Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 517 Whimsical

Chapter 517 Whimsical
In fact, Ding Ermiao also had a way to find out the cause of death of the deceased, and that was through autopsy.However, the body of the deceased will eventually be handed over to the police for disposal. If you dissect the deceased yourself, you will really not be able to tell clearly later.

Kang Xinyi was very curious about the abacus in Li Qingdong's hand, so she asked Ding Ermiao, "Er Miao, can the abacus in Uncle Li's hand calculate the cause of this girl's death?"

"More than that?" Ding Ermiao chuckled and said, "After this matter is over, I will ask him to tell Kangkang's fortune, so that he can figure out what kind of husband you will marry in the future."

"I don't think it's reliable." Kang Xinyi smiled sweetly.I don't know whether she was saying that Li Qingdong's prediction of the deceased's death was unreliable, or that her marriage was unreliable.

At sunrise, after nearly an hour of calculations, Li Qingdong finally collected the celestial disk, stood up and said, "Uncle Master, we've figured it out!"

"Why don't you tell me soon after you've figured it out?" Ding Ermiao glared.

"The deceased was extracted from the spine with a needle." Li Qingdong wiped his sweat before he spoke.

Although it was a cold morning, Li Qingdong was sweating profusely. It can be seen that using the celestial disc to calculate is indeed a laborious task that consumes one's cultivation.

"Ah, the bone marrow was extracted?" Kang Xinyi was stunned, then bent down and looked at the wound of the deceased.

Ding Ermiao thought for a moment, then casually pulled a piece of dogtail grass, bent it at an appropriate angle, and inserted it through the wound of the deceased.When taking out the grass branches again, Ding Ermiao nodded with a heavy face.

"Li Qingdong's calculations are correct. The deceased's spine and bone marrow are gone." Ding Ermiao threw the grass branches aside and said to Kang Xinyi, "Kangkang, put the deceased's clothes on, and then... call the police."

Kang Xinyi nodded, and while dressing the deceased, she asked: "Who did this? What is the other party's purpose? Could it be..., it is of the same nature as illegal kidney removal in society, taking away the blood of these people Bone marrow, sold to illegal medical institutions?”

Ding Ermiao didn't answer, but looked up at Li Qingdong.

Li Qingdong shook his head and said that he had not calculated this level.

"That's not the case, and it's wrong to infer from the time. According to Tan Qingwan, it has been more than 100 years since the appearance of Fei Zong and the beginning of the missing persons case. In other words, those missing people are all related to Just like the girl in front of me, her bone marrow was extracted and she died."

Ding Ermiao pondered and said:

"But more than 100 years ago, modern medicine was not so developed. Even if the bone marrow was extracted, it could not be used in medicine. Therefore, the inference that bone marrow was extracted and sold for money is not valid."

Li Qingdong nodded repeatedly and said, "Uncle Master, what he said makes sense."

"Then what is the other party going to do to extract the bone marrow?" Kang Xinyi dressed the deceased and stood up and asked.

"The only explanation is that the demons used the bone marrow of these dead people to practice some evil method." Ding Ermiao looked around and said:

"Thousands of years of history, there have been many methods of cultivating evil arts, many of which have been inherited by folk heretics. Judging from the strong earth energy in Xiuning Mountain, I suspect that there are demons here who are cultivating immortals and taking advantage of living people. Bone marrow...cultivation."

Kang Xinyi was stunned, and it took her a long time to say: "You mean, some people want to become immortals and live forever, so they killed these people and used their bone marrow as a raw material for cultivation?"

Ding Ermiao nodded.

"Oh my God, in what age are we now, are there still people who have this kind of dream of immortality?!" Kang Xinyi was unbearably angry and said: "Cruel, ignorant, stupid, and whimsical things!"

"Cultivation of immortals can also be said to have historical origins, but it is not necessarily just a whim." Li Qingdong trimmed his beard and said thoughtfully.

"Isn't that just a fantasy? Qin Shihuang and Han Wudi, who didn't think about refining the elixir of immortality, but did they succeed?" Kang Xinyi shook her head and said:
"Liu An, the king of Huainan in the Han Dynasty, was also a pursuer of immortality. However, in the end, he only made tofu and provided a new food for future generations."

Li Qingdong chuckled and said: "What you said are typical failures, not all. For example, Peng Zu who lived 60 years old, Xu Fu who disappeared, Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, and Li Qingyuan who lived [-] years old in the Qing Dynasty. ….They are all representatives of cultivating immortals, and they have all achieved certain successes.”

"Mythical stories are not enough." Kang Xinyi shook her head repeatedly, expressing disbelief.

Ding Ermiao said: "Kangkang, Li Qingyuan in the Qing Dynasty lived for 257 years. It is not a myth. It has been verified and recognized by the whole world. Okay, let's not talk about this topic for now. You can call the police. I will go into the cave. Let's take another look at it, and then go and destroy the flying stiff body."

After that, Ding Ermiao put on the headlamp and walked into Feizheng Cave again.

"Wait for me...!" Kang Xinyi shouted, catching up with her camera, and followed Ding Ermiao into the cave.

In the cave, bones were everywhere.Some bones can still be identified as human or animal, while some broken bones cannot be identified.But walking further inside, I found some human clothes, torn into pieces.

The two of them explored all the way to the bottom of the cave. When they had no way to go, they turned back.Kang Xinyi took a lot of photos in the cave, and they were all shocking and horrific scenes.

Ding Ermiao originally wanted to burn all the broken bones in the cave, but Kang Xinyi said she had to wait until the police came to see her, so she had to give up.

Wang Yuefeng outside has already called the police, and it is estimated that the police will arrive in more than an hour.Ding Ermiao took Li Qingdong to retreat first to look for Fei Zhan who had fallen off the cliff.

The two of them walked to the place where Fei Zong fell off the cliff. Ding Ermiao put his head in and shouted, summoning the female ghost Tan Qingwan.

Tan Qingwan responded and saluted: "Fei Zhan is not dead yet and is struggling on the ground. Archmage, you can take a detour to the right."

Ding Ermiao nodded and took a detour in the direction pointed by Tan Qingwan.

Half an hour later, the two entered the valley and found Fei Zhong lying on the ground. The skin and flesh in some places had been completely burned, but his limbs were still twitching.

"You're so strong, you're so stupid!" Li Qingdong shook his head repeatedly.

Ding Ermiao looked around and ordered Li Qingdong to pick up some dry firewood.Li Qingdong muttered and looked around for dry firewood and dead branches.

After collecting about a load of firewood, Ding Ermiao piled all the dry firewood and dead branches on Fei Zheng's body, waved a paper talisman and shouted: "Maoshan Fire Dragon Talisman, get up!"

The raging fire rose in the valley, and the zombies howled feebly for a few times before finally returning to peace.

"Uncle Ding, I think we've caused a lot of trouble this time." Li Qingdong took out a cigarette, lit it up, swallowed it, looked at the burning zombie, and said worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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