Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2235 Tianya Lonely Pagoda

Chapter 2235 Tianya Lonely Pagoda
The Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said: "Actually, I came here just to kill this Wutong God. Now that the task is completed, it's time for me to leave."

"Uncle Lin, what will we do when we fish in the future? Who will direct us?" Zhong Laoliu asked pitifully.

The other fishermen, like Zhong Laoliu, looked at Taoist Ghost longingly and said, "Yes, Uncle Lin, if you leave, we will have a hard life again..."

"Don't worry, everyone, I have my own arrangements." Ghost Taoist Master smiled and said:

"I will leave you all a perpetual fishing calendar. In this perpetual calendar, I will clearly mark for you which day is suitable for fishing, at what time, and where to set the net. As long as you follow my instructions If you do it, although the income will not be as good as when I was here, it will be much better than what you had before. I will give you a Perpetual Calendar each for Jianshan Island and Langyatan. From now on, you will live in harmony and make a fortune together."

"Uncle Lin, is this reliable?" Zhong Laoliu asked.

"Whether it's reliable or not, you'll know if you give it a try tomorrow." Taoist Ghost waved his hand and said, "Everyone should go to bed. I won't go to sea tomorrow. I'll give you a note. You can get off the net according to my wishes. Just go fishing."

Zhong Laoliu and others did not dare to force themselves, so they resigned.

Early the next morning, everyone came to invite the ghost Taoist priest.

Taoist Ghost yawned and sat up, took a pen and paper, wrote a line of words, handed it to Zhong Laoliu, and said: "I have written it clearly. You can compare it with the navigation compass and position yourself. Just launch the net when the time comes." ”

"Uncle Lin, is this enough?" Zhong Laoliu was a little unconvinced.

"You'll know after you try it, go ahead." Ghost Taoist Master waved his hand.

Zhong Laoliu and others dubiously went out to sea and set sail.

Taoist Ghost stood on the beach, watching everyone's fishing boats going out to sea, and stood there for a long time.After staying with the fishermen for a long time, Taoist Ghost was actually a little reluctant to leave.

After feeling melancholy for a long time, Taoist Ghost also drove his fishing boat in another direction.

The old ghost Song Youfu floated out and asked in a low voice: "Taoist Priest, where are you going?"

"I'll find a place to hide the jar. I don't need this jar now, and it's inconvenient to carry it with me. It's better to hide it here and take it out later." said the priest.

Not far away from the sea, the ghost priest took out the celestial disk and calculated it. He found a safe place, dived into the bottom of the sea, and hid the jar in the sand with its mouth facing down.

After hiding the jar, the ghost Taoist leader took the old ghost Song Youfu back and slept in the cabin.

In the evening, Zhong Laoliu waited for the fishermen to return from fishing, and shouted at the fishing boat of Ghost Taoist Master from afar: "Uncle Lin, you are really amazing. We will act according to your note. Today is the same as before, and the warehouse is full again." ah!"

Kidou took a long step out of the cabin and just smiled.

That night, the fishermen from Langya Beach and Jianshan Island gathered together to entertain Taoist Ghost.

Everyone asked: "Uncle Lin, when do you plan to leave?"

"Wait until I finish your fishing calendar and then leave." Ghost Taoist Master said.

"But Mr. Lin, when will you make the perpetual calendar for fishing?" Zhong Laoliu toasted and said, "Don't get me wrong, Mr. Lin, I don't expect you to make the perpetual calendar sooner, but I hope you will do it later! You do it slowly, for ten or eight years, the best. In this way, everyone can still see you. If you finish it soon, then you will leave, we, we..."

As he spoke, Zhong Laoliu's eyes turned red, and tears as big as soybeans fell down.

Infected by Zhong Laoliu, everyone's eyes turned red and they wiped away their tears.

"Hahaha..." Ghost Taoist Master laughed and waved his hands and said: "Don't be so sad, it makes me feel unhappy! You are a bosom friend in the sea. Even if we are neighbors in the world, please remember me Lin Baiyun, I am Lin Baiyun. Remember everyone, this acquaintance will not be in vain. Come, come, have a drink!"

Everyone pretended to be happy and toasted to the Ghost Taoist Master.

Zhong Laoliu put down his wine glass and asked stubbornly: "Uncle Lin, how many days will it take to make the perpetual calendar? Please tell me an approximate time, and I will arrange the banquet during this period to ensure that you eat fresh food every day. of."

Ghost Taoist Master pondered for a moment and said: "I can't be sure of the specific time. Let me tell you tomorrow morning when you go to the beach."

Zhong Laoliu nodded and continued to toast with everyone.

That night, Ghost Taoist got drunk.

Zhong Laoliu sent the Ghost Taoist Master back to the fishing boat on the beach and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Lin, you always say that everything is directed by the god in the dream. I think you are the god in the dream. The man of God is you, right?"

The ghost Taoist priest was stunned, patted Zhong Laoliu on the shoulder, and laughed: "Lao Liu, it turns out that you are not stupid at all! Haha..."

"Uncle Lin, I guessed this. I think you are the most amazing person!" Zhong Laoliu also laughed.

"Go back, come here tomorrow morning, and I will tell you the specific date." Ghost Taoist Master said.

Zhong Laoliu nodded and turned back.


Early the next morning, Zhong Laoliu and a group of fishermen came to the beach to ask the ghost Taoist for instructions.

"Uncle Lin, are you awake yet?" Zhong Laoliu stood on the shore and shouted to Mr. Ghost's fishing boat.

But even after shouting several times in succession, no ghosts appeared.

"Uncle Lin..." Zhong Laoliu seemed to have a premonition of something. He hurriedly got on the gangplank and walked towards the fishing boat, shouting: "Uncle Lin!"

The fishermen also knew it was wrong, and followed up together.Because usually, the ghost priest would immediately agree with a shout, not like today.

"Uncle Lin!" Zhong Laoliu didn't care about being rude and opened the cabin door curtain.

But there was no one in the cabin. Where was Uncle Lin's shadow?

"Uncle Lin!?" Zhong Laoliu burst into tears and rushed into the cabin. He saw two perpetual calendars and a lot of banknotes on the bed where Ghost Taoist usually slept.

On the banknote, there is a handwritten letter from Uncle Lin.

Everyone rushed in and was stunned when they saw this scene.

Zhong Laoliu opened the letter and read in a trembling voice:

"Lao Liu, fellow villagers, I'm leaving. The fishing calendar has been made, one for each of Jianshan Island and Langya Beach. If you follow the instructions above, you can ensure that you have no worries about food and clothing for ten years. You can get a little rich by being diligent in housekeeping. The old man's ability is limited and he can only predict things within ten years. Ten years later, if you have good intentions, you will not have big setbacks.

The money on the bed is the share everyone gives me.Today, I will give it all back to you.Lin was alone in the world, wandering around, asking for money in vain.Please take this seriously and don't take it seriously. "

After reading this message, everyone burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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