Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2286 Iceberg (big chapter)

Chapter 2286 Iceberg (big chapter)
Black and white Wuchang was overjoyed, and asked: "Master Dao, you said the last battle, could it be that after tonight, we can end the battle here, return triumphantly, and return to the underworld?"

After fighting the Boneless Man here for a year, Black and White Wuchang has long been impatient.Now that I heard it was the last battle, I was naturally excited.

The most excited and happy person was Zuo Chenghuang.

Because the transfer of the city god of the underworld is about to start, this time the boneless man is eliminated, Zuo Chenghuang can be transferred from this ghostly place where rabbits don't shit, and find a rich place to be the city god.It’s time to leave here, I’m so excited just thinking about it!

"Taoist Priest, I wish you success! Taoist Priest has really done a great job in wiping out the Boneless Man this time." Zuo Chenghuang said, cupping his fists.

"The credit is all yours, I don't want it, I just want the jar." The Ghost Taoist laughed, got up and went out, starting to order troops.

The credit bestowed by the underworld is not unusual for the ghost priest.His purpose is the jar, which is very clear.

Zuo Chenghuang and Black and White Wuchang went out together and ordered their own troops, preparing to go out with Ghost Taoist Master to fight the last battle.

After the Ghost Taoist ordered his troops, he asked Hei Bai Wuchang and Zuo Chenghuang to lead the troops and set off first, surrounding Damoyan Peak and keeping their troops stationary.

Black and white Wuchang took the order and led the troops away together with Zuo Chenghuang.

After a cup of tea, Taoist Ghost waved his hand and set off with his men.

These ghost soldiers also know that tonight is the last battle, and they are looking forward to it but reluctant to give up.What I look forward to is that after this night, I can go to the underworld to receive my merits and rewards; what I don’t want to give up is that I am afraid that if the last battle is over, the Ghost Taoist Master will also leave everyone, and we will never see each other again.

The ghost soldiers also have feelings. They are grateful for the care of the ghost Taoist Master over the past year, and are naturally reluctant to separate.

So some ghost soldiers asked: "Taoist Master, after the Boneless Men here are eliminated, are you always going somewhere else? We have been following you for more than a year, can we see you again in the future?"

"You have been seeing me for a year, do you still want to see me?" Ghost Taoist Master laughed and said:

"Don't feel bad. I can't take you to fight for a lifetime, and you will always be separated. But if you follow me, you have made a great contribution. After you return to the underworld, you will definitely be promoted."

The ghost soldiers thanked them, but they looked unhappy.

The ghost Taoist priest thought for a while and said:
"You are not in a high position, and it is probably not easy to become a ghost fairy. If you can choose your own rewards for this triumph, you might as well take the initiative to ask to be reincarnated as a human being. Because I have already calculated that in the next hundred years, the world will be prosperous and peaceful. , it’s a good opportunity to be a human being.”

Only then did the ghost soldiers regain their energy. While thanking them, they happily discussed the current world and imagined a better life as a human being in the future.Some want to be rich, some want to be rich, some want to marry beautiful women, some want to travel around the world, and everyone is happy.

While joking, we were approaching Damoyan Peak.

The Ghost Taoist did not stop the noise of the ghost soldiers, because the boneless people here were at the end of their strength. The cold wind and white mist could only be released intermittently and feebly, and could hardly cause harm to the Ghost Taoist and the ghost soldiers.

Not a single boneless man could be seen or heard from the top of the mountain.

The Ghost Taoist stood on the top of the mountain, looked around, and then walked down to look for the cave.

There are many caves on the ground, and most of them have been exposed.

The ghost Taoist priest came to a slightly larger cave entrance and looked at it carefully.

The hole is similar to a bucket, and can accommodate a thin man barely entering.Taoist Ghost is also very thin, so he might be able to squeeze in, but squeezing in like this would not be easy enough, so Taoist Ghost has no intention of rushing in.

And there is a key problem. The ghost Taoist priest can enter, but the jar cannot.Because this is a pot-bellied pot, the waist is thicker than Kidou's waist.

There is a layer of white mist floating in the cave, and there is a trace of air-conditioning.But these cold air and white mist no longer gushed out, and could only remain at the entrance of the cave.

"Taoist Master, these air-conditioned white mists are no longer powerful. Why don't we brothers go in first and test it out?" The ghost soldiers on one side were eager to try.

"No, after you go in, you still can't stand it." The ghost priest shook his head and told his ghost soldiers: "All of you back away, stand behind me, and wait for me to put a fireball in and blast it to dispel the cold air at the entrance of the cave." .”

