Chapter 141

What is providence?It is probably a kind of telepathy from a person with extremely high cultivation level.

On a sudden whim, Lu Yuanming realized that the opportunity to open the "House of Qi" lies in the "Miao Le Ling Fei Jing"!

Therefore, after arranging all the chores, Lu Yuan left Tianji Palace alone.

After leaving the valley where the Tianji Palace is located, Lu Yuan ran a long distance into the Kuocang Mountain Area. This area is vast. Lu Yuan encountered mountains, opened mountains, waded through rivers, and penetrated deep into the Kuocang Mountain Area.

The next day, he found a deserted cave, took out the "Miao Le Ling Fei Jing", and studied it carefully.

"Miao Le Ling Fei Jing" gathers the culmination of Ling Daoist's music and martial arts.It is divided into four chapters: "Spiritual Song", "Spiritual Dance", "Inspiration" and "Spiritual Flying".

"Spiritual music" is internal energy. There are 22 songs in total, each corresponding to a meridian. By playing musical instruments, the inner energy is driven to practice internal energy.

"Spiritual dance" is a body method and a move. It is both dance and martial arts. It needs the spiritual energy as the foundation. If the rhythm is right, it can absorb any martial arts in the world to produce new changes.

"Inspiration" is the mental method of perceiving external things through true energy. There are three realms of human sounds, earth sounds and natural sounds, with ancient words and profound principles.

"Ling Fei" is just a mysterious talk, and it is even more difficult and obscure. It is said that after you master it, you can control all things.

Therefore, the theoretical ultimate state of "Miao Le Ling Fei Jing" is to control all things in the world.

It's just that theories are theories. Ling Taoist and Shi Yinshen are competing in martial arts in Huangguan, and the cultivation they show is only refining the gods, not yet refining the void.

As for whether Taoist Ling saw through the realm of refining the void before he died, only he himself knows.

Martial arts practice has limits for warriors in this world. No matter how talented you are, you will not live forever, and in the end you will only be a piece of loess.

But Lu Yuan is different. The mysterious Yumen gave him the opportunity to travel through the heavens and worlds, and also gave him the possibility of infinite transcendence.

He wants to see where his opportunities are in the "Miao Le Ling Fei Jing"!

Lu Yuan opened the "Spiritual Songs" chapter of The Foundation of Everything. The first piece was called "Shaoyang Nourishing Lung Song". As the name suggests, it practices the true energy in the "Hand Shaoyin Lung Meridian".

According to the method recorded in the scriptures, Lu Yuan adjusted his breathing rhythm, concentrated on playing the flute, and felt a warm current flowing back and forth in his meridians.

After a song is blown, it makes people feel like a spring breeze, relaxed and comfortable, and extremely comfortable.

This is not the first time Lu Yuan has practiced internal energy, but the feeling of relaxation, joy, and rhythm of breathing is completely different from before.

Lu Yuan worked hard, and played "The Song of Yangming Cleansing the Intestines", "The Song of Yangming Qingwei", "The Song of Taiyin Soothes the Spleen", "The Song of Sun Softening the Intestines", "The Song of Shaoyin Cleansing the Heart", "The Song of Shaoyin Song of Foot Kidney, Song of Taiyang Turning Abdomen, Song of Shaoyang Sanjiao, Song of Jueyin Tongxin, Song of Jueyin Cleansing Liver, Song of Shaoyang Enhancing Courage...

After playing the fourteen meridians, start with "Ren Mai Yin" and "Du Mai Cao", then play "Chong Mai Yin", "Dai Mai Yin", "Yin Wei Tiao", "Yang Wei Tiao", "Yin Wei Tiao" Tune" and "Yang Tiao" are the eight extraordinary meridians.

After playing the 22 spiritual songs, I felt that all the [-] pores in my whole body were relaxed and relaxed, as if I was breathing.

This is the realm of "fetal breath". Lu Yuan also realized this realm before when he practiced the "Eternal Life Eternal Spring Kung Fu".

