Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2282 Join the war

Chapter 2282 Join the war
The red-clothed city god was dumbfounded, and said: "If it is really the devil who came out, then it's no wonder we are so hard to deal with."

Hei Wuchang frowned and said, "No, Taoist Master, he really came from the demonic path. Doesn't that mean the world will be in chaos? And everyone knows that there is no road between the demonic path and the human path! The devil of the Asura Path If you want to come to the human world, you must pass through the Netherworld Road. If it is really the devil's way that comes here, why don't we in the underworld know about it at all?"

Although it is said that one thought becomes a demon and one thought becomes a Buddha, it only describes the state of mind.

There is no connection between the real demonic path and the human path.If you want to enter the devil's path from the human world, you must borrow a way from the underworld.Demonic creatures also have to pass through the underworld if they want to come to the human world.Therefore, the underworld is actually a barrier in the human world, blocking the creatures in the demon world.

Of course, if you have a person with great supernatural powers, you can naturally bypass the Netherworld Path and open a path yourself, leading directly to the Asura Path.But there are basically no such people.Because after reaching such a level of cultivation, one is no longer a human being, but a god.

The Ghost Taoist Master continued to drink and said: "I have no idea where these devil creatures came from. They must have a long history. But after they came to the human world, they mutated a lot. They are not only boneless people, but also Immortal."

"Immortal?" The red-robed City God thought for a moment and asked, "Does the Taoist mean that these people cannot be killed?"

"Of course you can kill them by using big measures. But natural birth, aging, illness and death have nothing to do with them. If you don't deal with them, they can live forever, longer than the lifespan of those spirits." Ghost Taoist Master said.

Hei Wuchang asked: "The Taoist Master must have the means to destroy these things, right?"

The ghost Taoist priest chuckled and was noncommittal.

"Taoist Priest, just tell me what you are going to do. We will obey orders." Hei Wuchang said again.

"Actually, these things are easy to deal with. A boneless person is just a pile of meat." The ghost Taoist priest tapped his finger on the table and said:

"The hardest thing to deal with is the cold wind and white mist. But I have calculated that their cold wind and white mist are not inexhaustible. If we use wheel warfare and attack continuously, we can exhaust the opponent's cold wind and white mist. , and finally captured them.”

The city god in red was overjoyed and asked: "It turns out to be simple. Please tell me, Master Taoist, how long will such a continuous attack take?"

The ghost Taoist pinched his fingers and calculated, and said, "It will take about a year."

"Ah, one year?" Black and White Wuchang jumped up and complained.

The price of spending a year to deal with the Boneless Man is too high.

"Hehe, this year is pretty fast. If I don't help, you will have to spend ten years or invest ten times more troops." Ghost Daoist Master said slowly.

In fact, Taoist Ghost is not in a hurry, he can wait.

Because there are ten jars, Ghost Taoist Master has already obtained five.The Boneless Man snatched the jar from his hand and it was the sixth one.

In the remaining nearly 20 years, Taoist Ghost searched for the remaining four jars, which can be said to be very easy.

"Taoist Priest, everyone is busy. Who can afford to spend this year?" Hei Wuchang complained.

The ghost Taoist priest glared and said: "If you can't wait any longer, go and do your own business. I'll deal with those demons by myself. The City God here doesn't want to join the war, just do the logistics for me. I'm fighting with the demons, When I got tired, I came to the City God’s house to rest. I’m fine anyway, I can afford it in ten or eight years!”

The red-clothed city god was more kind, and hurriedly said: "This is our official business, and it is not appropriate for the Taoist priest to fight the group of demons alone?"

Hei Wuchang thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, Taoist Master. I'm afraid Xie Qiye and I really can't be here together for such a long time. But we can report to His Majesty Pluto and ask him to mobilize other ghosts to help in the future. Add Zuo Chenghuang, who is here, will cooperate with the Taoist Master's actions, hoping to eliminate the demons here as soon as possible."

The Ghost Taoist Master nodded, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go back and ask your master, if you are willing to send troops, it would be better. If you are not willing to send troops, I won't force you, just grind it out here slowly."

Hei Wuchang nodded, said goodbye with Bai Wuchang, and drove away in the wind.

The red-clothed city god got the chance and hurriedly whispered: "Taoist Master, we must send troops from the underworld. If it's just the two of us, in what year and month can we defeat these monsters? To tell you the truth, I'm here to guard you. The days are like years. If I survive another ten or eight years, Taoist Master, I’m afraid I’ll be exhausted.”

Everyone can afford it, but the Ailao Mountain City God can't afford it.

Because in three more years, it will be the day when Cheng Huang is transferred and resigns.If the demons here cannot be defeated within three years, then Zuo Chenghuang will have to stay here for another 100 years.Zuo Chenghuang wouldn't want to stay in this barren land for even one year, let alone 100 years.

The city god was originally a wealthy official, equivalent to the small county magistrate or magistrate in the past, who was in charge of all the affairs of a place.But this city god is very miserable, spending his years in this barren land, sucking wind and drinking dew.

The ghost priest chuckled and said, "Don't worry, City God, the underworld will definitely send troops."

"Taoist Master, I'm not sure about this. You said that, but I'm afraid His Majesty Pluto will follow your wishes and not send a single soldier, but leave it to you and me to take charge..." The red-robed City God frowned deeply.

Just now the ghost priest uttered big words, saying that even if the underworld does not intervene, he can accomplish things alone.Now, the City God of Ailao Mountain is worried that Pluto really doesn't care.

The Ghost Taoist shook his head and said: "I know what Pluto is thinking, so I know he will send troops. Even if his troops don't fight the demons and just watch the fun, they will definitely come."

He was so sure because Taoist Ghost knew that the underworld had been paying attention to his whereabouts.King Qin Guang wants to understand his own strength, but also the strength of the Boneless Man.

He fights against the demons of Asura Path, and the underworld will not let go of this opportunity to watch the battle.Moreover, King Qin Guang will definitely send his confidants to participate in this battle!
"Okay, in that case, let's just wait patiently." The red-clothed City God breathed a sigh of relief and raised his glass to drink with the Taoist Master.

After having had enough food and wine, the ghost Taoist entered the red-dressed city god's bedroom, rested his head on the jar and fell asleep, waiting for the news of the black and white impermanence.

After dark, a dark wind rolls in the west, and gloomy clouds come overwhelmingly.

The city god in red looked at the door and shouted: "Taoist Master, the underworld has really sent troops!"

The Ghost Taoist Master walked out of the City God's bedroom, counted his fingers, and said with a smile: "The leader of the army is still Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. Hehe, these two guys don't want to serve me, but King Qin Guang sent them anyway. !”

(End of this chapter)

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