Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2227

Chapter 2227
For a time, the fleet was in chaos, and no one was interested in fishing.

"Don't panic, give me the bottle to take a look at!" Ghost Taoist Master waved his hand and shouted.

Today's scene had already been planned by Ghost Taoist Priest.Yesterday, the fishermen of Langya Beach were not promised any action, that is, they were just waiting for this to happen today.

Only when the fishermen of Jianshan Island face the same fate as Langya Beach can the people of these two villages be completely united.

The fishing boats came closer one after another, and everyone handed their bottles to Ghost Taoist Master.

The Ghost Master looked at it and saw that this was an ordinary penicillin bottle, a glass bottle not much bigger than a thumb.

Inside each bottle, there is a small note written on yellow paper.

The ghost Taoist leader opened a bottle, and saw the words on it, which turned out to be ancient seal characters. It wrote: "On the 15th day of the lunar new year, offering sacrifices to the sea and temples. If you don't obey the Dragon King's order, the net will fail, and the ship will be destroyed and people will die."

Even if the fishermen were educated, they couldn't recognize the ancient seal, so they came together and asked, "Uncle Lin, what is written on it, is it the same as the note on Langyatan?"

"That's right, the same... On the 15th day of the lunar month, we will worship the sea and the temple. If you don't follow the instructions of the Dragon King, the net will fail, the ship will be destroyed, and people will die." The Ghost Taoist nodded and read the note to everyone, his eyes searching the surrounding sea. .

The note on Langyatan was also seen by the ghost priest last night, and the literal meaning is exactly the same, but it is not this kind of ancient seal characters, but traditional Chinese characters and Song style characters.

Why use two fonts?The ghost Taoist priest frowned and reasoned silently in his mind.

"Uncle Lin, what should we do? Will we be like the unlucky ghost in Langyatan, who can't catch a single fish?" Zhong Laoliu asked with a mournful face.

A few days ago, there was an incident of an evil dragon guarding the fishway. Finally, this Uncle Lin was beheading the evil dragon; who knows that two days after the good times, this incident happened again!In terms of losses, Zhong Laoliu suffered the greatest losses, so he was also the most anxious.

"How do I know?" Ghost Daoist stared, waved his hand and said: "Soldiers come to cover up water and soil, there is always a solution. Don't be afraid, everyone, keep fishing. I dare not say tomorrow. Today, I guarantee that everyone can still fish with a full warehouse." Come back!"

Encouraged by the Ghost Taoist Master, everyone threw away the bottles and ignored the appearance of the Dragon King for the time being and just focused on fishing.

"Lao Liu, you sit on the bow of my boat and give me the order. I want to be quiet in the cabin." Ghost Taoist Master said.

Zhong Laoliu hurriedly agreed and sat down on the bow of Ghost Taoist Master's boat.

However, Taoist Ghost opened the curtain, entered the cabin, and took out the heavenly secret disk.

The evil god said that if you don't listen to him, everyone's net will be in vain and you won't be able to catch a single fish.The ghost Taoist priest just doesn't believe in this evil, so he wants to use his own ingenious plan to help everyone return home with a full warehouse.

To be honest, the Ghost Taoist Master was alone and even came to the underworld, so he really didn't take the evil god in front of him seriously.

In fact, these days, the ghost leader took everyone to fish, and they all calculated it through the heavenly secret disk. At what time and where fish schools passed by, the ghost leader can calculate it, so they can get a lot of money.

There is a small window on the left and right sides of the cabin.

The Ghost Daoist opened the small window, watched the movement outside, and at the same time used the celestial disk to calculate, telling Zhong Laoliu how to turn the rudder and how to get off the net from time to time...

Zhong Laoliu held a loudspeaker and stood at the bow of the ship to make adjustments.

Everyone obeyed the order and started fishing in an orderly manner.

Sure enough, Taoist Ghost's calculations were accurate, and today's fishing operation was even smoother. Almost every fish caught was heavy.

The fishermen laughed, and some young fishermen shouted, "Our Uncle Lin is more powerful than the Dragon King! Let me tell you, from now on we will all listen to Uncle Lin and build a shrine to Uncle Lin. From now on, If we worship the sea and the temple, we will worship Uncle Lin!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Uncle Lin is Uncle Lin, and Lord Dragon is Lord Dragon." The elderly fishermen were in awe of Lord Dragon, afraid of revenge from Lord Dragon, so they hurriedly stopped.

The Ghost Taoist Master heard clearly in the cabin and laughed without comment.

Suddenly, Zhong Laoliu shouted: "Uncle Lin is in trouble, come out quickly!"

"You're such a bad boy!" Ghost Taoist Master cursed and walked out calmly.

"Oops, that fishing boat is going to capsize, everyone, get ready to rescue people!" People on the sea were shouting, and they were all looking at the spinning fishing boat.

Of course, this fishing boat also belongs to Jianshan Island. It is about 50 meters away from Ghost Daochang at this moment.

Waves surged around the fishing boat, strange winds howled, and the combined action of water and air currents caused the fishing boat to spin rapidly.

There were three fishermen on the boat. The eldest brother, sister-in-law and a younger brother were working.

At this time, the fishing boat was bumping and spinning, and the three people on the boat couldn't stand at all, and they all lay on the board of the boat.

"As long as I'm here, we can't capsize the boat!" Ghost Daoist shouted, and sprinkled a handful of copper coins into the sky, then pointed at the coins and muttered something.

All the fishermen looked up together and saw the copper coins tumbling in the air. Amidst the jingling sound, they automatically formed into a short sword, swishing and piercing towards the sea.

The copper coin sword came menacingly and penetrated into the water against the side of the spinning fishing boat.

Everyone was stunned and didn't see any movement, but they saw that the waves and wind gradually stopped and it was calm.

The spinning fishing boat also gradually stopped.

But the three people on the boat were all pale with fear and sweating profusely.

"It's okay, let's continue fishing until the warehouse is full!" Ghost Taoist Master waved his hand and said domineeringly.

Everyone cheered and went to work.

Two elderly fishermen were not at ease, and they quietly approached the ghost priest, and asked, "Brother Lin, did the Dragon King lose his temper in the whirlwind just now?"

"Even if the Dragon Prince is angry, so what? With me here, there are no taboos!" Ghost Taoist Master waved his hand.

The two old guys didn't dare to speak and left silently.

In the evening, Taoist Ghost took everyone back.Today's harvest is higher than yesterday's, and almost every household has a full warehouse.It's just that today's drifting bottle incident and the sudden big storm have cast a shadow on everyone's hearts.

You can return home with a full warehouse today, but what about tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?

The successive situations have made everyone feel troubled and melancholy about the uncertainty of the future.

As soon as the fishing boat docked, the head ghost saw Zhao Hai and others from Langya Beach standing on the shore, looking around anxiously.

The ghost Taoist priest smiled, stepped on the gangplank and got off the boat, waving: "You're early, folks!"

Zhao Hai hurriedly stepped forward to offer cigarettes, and said with a smile: "Uncle Lin, we came here specially to invite you to be old. We have already prepared dinner at Langyatan, and we have brought a car here. Uncle Lin, please get in the car , go to our place for dinner, and we’ll talk while eating.”

(End of this chapter)

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