The ghost soldiers naturally obeyed the order, and all retreated behind the ghost priest, and still formed an formation, resisting the ghost priest's back.

The Ghost Taoist held the jar, uncovered the paper talisman at the mouth of the jar, and pointed the mouth of the jar at the entrance of the cave.

A bright light flashed out, and a ball of fire jumped out of the jar and entered the hole.Then, there was a loud rumbling sound in the cave, and the mountain below them trembled.

Then, from a very deep place in the cave, the wailing of the Boneless Man was finally heard.

It was the cry of doom, the cry of despair.

The ghost priest was not kind, he waved his hands to greet the ghost soldiers, and ordered: "Go into the cave immediately, and use all your strength to open up the opening so that I can get in."

The ghost soldiers got the order and turned into the dark wind together, and they all got in.

But this is a mountainous area, and even the caves are carved out of stone and have hard walls.Therefore, it is not easy for the ghost soldiers to open up the hole. It is like ants eating an elephant, and the progress is slow.

In fact, Ghost Daoist had also thought about using modern blasting technology to open holes, but he was worried about causing the entire mountain to collapse.So, I had to take my time in a stupid way.

The ghost soldiers all got into the hole, divided their work, and expanded section by section.

But not long after, white mist emerged from the heart of the mountain and spread slowly.

Although the ghost soldiers felt uncomfortable, they still held on and no one quit.

Seeing that something was wrong, the ghost Taoist leader called out: "You all come out and wait for me to blast again."

"Taoist Master, we can still withstand it," said the ghost soldiers in the cave.

"This is an order. Everyone, please withdraw. Violators will be punished according to military law!" Ghost Taoist Master shouted sternly.

At the last moment, the ghost Taoist priest did not want the ghost soldiers to sacrifice.

Seeing how stern the Ghost Taoist Master was, the ghost soldiers did not dare to neglect them. They came out together and lined up behind the Ghost Taoist Master.

The Ghost Taoist Master nodded and said: "Haste makes waste, so there is no need to rush. Form a formation and support me as before."

The ghost soldiers thanked him and formed a formation behind him to cooperate with his actions.

The Ghost Taoist held the jar and once again released the fireball, attacking into the hole.

After the thunderstorm, the ghost Taoist leader let the ghost soldiers continue to drill the hole and open up from the inside.

Repeatedly, the underground ghost soldiers came out to report and said: "Taoist Master, now there are only two feet near the entrance of the cave, which is a little narrow and cramped. The further you go in, the bigger the space becomes..."

The ghost Taoist leader looked at the entrance of the cave and said: "If you believe it, I can just bring the jar in. Everyone, please exit and cooperate with Black and White Wuchang's men to guard the surroundings and prepare to capture the prisoners."

The ghost soldiers all withdrew and surrounded Damoyan Peak, forming a small encirclement within the black and white encirclement.

Because the ghost soldiers under the Ghost Taoist Master also know how to take credit and take credit, it is obviously easier to capture prisoners if they are in the inner circle.

Seeing that the ghost soldiers had evacuated, the ghost Taoist leader took the jar and slowly slid into the hole.

These holes are inclined at an angle of about 45 degrees.

The Ghost Taoist Master slid down naturally. After two feet, the space in front of him really opened up.

Continuing to slide down, not far away, Ghost Daoist Master found himself merged into the main underground road.The main road runs east-west, winding and winding, with no end in sight at either end.

This place is so spacious that Ghost Daoist Master can stand and walk, which is more than enough.

In the belly of the mountain, there is still the slightest bit of cold wind.

The Ghost Taoist Master checked it out and found that the cold wind was coming from the left, so he turned around and walked to the left.

Because the cold wind comes out from the left side, it means that the jar Ghost Taoist Master is looking for is also on the left side.

Sure enough, the farther the Ghost Taoist walked forward, the colder the atmosphere in front of him became, as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

Bones can also be seen in the cave. Needless to say, they were all nearby villagers or passers-by who were caught as teachers and died here.Because a boneless person cannot die and has no bones even after death, the bones on the ground cannot be from a boneless person.

"The name of the Xuan Gong training is 'Hanbing', and a mountain of swords condenses up and down. If a human and immortal meet in this formation, they will have nothing to show for it." The ghost Taoist laughed and said loudly: "Hanbing is knowledge. I’ve passed, but I wonder where Daoshan is?”

Before he finished speaking, he heard a whooshing sound in front of him, and a few rays of cold light shot towards the Ghost Daoist Master.

