Six Ways of Fumo

Chapter 992 Ma Hongcheng

Chapter 992 Ma Hongcheng

"Why not?" Ding Ermiao asked hurriedly, knowing that he was in trouble this time.

"This kind of reincarnation method just doesn't work." Cui Yu said seriously:
"Think about it, these two people drank Mengpo soup, and then forgot the memories of their previous lives, just like the souls of a newborn baby, who don't understand anything, but suddenly possessed two adults, what's the point? "

Ding Ermiao was stunned and had indeed forgotten this joint.

"Then... let's reincarnate with our memories, okay?" Luo Ying asked stupidly.

Cui Yu glared and said: "It's ridiculous, there are people out there who are reincarnated with their memories!"

Luo Ying was frightened and shut up immediately.

Ding Ermiao rubbed her temples and said, "Judge Cui, tell me, what should we do about this?"

"Treat it in the usual way, reincarnate as a baby and start over from scratch." Cui Yu sighed and said, "For the sake of Mr. Wenquxing and Mr. Shangchai, this is already a great deal of care."

"Thank you." Ding Ermiao cupped his hands and thanked him, then looked at Kang Cheng Luoying and said:

"The laws of Hades are like this, so you can't complain to anyone. In addition, coming back as a baby is also the right path in the world. You can feel more joy, anger, sorrow, and warmth in the world. Regarding your marriage, it will be decided for you here, and you can also Don’t worry. Just go for it.”

With that said, Ding Ermiao carefully looked through the babies that were about to be born in the mountain city area, and chose two pregnant women who lived across the street for Kang Cheng Luoying to reincarnate.

Kang Cheng and Luoying looked at each other, but finally did not dare to speak, kowtowed to express gratitude, and turned around to follow Hei Wuchang.

Ding Ermiao had already analyzed this result when he was in Yuanzhuang, so it was not too surprising.

Now Kang Cheng Luoying is worried about whether Meng Po Tang can successfully pass the test.

Otherwise, even if they are reincarnated into the next life, even if they become husband and wife, neither of them will know the fate of the previous life.

After assigning Kang Cheng Luoying, Ding Ermiao picked up Liang Liang's verdict again and said: "This is the last one, this one is easy to handle."

Cui Yu took it and looked at it, and said with a wry smile: "Wrong, this one is the most difficult one to handle."

"No way?" Ding Ermiao pretended to be confused and said: "This ghost criminal was a scholar during his lifetime, and the requirements for reincarnation are also very simple. As long as he belongs to a scholarly family, no matter how high or low he is."

"But Master Shangchao, haven't you seen Wenquxingjun's verdict? He was promised three yuan and won the third prize in a row!" Cui Yu shook his head repeatedly.

"Is that so?" Ding Ermiao thought for a while and waved his hand: "No matter what, let's arrest Liang Liang first. Brother Niutou, I have to trouble you to make a trip this time."

With that said, Ding Ermiao compared the files, filled out the ritual dish, and threw it to Niutou.

Niu Tou did not dare to neglect, took the Dharma dish and hurried away.

After Niutou left, Ding Ermiao felt much more relaxed.

Now Liang Liang is the last case. As long as he is brought to justice, this trip to the underworld will be considered complete.

"Judge Cui, you just said that Liang Liang's case is the most difficult to handle, but what's going on?" Ding Ermiao asked calmly.

"Lord Shangchao..." Cui Yu was about to answer when he saw a figure flash and Meng Fanjin, the judge of the Investigation Department, walked into the hall with an unhappy look on his face.

Ding Ermiao chuckled, looked at Meng Fanjin and said, "Why did it take so long to come back? Are you tired, Master Meng?"

Meng Fanjin was the first to be sent away by Ding Ermiao, who was responsible for sending Jin Shiyu's soul back to his golden body.

The reason why it took him so long to come back was because he was not familiar with the business.

As mentioned before, generally speaking, black and white and bull-headed and horse-faced people are responsible for such things.

Meng Fanjin was inevitably clumsy when doing such rough work.

"Thank you for your concern, sir. Although I'm not talented, I can still do this job." Meng Fanjin held back his anger and reluctantly raised his fists.

"Ahem..." Cui Yugan coughed, then continued the topic and said to Ding Ermiao:

"Master Shangchai doesn't know. The result of Wenqu Xingjun's request is to arrange three yuan in Lianzhong for Liang Liang's next life. However, in recent decades, all industries in the world have flourished, danced and danced, and many people have done good deeds and accumulated profound ancestral virtues. The descendants of these families are the blessings of Lianzhong Sanyuan. At present..., such places have been queued for 80 years."

I'll go, so long?Ding Ermiao frowned secretly.

80 years later, that's okay, but how should Liang Liang spend these 80 years of waiting?

Let him wait in hell for 80 years?This definitely won't work.Hades would never agree to let him return to the human world and continue wandering for 80 years.

Let him reincarnate immediately and live a lifetime first, which can kill the 80 years. But Mr. Wen Quxing only arranged for the next life, not the next life.

If Liang Liang goes back and lives his whole life first, then in the next life, he still won't be able to get the top prize as he wishes.

"Master Shangchai, do you understand what I mean? If Liang Liang wants to be the number one scholar in the next life, he must wait until 80 years later before he can be reincarnated." Cui Yu added an explanation.

Ding Ermiao nodded and sighed: "I understand, I understand. But... there is no hope of a turnaround?"

"Of course there is hope, but this kind of coincidence is difficult to come across." Cui Yu said.

"What kind of coincidence, tell me." Ding Ermiao asked when he had nothing to do.

"Let me tell you something from the past. This incident actually has something to do with the current Wenqu Xingjun."

Cui Yu looked at the audience and said:
"Forty years ago, there was a student named Ma Hongcheng somewhere. When he was in middle school, he would pass by a Earth Temple every day. Suddenly one night, while the student was sleeping at home, the Earth Bodhisattva came to visit him in his dream.

Ma Hongcheng knew the Earth Bodhisattva because he passed by the Earth Temple every day, so he had a conversation in his dream and asked what happened to the Earth.

The Earth Bodhisattva cupped his hands and said, Sir, he is the Wenqu star in the sky. The star is so bright that every day when he walks in front of the small temple, the little god has to stand up to greet him. It is really miserable.I hope that my husband will be merciful and go to school every day, and the little god will be grateful.

The Earth Bodhisattva revealed the secret of heaven, so Ma Hongcheng knew that he was the Kuixing descended to earth.At that time, Ma Hongcheng had already had a baby kiss with the girl from the Zhao family next door, but this girl Zhao was ordinary-looking.Therefore, Ma Hongcheng thought, if I obtain fame in the future and achieve my ambitions, I will break off the engagement with Miss Zhao and marry another beautiful woman, so that my life will not be in vain.

Unexpectedly, the dark room deceived his mind and his eyes like lightning. Ma Hongcheng's thoughts were discovered by heaven, and the starlight was immediately taken away. More than ten years later, Wenqu Xingjun fell on Pan Yifeng. "

Ding Ermiao nodded repeatedly and said: "Scholars cannot cultivate their moral character and cultivate their character all the time. Even if the blessings are profound, they will not be able to enjoy them. I wonder what that Ma Hongcheng is doing now?"

"I'm killing pigs. I didn't pass the college entrance examination and became a pig butcher." Cui Yu said.

(Please vote for me!!! Chapter 29 will be released at noon on the 20th, and another 30 chapters will be released in the evening, so stay tuned!)
(End of this chapter)

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