Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 2351 Ding 2 Miao's first love (42)

Chapter 2351 Ding Ermiao’s first love (42)

"Really, there is still such a prescription?" Ding Ermiao was convinced, and stood up and said, "I'll go to the pharmacy to look for it, I guess it's all there."

After a short while, Ding Ermiao picked up a pack of five poisonous dry goods, handed it to Hongyu, and said: "This stuff is poisonous. When taking it, you can only increase the dose little by little. Don't treat it as cereal, snore." Drinking it as hard as you can will kill you. Once the potion is boiled, show it to me first. After I confirm it, you can take it."

"Thank you, Brother Ermiao, for your concern!" Hongyu smiled, took the dry powder, and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to make some medicine."

"There is a stove for boiling the medicine. It's in the alchemy room. I'll bring it out for you." Ding Ermiao was not at all defensive and turned around to move out the guy who was boiling the medicine.

Hongyu thanked her and said, "I can make medicine. Brother Ermiao, just rest."

Ding Ermiao nodded, thinking, why did this girl suddenly become sensible today and stop talking back to him?
But Ding Ermiao just thought about it and didn't think of anything else.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Hongyu brought a cup of boiled potion and said, "Brother Ermiao, the potion is ready. Let me take a look at it."

Ding Ermiao took the cup, smelled it, and said, "Let me take a sip first."

"Okay, okay, you drink more... Teacher Fang said that it is good for men to drink this." Hongyu said, suppressing the excitement in her heart.

"Is it good for men to drink it?" Ding Ermiao shook his head and smiled, blew on the potion and took a sip.

"How are you, Brother Ermiao?" Hongyu asked, looking at Ding Ermiao's expression.

Ding Ermiao frowned and said, "I don't feel anything, the smell of the medicine is very weak."

"Teacher Fang said that this medicine is very special. The feeling of the second sip is different from the first sip; the feeling of the third sip is different from the second sip. In short, the feeling of each sip is different. Only after you drink a few more sips will you realize the magic of this medicine. How about you drink some more, Brother Ermiao?" Hongyu said cautiously.

"It's so miraculous. Teacher Fang is as talkative as my master." Ding Ermiao smiled and took another sip.

But Ding Ermiao didn't realize the effect that Hongyu said, and took another sip, still feeling the same at the beginning.

"Teacher Fang is also a charlatan. Why does it feel different? I've drank half of this cup of potion, and I still don't feel any difference!" Ding Ermiao handed the cup to Hongyu and said, "But there is no difference here. You can drink the poison, it might cure your sore back and stomachache."

Hongyu smiled with satisfaction, raised her neck, drank the remaining half cup of concoction, and said, "Then I'll go back, Brother Ermiao. If you have time, go play down the mountain..."

"Okay, be careful on the road and don't be playful." Ding Ermiao said.

"It's okay. Teacher Fang took me home. It's safe." Hongyu smiled and ran out.

Winter nights come early, and at this time, it is getting dark.

Hongyu held the paper charm in her arms and hurried back excitedly.

Fang Yun hid in the paper charm and said, "Hongyu, congratulations on your dream coming true."

"A dream has come true, is it too early to tell now? I don't know when this potion and this heart-linking Gu will take effect?" Hongyu said.

"The book says that drinking this stuff will have an effect. From now on, Ermiao will no longer think about other women. Otherwise, he will feel pain in his heart." Fang Yun said.

Hongyu was dubious and asked: "But, how to verify this effect? ​​How do I know if he misses other women? Will he feel pain in his heart at that time?"

"Well, I don't know... How about you verify it, think about other men, and see if your heart hurts?" Fang Yun said.

This heart-linking Gu works in both directions.If a man cheats, he will be heartbroken and will die. The same goes for women.Therefore, the person who developed this poison is considered fair.If he were a person with evil intentions, he would definitely develop a one-way device. Only in this way could he have three wives and four concubines.

"How can I verify?" Hongyu blushed and said, "I don't know other men, so why would I think about those men?"

"Then...just wait, I'll find a chance to test Ermiao." Fang Yun said.

Hongyu nodded and said goodbye to Fang Yun.

Fang Yun returned to Qiyunguan and Ding Ermiao was watching TV.

"Er Miao, are you watching the beautiful women on TV again?" Fang Yun asked deliberately.

"Yes, beauties are eye-catching." Ding Ermiao said.

There happened to be a scene of two beauties having dinner on the screen, both dressed fashionably.

Fang Yun pointed at the screen and asked: "Then do you like this short-haired girl or the long-haired beauty?"

