Chapter 351
Ding Ermiao was stunned and asked, "What better way do you have?"

"What I mean is that the troops are divided into two groups. In this case, the chance will be greater." Gu Qinglan was a little excited and said:
"Let's separate the three sisters, act separately, and move forward together toward the depths of the mountain. If we find the zombie Gu source, or the old demon, we will contact each other. How about it?"

"Ah? Let's just divide these three girls among them? Can they agree?" Ding Ermiao frowned and said, "This is not good, we might as well go together."

"Er Miao..." Gu Qinglan said softly: "I know you are a good person. You have traveled thousands of miles to come to the mountains to suffer for me. But I hope that this matter will end as soon as possible and let you go and do your own thing. . In the vast mountains, if you search alone, you don’t know which year or month you want to find. I can’t drag you down for the rest of your life, right?”

Speaking of this, Gu Qinglan's inner gratitude showed, and her eyes turned red again.

"This..." Ding Ermiao hesitated for a moment, and finally expressed his difficulty, saying: "But I have no money. How can I survive in the mountains with one or two younger sisters?"

Gu Qinglan smiled and said: "Don't worry about money, I will provide it. We won't be too far apart from each other. It's better to be dozens of miles away. In this way, if you have any questions, you can call us Stay in touch and support each other at any time.”

"Well, you ask those three sisters if they are willing to go with us, and ask who can take a fancy to me and be willing to join me..." Ding Ermiao said weakly.

After Gu Qinglan said this, no matter how much I objected, people might think that I was too timid to walk alone.Besides, Gu Qinglan's arrangement was indeed a plan that would get twice the result with half the effort, greatly increasing the possibility of finding the source of the zombie poison.

"I'll go hunting first, come back at night, and then discuss this matter with Sun Hong and the others. Don't worry, you are such a handsome, unrestrained handsome guy who loves flowers every time you see them blooming, they will rush for you!" Gu Qing Lan smiled happily, picked up the crossbow, and walked towards the distance.

"Does that need to be said?" Ding Ermiao sniffed and stood with her hands behind her hands, posing like a jade tree facing the wind.

It's a pity that Sun Hong and others didn't understand humor and didn't even laugh. They looked at Ding Ermiao with confused expressions, which made Ding Ermiao feel very boring and their performance was in vain.

It's not dark yet, Gu Qinglan has returned from hunting and has gained a lot.Two hares, a pheasant and a hedgehog.And they were all cleaned up by the mountain spring.

After raising the fire, Gu Qinglan started to roast the rabbit.Ding Ermiao enjoyed Gu Qinglan's barbecue skills again, full of praise while eating.Ding Ermiao felt very regretful when she thought that she would not be able to eat such delicious food if we split up in the future.

Gu Qinglan cut rabbit meat with a knife and gave it to Sun Hong and others while communicating with them.

Sun Hong and Zhou Laifeng, Chu Xiaoman, are both from the same village.

The three of them fell ill in the same year, and after the corpse poison gradually spread, they were regarded as weirdos in the village and isolated from others. They usually only played together as three miserable people.

Not only that, because the family was poor, the family ignored them and left them to fend for themselves.In the mountains, the patriarchal mentality is very serious. Who would care about the life or death of a monster daughter?

Among several people, only Chu Xiaoman had read and reached the third grade of elementary school.Sun Hong and Zhou Laifeng were completely illiterate and couldn't even write their own names.

I heard that Gu Qinglan was going to take three of her people to the depths of the mountains to treat a disease and make a complete cure.Sun Hong and the other three discussed in dialect and nodded in agreement at the same time.

"Then give Chu Xiaoman to me." Ding Ermiao said: "Gu Qinglan, Sun Hong and Zhou Laifeng will be left to you. You can also give them classes and help them with voluntary literacy."

Because Chu Xiaoman knows two words, it should be easier to communicate.

"Chu Xiaoman, are you willing to follow this brother?" Gu Qinglan asked.

The girl named Chu Xiaoman glanced at Ding Ermiao timidly, shook her head slightly, and said to Gu Qinglan: "I want to be with you..."

Ding Ermiao looked at Gu Qinglan and smiled bitterly.What Yushu Linfeng is handsome and unrestrained, in Chu Xiaoman's eyes, it's not easy at all!

Gu Qinglan winked at Ding Ermiao, signaling him to calm down.Next, Gu Qinglan spoke softly to Chu Xiaoman like a big sister...

After talking for more than an hour, Chu Xiaoman finally nodded and agreed to go with Ding Ermiao.

Ding Ermiao burst into tears in her heart and sighed, "This is really not easy. It's even harder than finding a partner!"

After the picnic, Gu Qinglan and Ding Ermiao set up a simple tent for Sun Hong and others so that they could rest.Worried about snakes, Gu Qinglan sprinkled some more sulfur powder around the tent.

Then, while Ding Ermiao was on duty, Gu Qinglan hid in a sleeping bag and slept.At midnight, Gu Qinglan got up and replaced Ding Ermiao.

Ding Ermiao slept in Gu Qinglan's sleeping bag, smelling the faint fragrance and feeling the body temperature left by Gu Qinglan. She almost lost control and thought about it for a long time before falling asleep in a daze.

Early the next morning, everyone got up.

Seeing the appearance of Chu Xiaoman and others, Ding Ermiao was surprised again.The looks of these three girls have basically recovered, and they are all beauties, one more beautiful than the other.

Gu Qinglan handed her beauty mirror to Sun Hong and the others. After the three of them saw their appearance, they all cried with joy and hugged each other and cried loudly.After crying for a long time, the three girls suddenly turned around and knelt down towards Gu Qinglan and Ding Ermiao.

Ding Ermiao and Gu Qinglan quickly reached out to help...

The five people packed up their things and headed deep into the mountains to the southwest.As for Qinhuai Restaurant, Gu Qinglan doesn't want the refund that was agreed upon. Now, the most important thing is to find the old demon.

In the afternoon, at a larger copycat market, Gu Qinglan gave Sun Hong and other three girls a change of clothes and other necessary daily necessities, and left 5000 yuan for Ding Ermiao before they parted ways.

Ding Ermiao didn't dare to pretend to have money, so he had to put the money on Chu Xiaoman.

Gu Qinglan and Ding Ermiao each went their own way and agreed to keep in touch and find an opportunity to meet in ten days and a half.

Taking the assigned girl, Ding Ermiao followed the mountain road and set off overnight.If you are looking for zombies, you have to do it at night. You can't look for it in the bright sun.

Unfortunately, Chu Xiaoman always said nothing, which made Ding Ermiao feel bored.

There was no harvest on the first night. I rested on the mountain for a day during the day and continued searching southward at night.I had good luck on the second night and killed a decades-old zombie.

But when Ding Ermiao was fighting zombies, Chu Xiaoman was so frightened that he hugged Ding Ermiao's waist tightly, which made Ding Ermiao unable to move. His face was scratched by a zombie and almost disfigured him.

During the day on the third day, Ding Ermiao took Chu Xiaoman to a market town in the mountains.In order to have a good rest, Ding Ermiao found a hotel in the market town to sleep.

Unexpectedly, something happened after that.

Something happened!

(End of this chapter)

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