist leader directed everyone to lower the nets for fishing as before.

It's really strange. Today I drained the nets one after another, and there wasn't a single fish at all!

I was busy until noon, but there was not a single fish, not even a fish scale.

The fishermen had no idea, so they all came over with their boats and surrounded the ghost Taoist priest and asked: "Uncle Lin, what is going on? Why is there not a single fish left?"

The ghost priest shook his head and said, "Why don't you spread out a bit and go to another place to have a look."

Everyone had no choice but to continue sailing, wandering around in the fishing area, and throwing nets according to their feelings.

However, there was no harvest in the nearby sea areas where fishing boats could reach.Even if they catch some small fish, they are so few that they don’t even have enough money for cigarettes.

(End of this chapter)

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