"It's better to have long hair, long hair is gentler." Ding Ermiao said.

Fang Yun paid attention to Ding Ermiao's expression and didn't see any change in Ding Ermiao's expression. He couldn't help but feel depressed. Could it be that the method mentioned above in Gu Chuan didn't work?

"Er Miao, why don't you like Hong Yu?" Fang Yun had no choice but to ask directly.

"No, Hongyu is my sister, I like her very much." Ding Ermiao said.

"But what Hongyu wants is not this kind of liking! She loves you like a girl loves a boy!" Fang Yun was almost angry.

I don't know what's going on, but Fang Yun always feels that Ding Ermiao and Hongyu should be a couple. If they can't be a couple, it's simply impossible.

Ding Ermiao felt a little funny, and said: "Fang Yun, don't you want to fall in love with me? Now you are my girlfriend, why do you tell me to like Hongyu? You know, I am not a casual person. Since I With you... ouch..."

Speaking of this, Ding Ermiao suddenly looked pained, stood up, hooked his waist, and covered his stomach with his hands.

"What's wrong, Ermiao? Do you feel a lot of pain? Heartache?" Fang Yun was overjoyed, but suppressed his emotions and asked.

"Why are you feeling heartache? It's because you have a stomachache and you ate the wrong thing." Ding Ermiao curled her lips, covered her stomach, left the room, and ran towards the latrine at the back.

Is it stomachache, not heartache?Fang Yun was disappointed and peaceful, standing speechless.

In fact, Fang Yun and Hongyu tricked Ding Ermiao into drinking the heart-linking Gu, which was effective.However, that kind of effect will only be manifested when it is really emotional.Ding Ermiao still doesn't understand love affairs, and he hasn't met anyone who really makes him fall in love, so how could he react?

The same is true for Hongyu, only when she has real feelings for someone other than Ding Ermiao, the heart-linking Gu will work.

Fang Yun and Hong Yu didn't know what was going on, so they felt that the Heart Link Gu was ineffective.

Ding Ermiao ran backwards in a hurry and accidentally stepped on something soft, which made her startled.

Just as he was about to ask, he heard someone groaning and shouting: " me."

"Who!?" Ding Ermiao jumped two steps away and shouted in a low voice.

This time Ding Ermiao saw clearly. There was a dark figure lying on the ground, which was exactly the one he had stepped on just now.

"Fellow Taoist, help me..." The man stretched out his hand and shouted weakly.

Fellow?A member of the Taoist sect?

Ding Ermiao's stomach no longer hurt and said, "Just wait, I'll get the flashlight!"

Use a flashlight to see clearly and avoid being plotted.Ding Ermiao had been very vigilant when fighting with Humpty Dumpty the day before yesterday, so he didn't dare to save him rashly.

Turning around and running back to his room, Ding Ermiao took out a flashlight and went to the backyard to take a closer look.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, a middle-aged man was seen covered in blood, his face was dark, and he was trembling.

Moreover, this man was wearing a Taoist uniform, the same as Taoist priest Sanpian usually dressed.His sword and whisk were thrown aside, showing that he was seriously injured.

"How did you get injured? Where is the wound?" Ding Ermiao asked.

"The wound is on the was scratched by a zombie..." The middle-aged man gradually fainted and said in a weak voice: "I am a corpse hunter...passing by here..."

Ding Ermiao stopped asking and squatted down, reaching out to check the guy's pulse.

The pulse of a person infected with corpse poison is obviously different from that of ordinary people.Their pulse beats very slowly, but very strongly.For example, an ordinary person's pulse beats sixty times a minute, but a person infected with corpse poison can beat up to thirty times a minute.

After a brief test, Ding Ermiao knew that this man was not telling lies, so he said, "Hold on, I'll save you!"

After finishing speaking, Ding Ermiao reached out and quickly touched the man's body, then grabbed the man's hands, bent him on his back, and walked towards the Taoist temple.

Touch it once to prevent him from sneaking up on you with a short knife.Ding Ermiao was quite cautious when she was alone in the Taoist temple.Moreover, Ding Ermiao grabbed both of this man's hands, so even if he had a conspiracy, he couldn't use it.

Carrying this guy to the main hall, Ding Ermiao threw him to the ground. When he looked again, he found that he had passed out.

Fang Yun also floated over and asked, "What's going on with this man?"

"The corpse chaser probably had an accident on the road. He was scratched by the corpse and was poisoned by corpse poison." Ding Ermiao grabbed the scissors, cut the clothes on the patient's back and took a look, and couldn't help frowning.

