Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2240 Change the taste

Chapter 2240 Change the taste
"Okay, let's get started now. You come with me, hehe." Ghost Taoist Master packed up some food and wine, held it in his hand, and asked Zhike Monk to follow him.

The wine and food he bought earlier were divided into two parts by Ghost Taoist Master.Ate one portion and left one portion.

"Hey, wait a minute, Donor Lin, what are you doing with these drinks and food? Where are you going?" Zhike Monk asked hurriedly.

"Buddha said, don't say it, just follow me." Ghost Taoist Master said.

The monk Zhike grabbed the ghost Taoist priest and said, "But Donor Lin, I'm worried that you are doing whatever you want. This is the pure land of Buddhism, so you can't come here casually."

"Have you forgotten what your senior abbot said, he didn't ask you to let me go and leave me alone?" Ghost Taoist Master waved his hand.

"Okay..." Zhike Monk said with a sad face. He followed the ghost monk out of the Zen room, walked through the corridor, and headed towards the Guanyin Hall on the second floor of the main hall.

In the Guanyin Hall, a fluorescent lamp is lit, which is not very bright.

In front of the seated Guanyin statue, there are also a pair of burning candles.But the incense in the incense burner has been extinguished, and it looks deserted.

The Ghost Taoist Master was drunk and walked around the Guanyin Hall with his eyes blurred.

The monk Zhike followed the ghost Taoist priest, complaining in his heart.Now, Zhike Monk doesn't know what this godly patron Lin wants to do in Guanyin Hall.

Although Zhike Monk was not very afraid of his abbot, he was still afraid of the huge statue of Guanyin.

The Ghost Taoist Master turned around, stopped in front of the statue of Guanyin, and placed the food and wine in his hands on the altar.

"Hey, hey, hey, Almsgiver Lin, don't do this!" Zhike Monk began to sweat and shouted, "How can you offer wine and meat in front of the Bodhisattva? It's a sin, it's a sin!"

"Who says you can't offer wine and meat in front of a Bodhisattva? Hey, Master, as a Buddhist monk, didn't you also eat wine and meat just now?" Ghost Taoist asked with a sidelong glance.

The monk Zhike turned pale with fright, waved his hands hurriedly, and said in a low voice with a mournful face: "Don't say this, sir, I beg you, don't say this. The Bodhisattva is a Bodhisattva, and I am just an ordinary person, how can we compare?"

Nowadays, Zhike Monk no longer calls him the benefactor, but directly calls him uncle. Ke Jin was extremely frightened.

"Okay, I won't talk about this, but don't worry about what I do." Ghost Taoist Master said.

"Amitabha, sin, sin, sin, all four elements are empty, form is empty, wine and meat are also empty, I didn't see anything..." Zhike Monk had no choice but to turn around, walk to the corner of Guanyin Hall, lower his head, meditate, chant sutras and repent.

The Ghost Taoist smiled, arranged the food and wine, and then took out a short bunch of incense sticks from his backpack.

Although the Zhike monk said that the four elements were empty and turned a blind eye, he was actually peeking.

Seeing the Ghost Taoist Master take out the incense stick, Zhike Monk couldn't help but asked, "Uncle Lin, what are you going to do again?"

"I will offer incense to the Bodhisattva." Ghost Taoist Master said seriously.

"There is incense on our altar, why are you still carrying incense?" Zhike Monk felt something was wrong.

On the altar in front of the Buddha statue, the cornerstone incense burner was broken, but a pile of incense sticks was always placed so that it could be easily offered at any time.But the old man in front of him took out the incense stick, which was short and thick, almost like a cigar, so Zhike Monk suspected that there was something evil in the incense.

Sure enough, the ghost Taoist priest smiled and said: "The Bodhisattva is tired of the incense you offer here. Today, I will give the Bodhisattva a different taste."

As he spoke, Taoist Ghost put the short incense stick in his hand on the candle and lit it.

The monk Zhike did not dare to stop him, so he had to continue chanting sutras, and the four elements were empty.

But as soon as Ghost Taoist Master's incense was lit, a foul smell immediately spread out in the Guanyin Hall.

"Uncle Lin, what kind of incense did you light?" Zhike Monk ran over and asked, covering his nose.

"This incense should only be found in heaven, how many times can we smell it in the human world?" The ghost Taoist priest laughed, put the short incense into the incense burner, and said, "This incense of mine is called the incense of communication with gods."

"Communicate with God... Incense? How come it has such a strange name?" Zhike Monk was stunned.

The Ghost Master took Zhike Monk to a corner, whispered in his ear, and asked in a low voice: "You meditate, chant sutras, knock wooden fish, burn incense and worship Bodhisattva every day. Have you ever seen the true face of Bodhisattva?"

The monk Zhike frowned and said: "How can a low-level monk like me see the true face of the Bodhisattva? I'm afraid our senior abbot has not seen it either."

"Hey, be quiet, you will see the Bodhisattva appear in a moment." Ghost Taoist Master said.


"Really, if I lie to you, it has four legs and a tail." Ghost Taoist Master said.

Anyone with four legs and a tail is an animal, and the Ghost Taoist Master has sworn a poisonous oath.

The monk Zhike looked back at the statue of Guanyin, nodded slightly, and asked, "How can I see it?"

"Don't give in to anything, just wait here. Remember, don't talk." The ghost Taoist priest stretched out his hand and sat down Zhike Monk.

Zhike Monk gave in half and simply sat down to watch the excitement.

Ghost Taoist Master also finished his work, and he and Zhike Monk meditated separately, staring motionlessly at the movement of the statue of Guanyin.

The monk Zhike suddenly remembered something. He leaned into the ear of the ghost master and whispered: "Uncle Lin, you lied to me again. Just now you said you came to catch ghosts, why do you say now that it is a Bodhisattva who has appeared?"

"Shh, don't talk, come out!" The ghost Taoist leader shouted in a low voice.

The monk Zhike trembled in fright, covered his mouth with his hand, opened his eyes and looked towards the statue.

Sure enough, at some point, the huge statue of Guanyin was covered with a layer of black energy.The statues of gods in temples are all very tall, so that when pilgrims stand in front of the statues, they will feel the majesty of the statues and themselves small, thereby increasing their fear of worship.

The black energy completely enveloped the statue, and it seemed that the overall area was even larger.

The black air gradually thickened and turned into black mist.In the black fog, there seemed to be figures moving, but they couldn't be seen clearly.

Zhike Monk was so frightened that he wet his pants. He hugged Taoist Ghost, shivered, and whispered: "Uncle Lin, what are those things?"

"Don't be afraid, you will know it just by looking at it." Ghost Taoist Master said.

The figure in the black mist finally came out and walked to the table. He reached out and grabbed a roast chicken, put it under his nose and smelled it vigorously.

The figure paid no attention to Taoist Ghost and Zhike Monk, and didn't even look at them.After smelling the roast chicken, the man opened the bottle of wine again, greedily inhaling the smell of wine and snorting loudly.

And Zhike Monk also saw the image of this person, and he was even more frightened and out of his mind!

The man was tall, in ragged clothes, with blood holes all over his body. He looked like he had just retreated from a cruel ancient battlefield, miserable and heroic.

(End of this chapter)

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