At this moment, with the help of the martial arts realm of his own martial arts great master.

The rhythm of all things and the breath of the four seasons are clearly presented before your eyes!

In the world of Tian Long Ba Bu, Lu Yuan built his foundation with Taoist magical skills and understood the "true meaning of freedom". He could "take advantage of the righteousness of heaven and earth and resist the debate of the six qi". This is an extremely incredible state.

It's just that Lu Yuan realized it at that time, even during the battle with the sweeping monk.

But know it, but don't know why?

He thought that was the case, and he realized it, so where is the reason for it?

But after practicing the "Miao Le Ling Fei Sutra", he was moved. It turns out that the realm is not a fairy tale, a castle in the air, but the root of it is the fluctuation of all things, the breath of all things!

Everything in nature, including birds, beasts, insects and fish, flowers, plants and trees, even gold, stone and jade, has life.

They have their own fluctuations and rhythms. By incorporating the fluctuations and rhythms, you can mobilize part of the power and turn it into an attack. This is a great master of martial arts, equivalent to a master of refining gods in this world.

And once you can comprehend such fluctuations and rhythms, feel the breath of all things, your body is integrated with all things, and the heaven and earth are one with me, you will be a master of the realm of refining the void.

The Miao Le Ling Fei Sutra is in the same line as the Taoist school, but it is ingenious. The chapter "Inspiration" quotes Zhuangzi's theory of "the three sounds of heaven, earth and man", that is, the so-called "the sound of people blowing the flute, the sound of the earth when the wind blows the orifice, and the sound of the sky". Blow everything into the sound of nature."

Among them, the sounds of human beings have reason to follow, the sounds of earth have opportunities to ride on, the sounds of nature come without knowing their coming, and go without knowing where they are going. The air is the string, the wind is the tube, the water chime, the thunder drum, vibrate all things...

The height of Lu Yuan's realm is definitely not comparable to that of Le Zhiyang, who is just entering the way of practice. Therefore, after getting started with "Lingqu", he actually penetrated "human sounds", "earth sounds" and even "natural sounds" in one fell swoop!
Originally, according to Ling Taoist's commentary, to practice Miao Le Ling Fei Sutra, one needs to play spiritual tunes, dance spiritual dances, accumulate true energy, and comprehend the theory of music.

Then he jumped out of the circle of "Zhou Tianling Feiqu" and reached the realm of "Sound of Earth" from "Sound of Man".

However, Lu Yuan's realm is too high, he only played "Zhou Tianling Flying Song" once, and he managed to match the voice of all things with the true energy in his body, and even surpassed the ordinary and vulgar, and reached the way of heaven!
"With my heart as my heart, the heavens and the earth can be used by me. I use the thunder as a drum, gather Fengshui as a string, use the earth's lungs as a pipe to blow, and turn mountains into bells..."

At this moment, Lu Yuan was blessed with countless thoughts lingering in his heart!
At this moment, he relaxed his mind, and let the natural sounds of wind, birds, running water and other things guide Lingfei's true energy, and his skills will circle the sky and fill the sky and the earth!
As time passed, Lingfei's true energy flowed with the sound, fast and slow, strong and weak at times, rampant for a while, and twists and turns for a while.

It almost transcends the scope of any inner skill and mental method, and turns into the rhythm of heaven and earth, the breathing of the four seasons, almost omnipotent and omnipresent!

"Tian Lai sees everything as breathable, Tian Xin sees everything as fluctuations, I understand..."

With the fluctuation of true energy, Lu Yuan's mind also spread out in all directions, entering the realm of the unity of man and nature, but this time it felt different from the past, Lu Yuan had already mastered the principle of "the unity of man and nature" .

The true energy in his body is also constantly accumulating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

What's even more commendable is that because this kind of zhenqi is cultivated in the state of the unity of man and nature, the innate zhenqi fits the Dao.

It also allowed Lu Yuan to unknowingly open the "House of Qi" in the Tanzhong point of Zhongdantian!
(End of this chapter)

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