The man's back was completely black and had several bloody holes, which looked terrible.

"What about Er Miao, will this person die?" Fang Yun asked nervously.

"This... depends on his own luck. He probably won't die, but it won't be easy to survive." Ding Ermiao was in a daze for a while, then turned to the alchemy room and took out a bunch of medicine and tools.

After getting the things ready, Ding Ermiao rolled up his sleeves, picked up a sharp knife, and first cut out the rotten flesh around the patient's wound.

When the knife pierced him, the man finally woke up from the pain and let out a loud cry.

"I know how to scream, but it seems that I won't die yet." Ding Ermiao smiled, turned his hand, and sped up.

In an instant, the carrion from several bloody holes was dug out. Ding Ermiao sprinkled zombie fang powder on it and bandaged the wound with gauze.

Zombie fang powder was prepared by the three poor Taoists. It has not been used in the past few years. Ding Ermiao spent a lot of effort to find it.

The patient was considered strong. He was sweating profusely in pain, but he didn't scream much in the later stages.

"You exorcists, don't you have any medicine to treat corpse poison? Why don't you take some?" Ding Ermiao asked as he helped the man sit up and gave him water.

The expression on the corpse driver's face softened a little, and he said with difficulty: "The medicine... was knocked away by the zombies and fell... on the cliff. I can't find it..."

Ding Ermiao sighed, made a bowl of water with fang powder, and fed it to the corpse exorcist to drink.

The corpse chaser finished his drink and thanked him: "Thank you, fellow Taoist... By the way, the pair of zombies I chased away are still... still in the back mountain col. I wonder if fellow Taoist... can you help me and take care of them?"

"Ah?" Ding Ermiao then remembered that there were zombies, and shouted: "You are just messing around, if those zombies run away, wouldn't the villagers here be very dangerous?"

"So... please help me to control them. I have... immobilized them all, twelve in total. You go and take a look, I will teach you how to control the corpse..." the corpse exorcist said.

"Teach me, is there enough time? I am a disciple of Maoshan, can't I even deal with a few zombies? If I can't, I will cremate them!" Ding Ermiao hurriedly pulled out more than a dozen Maoshan Town Corpse Talismans , took the mahogany sword and ran away with a flashlight.

To deal with zombies, Maoshan has his own magic, no need to teach him.

The corpse driver was shocked and shouted: "Don't, don't cremate it, I can't deliver... the goods!"

"It's good that you are alive, and you still want to deliver the goods!" Chou Ermiao said without looking back.

Running down the mountain in one breath, I saw a group of wooden men standing in the back mountain col, all dressed in black.

Ding Ermiao's flashlight flashed over, and the black figures all turned their heads collectively, looking over with cold and stiff eyes.

I guess, so many?

Although Ding Ermiao knew in advance that there were twelve zombies here, he was still surprised when he saw this dense pile.

This was the first time in his life that Ding Ermiao had seen such a big battle.

Ding Ermiao turned off the flashlight and walked over cautiously. He saw a paper talisman on the forehead of every zombie.The zombies were motionless and seemed to be still under control.

The zombies are both male and female, old and young, and there is also a young female zombie among them, who is quite beautiful.

The strange thing is that the clothes of these zombies are not the official uniforms of TV sets, but black gowns.The long robes are covered like monks' robes. It looks like they are a team of ascetics.

"Haha, be good. Those who disobey will be spanked!" Ding Ermiao calmed down, stretched out his hand, and pressed the paper talisman on each zombie's forehead to increase the stability of the paper talisman.

After the inspection, Ding Ermiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"There are so many zombies. It seems that we have to take them to Qiyunguan for a while. Otherwise, once they escape, the consequences will be disastrous." Ding Ermiao looked at the zombies in front of him and said with a frown.

Ding Ermiao can deal with zombies and kill them.But Ding Ermiao doesn't know how to drive away zombies, so he can't order these zombies to go away on their own.

With so many zombies, you can't carry them back one by one, right?
Ding Ermiao was about to summon Fang Yun to come over for discussion, when suddenly his face went cold. Damn it, it was raining at this time!

Corpse chasers have rules. They do not chase corpses during the full moon and do not chase corpses on rainy days.Because during the full moon, zombies can easily absorb the essence of the moon and cause corpse transformation.If you don't drive away corpses on rainy days, you are worried that the rain will wash away the paper charms on the zombies' foreheads, causing the zombies to fight back.

But it happened to rain at this time, and it turned into a heavy downpour in an instant, quickly wetting the paper charm on the zombie's forehead!

(End of this chapter)

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