The Ghost Taoist Master was calm and held the jar in front of him.

Dang dang dang, all the cold light hit the jar, and then turned into mist and dispersed, but the jar was safe and sound.

"Hehe, this is your last bit of strength, right?" Ghost Taoist Master laughed, looking at the bottomless tunnel in front of him, and said: "There are many boneless people, please come out and surrender, otherwise, I can Set off a fireball!"

There was a sound of footsteps, and a boneless man came from the depths of the cave and asked with a dark face: "Old man, why are you dealing with us?"

"Uh, are you the village chief here?" Ghost Taoist Master looked at the visitor and asked.

The previously captured plasticine said that the boss of the Boneless Man here is called the village chief.Because the Boneless Man feels that the village chief has the highest official position.

"That's right, I am the village head here. However, you have almost caught all the people I have accepted. It's meaningless for me to be the village head." The boneless man said depressingly.

The ghost Taoist priest smiled and said: "I'm arresting you because you are harming people. If you are not arrested, there will be many people here who will be captured by you to become teachers and eventually die here."

The Boneless Man snorted, and said, "You humans also harm people, and you harm people even more. Every time there is a war, many people die, all over the mountains and plains."

"Uh..." Ghost Taoist Master was stunned and speechless!

Yes, if there is any casualty, it is war.There have been countless wars in human history, and countless deaths.Counting the number of people who died in wars in history is probably more than the current total population of the world.

The meaning of Boneless Man is obviously ironic. You can kill each other, but we can't kill a few?

The Boneless Man looked at Taoist Ghost, pointed at the jar in Taoist Ghost's arms, and said: "You are against us, not because we kill people, but because you want to rob us of our treasures."

The ghost Taoist priest shook his head and said: "Even if you don't have any treasure, I will arrest you, because you have indeed harmed people, many people."

This is also true, but it may not be entirely true.

If the Ghost Priest was passing by here and knew about the incident of the Boneless Man harming the villagers, he would indeed intervene; but it would be impossible for the Ghost Priest to make a special trip to subdue the demons.Therefore, Taoist Ghost's main purpose in dealing with the Boneless Man was indeed for the sake of the jar.

"I don't believe you, you are here just for the jar." The Boneless Man shook his head repeatedly.

The Ghost Daoist sighed and said, "Believe it or not, there is actually no big difference. Yes, I came here for your jar. Now, you hand over the jar and stop harming the villagers in the future. You can let the few remaining Boneless Men go. Otherwise, capture them all."

The Boneless Man shook his head and said, "The jar is a treasure. It grows on the ground. You can't take it away."

"Take me to see it. If you can't take it with you, I won't let you go." Ghost Taoist Master said.

The Boneless Man cooperated, nodded, turned around and left.

The Ghost Taoist followed the Boneless Man and continued walking westward along the cave.

The front is colder and more open, and in the darkness, there are bright things flashing.

The Ghost Taoist Master looked carefully and asked: "Is there a mountain of swords in front of you?"

"Yes, the Ice Knife Mountain is all knives made of ice and grows on the mountain. The jar is inside the Knife Mountain, and you can't take it away." The Boneless Man said confidently.

"Take a look and talk, look and talk." Ghost Taoist Master laughed and continued to move forward.

As he got closer and closer, Taoist Ghost finally saw clearly that this was a huge underground space. In the space, there stood an iceberg. The mountain was covered with daggers, almost like a hedgehog, with sharp thorns at a glance!
Although it was pitch black, the Ice Knife Mountain still gave off a cold light.

In front of the iceberg, there were seven or eight boneless men, looking at the Ghost Taoist Master with anger but fear on their faces, daring to be angry but not daring to speak.

"Don't look at me like this. If you kill a person, you have to be responsible. Don't you want to be human and imitate human beings everywhere? Then you also know that there are many restrictions on being human, and you can't do whatever you want."

The ghost Taoist priest looked at those boneless people, shook his head and said: "It's a pity that you have human forms, you have learned human life, and you have learned to speak, but you have not followed human rules. If you don't harm others, you can blend in with the crowd. , living the same life as humans, who dares to call you monsters?"

The Boneless Man was silent. Only the village chief sighed and said, "Unfortunately, it's too late for us to understand now."

"It's not too late to make amends. There will still be some among you who can survive in the human world. Just remember my words, be a human being, and remember the rules of human beings." Ghost Taoist Master said.

"Thank you. If we can survive, we will definitely comply." the village chief said.

(End of this chapter)

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