Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2223 The Drift Bottle

Chapter 2223 The Drift Bottle

In the past few months, Taoist Ghost has come to Jianshan Island and brought the fishermen of Jianshan Island to fish and become rich. They all made a lot of money. The fishermen of Langya Beach over there are all jealous.

However, the fishermen on Jianshan Island like Dese and don't know how to keep a low profile. They spend all day talking richly in front of the fishermen on Langya Beach.

This irritated the fishermen in Langya Beach even more, and they all hated it...

Now, this is what Qiu Fu feels like.

Previously, everyone was on an equal footing and wore rags. But now the fishermen on Jianshan Island have suddenly become rich, and everyone is wearing bright clothes and angry horses. How can people not be jealous?

The latest news that the tavern owner is talking about happened in Langya Beach.

The ghost Taoist priest nodded and said with a smile: "I don't know what's new. Let me tell you and you can have a drink."

Fishermen such as Zhong Laoliu are also floating on the sea all day long, and they may not be able to know in time what is going on in the village next door.At this moment, seeing the tavern owner talking about it, they all nodded in agreement and asked him to come and listen.

The tavern owner lit a cigarette for Ghost Taoist Master, and then said: "It happened yesterday, I only heard about it last night. The fishermen of Langya Beach went fishing, but they didn't catch many fish, but they caught one bottle……"

"Bottle? Is it an antique vase?" Zhong Laoliu asked.

"No..." The tavern owner shook his head and said, "If it were an antique vase, wouldn't it make a fortune? What they salvaged was a small glass bottle, which is said to be called a drift bottle!"

The word "drift bottle" was not popular here at that time, so the tavern owner felt fresh when he mentioned it.

The ghost Taoist priest nodded to express his understanding.The Hong Kong government also has this thing, and there are many bottles that have drifted across the ocean.There is also a TV series called this.

The tavern owner continued: "The strange thing is that there is not one floating bottle, but many! The fishermen in Langya Beach have fished one out of almost every household! No more, no less, every household has one!"

"Haha, this is a little weird. Every fishing boat catches one, even if it is distributed, it is not so even!" Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said.

Zhong Laoliu and others also felt strange and asked: "Isn't it someone's prank?"

Logically speaking, this possibility does not exist.

Because the number of fishing boats in Langya Beach is no less than that of Jianshan Island, and is also around a hundred.Every fishing boat has one hundred bottles, but every fishing boat is assigned one?
"Of course it's not a prank! It's just strange, so it feels fresh." The tavern owner toasted to the Ghost Master again, and then said: "There are small notes in the bottles, and they are in every bottle."

The ghost priest smiled and said: "Since it is a drift bottle, of course there is a note. Without the note, it would not be called a drift bottle."

"But what is written on the note?" Zhong Laoliu asked.

The owner of the tavern refused to give up and asked Zhong Laoliu: "Hey, guess what is written on the note?"

"I didn't see the note, how could I guess it?" Zhong Laoliu rolled his eyes and urged: "Say it quickly!"

The ghost priest frowned and said nothing, as if thinking.

In fact, the Ghost Taoist Master had a clever calculation and already knew the contents of the note.However, this matter is quite mysterious and involves neighboring villages, so Taoist Ghost does not want to expose it and plans to guide the fishermen step by step to deal with this matter.

The tavern owner grinned and whispered: "This time, the guys from Langya Beach are in big trouble!"

"What's the trouble?" Zhong Laoliu asked.

There was one person in the audience. His sister was married in Langyatan. His brother-in-law and two nephews are both fishermen. He was even more anxious at this moment and asked: "Speak quickly, tell me what is going on?"

"Hehe...the note said that those who want Langyatan will have to sacrifice to the Dragon King every 15th day of the Lunar New Year! That drift bottle was written by the Dragon King!" Then the tavern owner said the ultimate secret.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other, not quite believing it.

"We have to worship the temple on the 15th day of the lunar month, then we will still have to go fishing in the future?" The man my sister married in the neighboring village frowned and said, "Every time I worship the temple, it takes three days to prepare and costs a lot of money. If you do this, Langyatan spends ten days of every month preparing for temple sacrifices, and the remaining 20 days are spent fishing, and the money from selling fish is not enough!"

The last time Ghost Daoist held a ceremony to worship the sea, it was just a hasty preparation, and many procedures were omitted.It would be even more troublesome if we follow the formalized approach.

"That's right, how can anyone worship a temple like this? It must be a lie!" Zhong Laoliu said.

The other fishermen expressed disbelief.

Some said, "That's right. The Dragon King has magical powers. He can just ask for dreams and that's it. Why do you need to write a note?"

Taoist Ghost said nothing and drank tea slowly. He knew that this was true, and that soon the fishermen on Jianshan Island would also receive drift bottles.

"I really won't lie to you! I've seen that note!" The tavern owner became anxious, stood up and swore, "If I lie to you, just call me, just call me... poor for the rest of my life!"

Zhong Laoliu curled his lips and said, "Could it be that all the fishermen in Langya Beach are so obedient that they will worship the temple twice a month from now on?"

"The Dragon King said that if they don't obey, they won't be able to catch a fish!" Zhong Laoliu said.

"I don't believe it!" Zhong Laoliu shook his head and asked Taoist Ghost again: "Uncle Lin, you are a living god. How much do you think this thing is true?"

The ghost Taoist priest thought for a while and said: "This matter is not easy to talk about. Don't quarrel. Let's see what news there is from Langya Beach tomorrow. If it is true that we can't catch a fish, then it is true. …”

Everyone nodded and toasted to the Ghost Taoist Master.

Satisfied with food and drink, the head ghost left the tavern and went back to his fishing boat to sleep.

Although everyone arranged the best house for Mr. Ghost in the fishing village, Mr. Ghost slept on the boat every night.

This is true regardless of wind or rain.

When everyone asked the reason, Taoist Ghost said: "In the dream, the god was afraid of noise and did not go to the village. He gave me instructions every night, always at the seaside..."

When it comes to the dream entrusted by gods and men, naturally no one dares to force it.So the ghost priest lived on the boat.

In fact, Taoist Ghost lives on the boat for the purpose of practicing and stargazing.

The seaside has good air and is unobstructed, making it most convenient for stargazing.

Early the next morning, the fishermen from Jianshan Island went out to sea with Taoist Ghost.

Coincidentally, we met the fishermen fleet of Langya Beach on the way.

Zhong Laoliu was looking for trouble and shouted at the top of his lungs, "Hey, it's early, young and old! I heard that you caught a treasure vase while fishing the day before yesterday, right?"

The fishermen at Langya Beach were annoyed. When they heard Zhong Laoliu's sarcasm, they all glared at each other.

Zhong Laoliu grinned and waved: "You're just kidding, don't be angry! Everything goes smoothly. I'll make more money by fishing. When you have free time, let's play Pai Gow!"

(End of this chapter)

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