Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 944 Osmanthus Tree

Chapter 944 Osmanthus Tree

Ji Xiaoxiao also made a fuss and asked Hei Wuchang to tell him about the case solved by the descendant of Tianshi to see how difficult it was.

Hei Wuchang couldn't resist, he rolled his eyes slyly, smiled, and said: "It's boring to talk, I hope there will be some wine to cheer up."

Gu Qinglan smiled and said: "This is simple. There are ready-made cooked food and good wine here. Let's talk while eating."

After that, Ji Xiaoxiao and Gu Qinglan collected the remaining cooked food here, took out the cups, chopsticks and dishes, and poured a full bowl of wine for Hei Wuchang.

Hei Wuchang sniffed with enjoyment, inhaling the smell of alcohol. After a while, he raised his head, coughed and cleared his throat, and began to talk.

Ding Ermiao drank lightly and slowly, listening attentively.

"The world is so big that it is full of wonders. There are many strange cases and mysteries in the human world that have remained unsolved for thousands of years, and the same is true in the underworld. Therefore, there is a special yamen in the underworld, which locks the ghosts involved in these difficult cases together. . Waiting for the right time before distributing."

Hei Wuchang said while enjoying the fireworks in the world:
"The Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain and the Master of Maoshan will be invited to the underworld every 20 years, a case will be randomly selected, and the three cao will be tried in public. If the trial is reasonable, it means that 1000 years of Yin De have been obtained. If the trial is unreasonable, it will be wrong. Deduct 1000 years of bad virtue."

Let me go, is there still this rule?
Ding Ermiao put down the wine glass and said, "Is it okay if I regret it now?"

"No, because the Maoshan seal is in your hand, and this is your responsibility." Hei Wuchang chuckled.

"Oh... Then how many years of virtue have I accumulated now?" Ding Ermiao asked again.

"Ask Judge Cui about this. I don't care about these matters." Hei Wuchang lowered his head and continued to inhale the alcohol in the bowl.

Ding Ermiao raised her wine glass helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll ask you about this later. You can continue what happened just now."

"Okay, let's talk about the case solved by the descendant of the Heavenly Master this time." Hei Wuchang said with a hint of drunkenness on his dark face:

"The case she extracted was a mystery case from a hundred years ago. There were only three parties involved in the case, but it was very tortuous, so the underworld was unable to solve the case. The case took place in the tallest building in Jinling City at that time. A dandy was arrested. His father was shot and killed."

Ding Ermiao curled his lips and said: "Killing for life, what's so hard about this?"

"The dandy boy originally wanted to commit suicide, left a suicide note, and jumped off the seventh floor. But unexpectedly, just as he passed the fifth floor, a bullet flew out of the window and hit his heart. Then the deceased fell on the protective net on the fourth floor. The final inspection results showed that the fall from the seventh floor to the fourth floor was not fatal enough. The real fatal injury was that shot."

Hei Wuchang smiled and said: "Do you understand? The dude was shot by his father on the way to fall from the building."

"It's a coincidence, but...his father was just accidentally injured, so he can't be held responsible," Ji Xiaoxiao said.

Gu Qinglan didn't think so and asked, "The question is, why did his father shoot?"

"Hey, that's the problem." Hei Wuchang took another breath of alcohol and said:
"The parents of the deceased often quarreled. When the old man was drunk, he fired a blank shot to scare the old woman. Because it was always a blank shot, the old woman didn't care and was used to it. But she didn't expect that on the day of the incident, there was a bullet in the shotgun. The bullet He missed the old woman but hit his son who jumped from the building."

Ding Ermiao and the three of them looked at each other, thinking that this bullet came out of nowhere.

"Do you know how this bullet came from?" Hei Wuchang made a fool of himself before continuing:

"Later, when a group of ghost criminals were taken to the evil mirror for inspection, they found out that the person who loaded the shotgun with bullets was none other than the dandy. The dandy was cut off from his father's financial supply because he was living in debauchery and not doing his job properly. Therefore, this guy held a grudge. He used the fact that his father often fired blank shots to scare his mother to set up a plan, hoping to cause the tragedy of his father shooting his mother, and then he could take over the family property."

"It is his own responsibility for such a son to die ten thousand times." Ding Ermiao chuckled, sighing at the cruelty of human nature.

In order to take charge of the family property, the son actually murdered his parents.

"Having said that, the deceased was very resentful and believed that he died because of his father's murder. He has been refusing to reincarnate. He has been punished over and over again in hell, but he still refuses to accept it. So the case has been postponed until today. ..."

Ji Xiaoxiao held up her chin and asked, "So in the end, how did the descendant of the Heavenly Master assign this dandy?"

"Hehe..., the descendants of the Heavenly Master said that in this family, the father was unkind, the son was unfilial, and the husband and wife were not harmonious. Therefore, they could not be human in the next life. They turned into three foxes and were hunted by hunters. In order to save their lives, they framed each other and ended the previous life. grudges."

Ding Ermiao was stunned, and asked: "That's it, that dude will accept it? The task of passing on the celestial master is completed?"

"I'm convinced. Hehe... I guess that dude has suffered enough from the torture of the underworld, so he doesn't bother to object to the judgment of the descendant of the Heavenly Master. It can be said that the descendant of the Heavenly Master is very lucky this time and effortlessly The earth has harvested thousands of years of virtue."

After Hei Wuchang finished talking about the descendants of the Heavenly Master, he lowered his head and took a sip of alcohol.

" turns out that the Yin virtues of the underworld are so easy to deceive!" Ding Ermiao clapped and laughed, saying: "Three days later, I will follow the example of the descendants of the Heavenly Master and assign those ghost criminals as cats and dogs to defraud 1000 years of Yin virtue!"

Hei Wuchang stood up drunkenly and said: "I hope you are as lucky as the descendants of the Heavenly Master. Brother, I will take my leave first. At dusk three days later, a ghost servant from the underworld will come to pick you up."

"Go slowly, don't see me off." Ding Ermiao and Ji Xiaoxiao and Gu Qinglan stood up to see each other off, leading Hei Wuchang to the backyard and asking him to go back from the backyard.

But he didn't expect that as soon as he arrived in the backyard, Heiwuchang had a sudden convulsion, shook his hand, and the iron chain slammed towards a sweet-scented osmanthus tree in the backyard!

"Oh no!" Liang Liang, the ghost scholar hiding in the shade of the tree, shouted, and his ghostly figure floated out and fled out of the courtyard.

"Where to go!" Hei Wuchang shouted, and he jumped up to chase Liang Liang.

"Come back!" Ding Ermiao shook his hand, swung out the corpse whip, wrapped around Hei Wuchang's waist, and grabbed him alive.

Hei Wuchang was furious and turned around and shouted: "Ding Ermiao, what are you doing? I am performing official duties and it is my duty to catch lonely ghosts!"

"Fan Baye, that's a ghost friend of mine, can you just be accommodating?" Ding Ermiao chuckled.

"Absurd, funny! You are a disciple of Maoshan, a ghost-catching master, and you actually make friends with ghosts?!" Hei Wuchang was entangled with the corpse-beating whip and yelled angrily.

"You are also a ghost, aren't you also my friend?" Ding Ermiao shook his hand and let go of the corpse whip.

Anyway, at this time, Liang Liang had already run far away, and Hei Wuchang could not catch up.

(End of this chapter)

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