Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2266 Siege Labyrinth

Chapter 2266 Siege Labyrinth
The bearded ghost soldiers were not surprised either. They all dwarfed and turned into black smoke and got into the sand.

Obviously, this is their common escape method, and it is very skillful in operation without being muddled at all.

And the movements are uniform and well-trained.

With the speed of the Tianji Pan, it didn't even hit them, which shows its speed.

"Escaped? The yellow sand will hit the top again next, and they want to bury me here?" The Ghost Taoist laughed loudly, and suddenly hit the yellow sand wall in front of him, passed through the wall, and disappeared in an instant.

But Taoist Ghost said it wrong this time. Those sand walls did not fall down and were still standing in place.

The ghost Taoist priest used the earth escape technique to pass through the sand wall.

In an instant, Taoist Ghost passed through three or five sand walls.

Seeing that there was still a sand wall blocking the road ahead, Taoist Ghost realized that there were still many walls beyond the original small frame!
This is a maze set up by bearded ghost soldiers to trap people to death here.

"Hey, let's play maze siege with my old man!" The Ghost Taoist laughed and suddenly jumped up and flew straight to the top of the sand wall. A golden rooster appeared independently and looked around.

Seeing this, Taoist Ghost was also surprised.

My current position is basically in the center of the maze of the siege.

Looking out from here, there are at least fifty or sixty sand walls on top of each other.

The distance between each circle of sand walls is about one foot, and the entire area enclosed is several miles in diameter!
This was not something that a small-scale ghost soldier unit could deploy in one day. The Ghost Taoist Master calculated that such a project would require at least tens of thousands of ghost soldiers to participate.

It's no wonder that the souls of Lao Pan and others have been trapped here for more than ten years!

Because the disparity in power is too great, Lao Pan and others are trapped in a tight siege. Where can they escape?

From this point of view, the bearded man just now was just a ghost general, and there should be a ghost king behind him.

Damn it, I didn't want to deal with the ghost king, but I still met him!
The ghost Taoist cursed in his heart, launched his wind escape technique, and ran on the wall, from the inside to the outside, from one wall to another, looking for the ghost soldiers ambushing in the maze of the siege.

By the way, the ghost Taoist leader's arrival completely disrupted the rhythm of the ghost soldiers.

I could only hear shouting in the middle of the wall, and countless ghost soldiers were panicked and shocked, not knowing what to do.

Because they couldn't understand why this old man could fly in the sky and cover so far in one step.

Moreover, this kind of maze is only effective for people on the ground. If someone like Ghost Taoist suddenly jumps onto the wall and walks on the wall, the maze will be completely useless.

Originally, the wall was used to set up obstacles for the opponent.Now that it's reversed, the wall has caused inconvenience to my family, and the troops cannot be concentrated quickly.

But then, the bearded man from earlier chased after him with his ghost soldiers and blocked the ghost Taoist Master on the top of the wall.

"Haha, it's really fun!" The Ghost Taoist Master launched his escape technique and launched an attack while walking around, knocking down the ghost soldiers who intercepted him one by one.

After crossing more than a dozen walls, suddenly, there were many ghosts on the wall in front, and countless ghost soldiers stood up with swords and guns in hand.

"You can't stop me, tell your ghost king to come out!" The ghost priest yelled, and rushed towards the ghost soldier team.

Sure enough, the ghost soldiers couldn't stop them, they were rushed straight by the ghost priest, and the formation was in chaos.

The ghost Taoist master fought more and more vigorously, clashing back and forth on the wall, as if he were in no one's land; while the ghost soldiers cried for their fathers and mothers, helpless against the ghost Taoist master's attack.

"Get rid of the sand wall, get out!" Suddenly, a black flag was raised in the northwest corner of the siege, and someone was waving the flag and shouting.

"Don't withdraw, this siege is fun, I haven't enjoyed it yet!" Ghost Daoist laughed.

But before the laughter stopped, there was nothing under his feet, and all the walls fell down in an instant.

The sand wall hit the ground, causing yellow sand to fly, making it difficult to distinguish things.

The ghost soldiers shouted, each armed with swords and guns, and while the yellow sand was flying, they attacked the ghost Taoist leader who had just landed!
Among them, the bearded ghost general just now was the most brave, holding a crescent shovel and roaring at him.

He wanted to take advantage of Taoist Ghost's unsteady footing to catch Taoist Kill Ghost off guard.

However, the bearded ghost general and his ghost soldiers came to kill him, but his eyes blurred and the shadow of the ghost Taoist leader disappeared.

"Where is the person? Why is he missing!?" The bearded ghost general quickly turned around to look for him while shouting: "This old man knows magic, he ran away!"

"I know a little bit about demon magic, but I didn't run away!" The Ghost Taoist Master suddenly appeared from behind Big Beard, raised his hand, snapped a paper talisman on the back of Big Beard's neck, pinched Big Beard, and said :"follow me!"

The bearded man was immobilized by the paper talisman, unable to fight back. He was led by the Ghost Taoist Priest and escaped from the battle circle!
On the outskirts of the battle circle, the Ghost Taoist Master stopped, looked at the bearded man, and asked with a smile: "Old Ghost, do you obey me?"

The bearded man looked at Taoist Ghost in horror and gave a thumbs up: "Awesome, amazing!"

"Thank you for the compliment." The Ghost Taoist Master lazily thanked you and asked, "Who is your Ghost King? Is he here?"

"The Ghost King..." The bearded man was stunned for a moment and said, "The Ghost King is in the forbidden area, not here."

"Take me to see your Ghost King, I won't embarrass you." Ghost Taoist Master said.

The bearded ghost general frowned and said: "You will die if you see the ghost king. Why don't you run away now? I will go back and tell the ghost king that you escaped..."

"Hahahaha... you still care about me, you have a good heart." Ghost Taoist Master laughed and said:
"I have something to do with your Ghost King, and I must see him. If I am killed by your Ghost King, it will be my life, and I won't blame you. If you don't take me, I will kill all the ghost soldiers here. When the time comes, your Ghost King will still come out to find me. At that time, your Ghost King is also alone, has no soldiers, and is no match for me. So, if you take me there now, it will be beneficial to your Ghost King, don't you think? "1820
The bearded ghost frowned and said nothing, seeming to be embarrassed.

The ghost soldiers in the distance chased after him, but when they saw that the bearded ghost general was a prisoner, they did not dare to act rashly.

The Ghost Taoist Master looked at the dark crowd of ghost soldiers in front and said: "With so many ghost soldiers, are you afraid that I will enter the Holy Land and kill your ghost king? Otherwise, you can arrange a square formation, and I will be with you in the formation." In the middle of the Dharma, slowly approach the forbidden area, and then wait for your ghost king to come out to meet you, okay?"

"Okay, I'll take you to see our Ghost King!" The bearded man finally made up his mind and nodded in agreement.

"Thank you." Ghost Taoist smiled.

The bearded ghost general waved his hand and directed his men to change formations, surrounding himself and the ghost Taoist leader in the middle, and moved towards the east.

(End of this chapter)

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